Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sometime I think I will never be able

Sometimes I think I will never be able to write my own programs. After all I have tried for five years and have not succeeded yet. But the future could be different I suppose or it could be the same. I hope in the future that I can write my own programs and blog about them.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today there will not be an interesting post

There will not be an interesting post today. Its like all the other post this year boring but, I want to keep posting everyday so I need to write something. This post is over.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I am still trying to learn python

I am still trying to learn python and I am having a fun time. The is the longest I have ever spent learning a programming language because as I have mentioned many times before I switch from programming language to programming language. I know I can learn to write programs, I know it. Its something I have wanted to do and I will do it.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Unfortunately today's post will not be the first post where I start to write better post, bummer. Maybe tomorrow, maybe not tomorrow. I don't know.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Earlier today I was thinking to myself that I want to write a blog that I am proud of. It would be something I can take pride in and say to myself wow, no one reads my blog but, that is fine because I am proud of myself because of the good and interesting writing.

I am so far away from those goal. No on reads my blog but, my writing is bad. I don't write anything interesting I just write the same boring stuff over and over again. So I want to improve my writing. That will be no small task.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blender talk

I can't wait to start making animations and games with blender. I know I always say that but, I am repeating myself. I am so excited.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

600 + posts, Yay

Wow I have written 600 blog posts. That a lot of bad post that for sure. I never though I would make it this long blogging. Yay, fore me.

One thing I wish I could do is write better blog posts but, what can I say I am boring and not a very good writer. To bad.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I finally download inskape 4.7 today

I finally was able to download the newest version of inkscape today. I have tried to download it several times before but, the download would always start to slow up and then stop before the installer was finished downloading. Even today the download stopped the first time. So I thought maybe I will switch to a different browser to download inkscape and yep that worked. Hooray.

Now I need to get learning inkscape otherwise installing it will have been a waste of time. Get learning, Silly.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Great post, now way, ha ha

Oh I don' have anything interesting to write about today and I don't feel like writing so I am ending this post now. Goodnight.

Monday, March 22, 2010

silly fake dairy

I don't have anything to write about so I will just start writing or maybe I won't start writing. No, no, I will start writing. I will write fiction today that's what I will do.

Dear diary I am sorry for the long delay, no that's not what I mean. Sorry that I have not written for awhile Ok, no I am not. No way am I sorry that I have not written a diary entry for a few weeks. To bad if you missed me diary because I don't care. I don't care one bit.

So whats going on in my life now, I am sure you don't care diary but, I am telling you anyway. I am doing absolutely nothing that's what. Ok so there is nothing new in my life. What wrong with that? Nothing, goodnight diary.

Sunday, March 21, 2010


I think eventually I will finish reading dive into python 3. I am so excited that I have stuck to learning a programming language. I know I can learn how to make small programs.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Exciting post, not

I hope I can keep on blogging so when I have something to write about I will have a place to write about it. I hope that makes sense and if it doesn't to bad.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Yet another dull post

I have nothing to write about today, but I want to write so I am writing. That's all.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

A stunning post

I really need to find something to write about so that I don't always write that my posts are boring. After almost two years of blogging you would thing I would have found something to write about but, no I have not because I am still trying to learn python and blender. I guess I could write about that, maybe.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I did not get much accomplished yesterday

Time for today's uninteresting post. I did not get much done yesterday other then reading emails and entering sweepstakes. Unfortunately I had let my emails build up for a few days so I had about 180 unread emails to read. That may emails takes me a couple of hours to get through. I got the number of email in my in box down though.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A dull pointless post

Yesterday I spent a lot of my day entering sweepstakes so I did not have much time to program or make 3d models. I seems like no matter how long I am on my computer I get the same amount of work done. I could get on my computer at 5:00am and still barely finish reading my email everyday. That's all for today.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Yesterday I spent more time reading

Yesterday I spent some more time reading the blender user manual and dive into python 3. I had some fun in other words. If I keep doing what I did yesterday who knows I may make something some day. This post is putting me to sleep so I will end it.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

There is a boring post comming

I am so proud of myself I am still trying to read dive into python 3. Yes, for me. Usually by now I would have quit read the book and went on to learning and reading another programming language and book without of course finishing dive into python 3. I know I will be a below average programmer but, I want to be able to finish what I start.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another outstanding post, not

Yesterday I re-read a chapter or two from blender basics and today I read some more of the blender user manual on Ok I almost fell asleep re-reading that last sentence because it is so exciting. My posts are getting worse and worse and yet I keep blogging. I am glad no one reads this blog because they might fall asleep at their computer. Ah in twenty years when I start making animations with blender then I will have something interesting to write about but, until then more boring blog posts. Say that 20 times Boring Blog posts, Boring Blog posts.....Goodnight Silly Notsosupercoder.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Today's boring post

Time for today's boring post where I say I still have not produced any animations or finished reading dive into python 3. How exciting.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Let me take this opportunity to say that I have still

