Sunday, August 31, 2008
Last day of august
I got two sweepstakes wins this month. The $50 gift card from WD-40. The other win is the monster madness video game for PlayStation 3. I don't have a PlayStation 3, but I can't resist entering sweepstakes for video games. Two wins is a good month, but I hope next month I will get more than two wins.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Plastic car models
I wanted a spray paint gun so I could paint my cars, but I only had bottles of spray paint for the body of the cars and I also had little bottles of paint and some brushes for the smaller parts of the cars like the engine and hubcaps.
I had I think three different kinds of glue. I had nontoxic glue that came in a tube, I also had the toxic version of the nontoxic glue. I had some quick set glue where I would hold it for 30 seconds and the plastic parts stayed together and it would dry in I can't remember how many minutes. Another type of glue I had was some kind of rubber cement I think. One type of glue I did not have that I wanted was quick set epoxy which I think is suppose to dry in five minutes.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Simula Programming Langauge
I have one simula compiler that I think might work, but it needs a c compiler. I wish I could find an easy to install simula compiler so I can try programming in simula. I think writing a few lines of source code in simula would be great fun. Maybe some day I will find a compiler.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Cobol programming language
I have .Net on my computer so I downloaded the compiler and set my path. I tried wildcat and it probably would work fine if I had llasm.exe. The instillation instructions for wildcat said I needed llasm.exe in my path. I had .Net so I thought I would have llasm, but I did not have llasm in my path. So I could not get the compiler to work.
I probably need to download the .Net SDK to get llasm.exe so wildcat will work. I think the SDk is large so I can not download it. I am so disappointed that I can not try COBOL, but I am sure some day I will find a COBOL compiler.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
one of my favorite books is upgrading and rapairing pc's
It's a big book, but I did not mind I was so excited to learn more about computer hardware. I read most of the book. I think it took me a couple of months to finish. I learned a lot from the book even though I did not have a computer and had never seen the inside of a computer. I knew almost nothing when I started the book, but I learned about hard drives the system bus and CD Rom's.
I recently got a newer edition of Upgrading and rapairing PC's from a library and read 600 pages of it. The computer section of a library is an exciting place, I could stay there all day. I was excited when I got the book home. I could not wait to read the newer edition of Upgrading and repairing PC's. I had a great time reading the book, but did not finish it. Someday I know I will finish an Upgrading and repairing PC's book.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I have another website
The only problem is I do not know what to put on the website. I only know I want to make a website. I know I will find something to write about. I would love for it to be popular, but the process of building a site will be fun even if no one sees it. I think it will be a great learning experience.
Monday, August 25, 2008
100 posts wow
I know no one is reading this, but that's fine. I have fun writing and if no one ever reads my blog oh well. Writing is a blast and I always feel good after doing it. I can write about my computer or
sweepstakes or what ever I want and it feels great. When I started the blog I felt scared to write on the internet, but I am not scared anymore. I hope I make it to 365 posts.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
4.Sports Illustrated
I like going to the Sports Illustrated website at least once a day because its relaxing to read about sports. Also I like the wesite because its updated every day. A lot of the other stuff I read on the Internet is hard for me to understand like when I try to learn how to use blender or learn a programming language. Sports Illustated gives me relief.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
3. Sweepstakes Advantage
I go to sweepstakes advantage every day to find new daily, weekly, and monthly sweepstakes to enter and also to enter the one entry sweepstakes that are expiring in a day or two. I also love the freebies section. I have found so many great sweepstakes on the site.
I don't spend as much time on the site as I used to, but I probably spend 30 minutes a day. I found out that if all I do is look at sweepstakes I get tired of them quickly so I try and do other things.
Friday, August 22, 2008
And I mean I knew nothing. I did not know what the start menu was or how to even start a program. I did not now what minimizing a program was or how to turn off a program. I had heard of c++, but had no idea how to write even a small program. I also did not know what a the desktop was. I had a great time listening listing to the show though.
One of the first things I did when I got my computer was sign up for Kim Komando's newsletters, The cool site of the day, Tip of the day, and her weekend newsletter. Later see added the news of the day and I signed up for that also.