Let me take this opportunity to say that I still have not made any animations and also that I cant think of anything to write so I an writing off the top of my head, no wait I always write off the top of my head so that is not news. Maybe I should take some time to think about what I am going to write about each day; why bother it would not make what I write about any more interesting. Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Today is one of those days where I am posting

Today is one of those days where I am writing a blog post just so I can say that I post everyday. I suppose I could come up with something interesting to write but, that requires work and I don't like work.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I am repeating myself again

It seems to me that no matter how long I am on my computer I am never able to get everything I want to get done, done. That's probably the way it is with everyone. I will have to content myself with getting the most important things finished and if I don't achieve my other goals that is Ok, because there is only so much time in the day.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My blog should be called definitive proof that I am boring

My blog should be called definitive proof that I am boring because I am boring. Someday I hope to become unboring or exciting but, until then I will have to write boring blog posts.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I spend so much time doing other things online

I spend so much time doing other things online that I don't have enough time to work on my blender skills. Somehow I have got to figure out how to spend some time making things in blender everyday other wise I will never get the hang of the program. I know I will make animations someday, I hope.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

silly fake diary entry #23

I am doing something out of the ordinary today diary I am taking the whole day off and sitting on the couch and watching my favorite movies. Oops sitting on the couch and watching my favorite movies is something I do everyday so never mind what I said in the first sentence diary.

Someday I am going to get up off that couch and do something or move around but, not until I finish eating the popcorn ha ha. I am completely serious though diary when I say this life of leisure is getting to me because I am getting old and now looking back what have I done with my life, nothing I tell you, nothing. You know writing that down now and reading it over doing nothing with my life does not sound so bad. I think I will go eat more popcorn. Goodnight diary.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Just a quick post

Today just a quick post to say that I am still trying to learn python. Gosh I am so exciting.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

silly fake diary entry #23

Today more of silly's fake diary.

Its been a great day today. Diary I don't believe I have discussed my technological illiteracy before so why not write about it today. Until my learning sessions with bob I was unable to turn on my computer because I could not find the power button, how silly is that. So I had to have Bob the Butler get my computer all set up for me; you know turning on the computer and logging onto the Internet because I could not do any of that stuff. I am so embarrassed. A few weeks ago I decided that someday I would turn on and log onto the Internet myself without Bob the butlers help.

To make my dream come true it took minutes of work over several weeks. First I told bob the butler that if he would not help me learn how to turn on my computer and get it onto the Internet he was fired. So of course he was glad to help me. We had a total of two learning sessions(his term not mine) lasing several minutes each.

For the first learning session he showed me where the power button is on the computer. He had to show me where it was a few times before I found it on my own.

The second session consisted of him you guessed it, showing me how to log onto the Internet. Again he had to show me several times until I could log on by myself. I was exhausted, but fulfilled.

Today I put my lessons into practice for the first time. I am still scared of my computer. I think if I press the wrong button I will delete all my files. Someday I will get the hang of this gadget. Time for bed, goodnight.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Noting interesting to talk about on the

I have noting exciting to write about programming. I am still reading dive into python 3. I am surprised at myself; I am still only trying to learn one programming language. Wow, this a boring post. Goodnight.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

silly fake diary entry #22

Woe is me diary. Today started off wrong. I got out of bed at 12:01pm to brush my teeth; I am an early riser, he he. So I go into the master bathroom, its huge by the way, and I pick up my tooth brush and pick up the tube of toothpaste and oh, no its empty. So then I had to look in the drawer under the sink where I keep a small tube of toothpaste for just such emergencies as I was having today and oh gosh the tube was missing.

I was in a state of panic at this point. How can I go out without brushing my teeth, what if I talk to someone and they notice I have not brushed my teeth. At this point I was racking my brain trying to think of toothpaste alternatives and the only thing I could think of was peanut butter.

A little back story is required here. Years ago at camp silly I was also out of toothpaste but, not out of peanut butter. Just days before I had read a book that was about substitutes for common household items. It said peanut butter could be used for a sandwich; So I though to myself if peanut butter replaces a sandwich why can't it replace toothpaste. No to the end of my little interlude. I got my teeth clean with peanut butter.

Now back to today diary. I went to the kitchen to get the peanut butter and lo and behold I had some left. I got my teeth brushed and was happy but, the damage was done and I was exhausted from those terrifying three minutes. I went back to bed. My day was ruined. Goodnight diary, see you tomorrow.

Monday, March 1, 2010

silly fake diary entry #21

Back because I am to lazy to write anything else is fiction by silly. Also I don't have anything else to write about.

Sorry diary for abandoning you for so long but, I have had many, many important things on my mind. For instance should I shave my face with an electric razor or with an old blade razor and shaving cream. As you can see from that example I have had a lot on my mind. The future of my life is in the balance. I am at a fork in the road or is it there is a fork on the road. I will talk or write you tomorrow diary we have a lot of catching up to do. Good night old friend.