I've learn a lot from those newsletters. I've learned about a lot of free programs like gimp, firewalls and antivirus software.what else have I learned. I have also learned that I needed anti spyware programs. I had no idea I needed anti spyware when I got my computer. The site has helped me a lot.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
1. My favorite websites
I don't remember how long it took me to figure out that had a lot of cool websites. I don't think it was a long time though. After I learned of the other sites on I stated signing up for more news letters because the sites were so cool. Now I receive a lot of newsletters from
I don't know where I would be without the site probably still looking for a C++ compiler. I have learned so many cool things. I've learned about sports, business, computer repair and maintenance, programming languages, math, just so many things. is a great website.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
cobra programming Langauge
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Puppy Linux
When I first went to the puppy Linux site I wanted to download puppy Linux so I did and burned it onto a CD and set my computer to boot from the CD drive. I rebooted my computer and puppy Linux came on the screen.
I wanted to see if I could get on the Internet so I tried setting up the modem, but puppy Linux did not support my software modem. I was disappointed that I could not get on the Internet, but I did play with puppy Linux a little. I had a blast using a text editing program and writing html, css, and javascript and then using a web browser to view the web page and just playing around with puppy Linux. Puppy Linux was fun.
Monday, August 18, 2008
2 past wins from February 2008

I thought it was amazing that I won two days in a row from the same instant win game. I have not used the Tide To Go Pen or the coupon yet, but I am sure I will have a use for them some day.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Damn Small Linux
I've tried the OS a little, but I have not used it much. I didn't try Damn small Linux that much because my CD ROM drive is loud and I hate listening to all the noise. I don't think I can boot from my thumb drive so I can't put it on that.
If I ever try using Damn Small Linux again I would put it on a thumb drive or install it on my computer. I'd love to install Damn small Linux, but I am not sure it would support my modem. Some day I hope to use a Linux distro every day.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
sweepstakes wins for january 2008

In January of this year I won two prizes. The first prize was a pair of movie tickets from the Logitech bundle up and win game. The tickets were worth $20 dollars, but I didn't use them. I let the tickets expire I wish I would have sold the tickets for some money. oh well.
The other prize I won in January was from American pie presents beta house DVD online giveaway. I have watched one of the American pie movies, but I don't think it was American pie beta house. But I think this one would be a fun to watch. I love movies about college.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Ubuntu Linux
I put the live cd in my cd drive and went through the set up, but I could not get Ubuntu to work on my computer. Well I think it did work, but I could not get the x server setup right. I think it was a problem with the refresh rate on my monitor. I looked on the Internet to see if anyone else had the same problem and how I could fix it. I did not find a solution to my problem.I probably did not look that hard thought. I tried setting up Ubuntu a few more times with no success.
Someday I want to get Ubuntu working on my computer so I can try some of the programming tools that are suppose to come with Ubuntu and I also want to lean what I think are called shell commands. I also want to surf the Internet and use blender on Ubuntu.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
past sweepstakes win feb.2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The fist gingerbread man I animated
This is the first gingerbread man I animated. I wanted to put my first animation on my blog, but I did not know where the file was on my computer. I checked where I put all my other blender files, but it was not there. I looked in the tmp folder where blender saves files and found it there, but it was not finished. It had 11 frames, but should have had 40 frames. I tried to upload it, but I always got an error when I uploaded the video. So I figured out maybe a video has to have a certain amount of frames to be able to be uploaded.
So that is why it is changed a little. As I said when I put up the last video my first animation was not good. The gingerbread man walked, but he did not walk right. The legs moved back, but they moved back at the same time. The legs did not go one forward and one back like they are suppose to. The arms were not right either. To summarise my first animation was horrible.
So in this short animation I used the original scene and fixed the animation so at least the gingerbread man looks like he is walking. I made the video 50 frames. Looking at my first animation on my computer because I still have the video I think it was only 11 frames. So I did find the original finished file and not some unfinished saved copy like I thought. I guess I messed up the number of frames too. The first animation never had 40 frames. oh well. I used quicktime instead of avi raw which I used the first time. I also tried to make the gingerbread man wave at the end.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
prolog programming language
Monday, August 11, 2008
perl continued
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Perl Programming language
The perl emails are where I heard about indigo perl which is perl, php and apache all in one package. I installed indigoperl on my computer, but could not figure out how to get indigoperl to work. After awhile I got indigoperl to work, but I was not interested in learning perl or php anymore.
I thought indgoperl was not being updated anymore, but I looked at the site and I saw it was recently updated. I think I'll get the new version of indigoperl and use it to learn php and test my website on my computer. I am happy indigoperl is still being updated.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
First sweepstakes win of august
Friday, August 8, 2008
Rock Crawling
I don't think I'd do good at rock crawling it looks scary. I would be afraid to flip the vehicle over. I think I would not have the Patience for rock crawling either, because the sport looks to me like it takes time. Rock crawling was fun to watch though.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Open Object Rexx
As usual I got excited and downloaded and installed the interpreter on my computer. I wanted to learn rexx so I download the documentation. I read a little of the documentation and then gave up and have not used rexx since. I'm not sure I have even written a single line of rexx code. So all I can say is I like Open Object rexx because it is free. Maybe I will try using is some day.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The onion
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fortran programming language
A few days ago I saw FORTRAN mentioned on a website and I thought I want to try FORTRAN. I went to the open watcom website and downloaded a new version of the c/c++ and also the FORTRAN 77 compiler and installed both compilers.
Today I went to my favorite online site with free books and went to a FORTRAN tutorial and tried some FORTRAN code. I had a great time writing FORTRAN code. I always love trying out programming languages I have not used before. I don't know if I want to learn FORTRAN, but as I said I am having fun with it now.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Gimgerbread man walking
This is an animation I made using Blender. The animation is of a gingerbread man walking in place. It's from a tutorial in the blender manual. I've done the tutorial before, but the animation did not turn out good. The gingerbread man looked horrible and he did not walk the way he was suppose to.
The first time I tried this tutorial I saved the animation using avi raw. The file was huge about 35MB for 2 seconds of video. This animation is in quicktime format so it's about 3MB for 1 second of animation. I think I did a good job for my second animation.
My goal is to do one new animation a week and put it on this blog. I am not sure I will be able to accomplish that goal, but I will try. Some of the reasons for not accomplishing this goal would be. The animations take a long time to render, this one took 20 minutes for 40 frames. Uploading the clips also might take to long. So I will keep the animations short.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Favorite Pro football team
Those were the good old days when the 49ers got ten or more wins every year. Its been a few years since they have had ten wins. I love watching 49ers games when ever I get the chance.Last year the 49ers did not do so well, but hopefully this will be a good year. I think the will go 10 and 6 and make the playoffs.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
one of my favorite video games
As I said I like playing video games although I am not good at playing them. At least I don't think I am good at playing them. Anyway my favorite type of games are sports video games. One of my favorite sports video games was NFL 95 or was it NFL 94 I can't member the exact name.
On kickoffs I liked to kick the ball to the sideline and off the computer opponent so the ball would go out of bounds on the 10 or 5 yard line. On offense I enjoyed playing Mel Gray because he could not be tackled easily if at all and rushing him every time I wold score 100 points in less than a half of football. On dense I liked to bring a linebacker to the line and blitz every down. The linebacker would get to the quarter back every time well almost every time. I always controlled the linebacker.
Another thing I liked to do was block field goals. I would get a fast linebacker and bring him up to the line and when the ball was snapped for the kick blitz and get to the holder. That worked a few times I think.
Of course sports video games were not as hard back then as they are now. I think they are better now thought. They have better graphics and more things to do. I hope to make a sports video game myself someday.
Friday, August 1, 2008
More Notre Dame
I also enjoyed the movie Rudy that came out in 1995 about a player on the Notre Dame football team in the 1970's. Rudy is an inspiring movie and I always felt better after I watched it. It is a feel good movie. I think I can accomplish anything after watching Rudy.