Thursday, August 29, 2019
vacuuming is OatmealBreakfasts new song
I thought writing a song about vacuuming was something I wanted. So I wrote a song about vacuuming. To many of you out there vacuuming may not be a chore you want to do. I on the other hand enjoy vacuuming. Its relaxing, calming, puts me in a better mood. And I am cleaning a rug. What is better than that.
I wanted vacuuming to not only be about vacuuming I wanted it to sound as if I were vacuuming. I hope its sounds a little like vacuuming. I tried. If anyone listens to the song I hope you enjoy it. Right now my music has only static pictures. I hope to one day make music videos to go along with the song. It may never happen but, one day I will try to make a music video. Good night from OatmealBreakfast.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Review: Beekeeping for Dummies

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I enjoyed reading every chapter of the book. It was a fun read. I never know what to write in a review. What did I think about the book? I liked the glossary at the end of the book. I also liked the resources section at the back of the book. I also liked the recipes for things to make with wax, and honey and propolis. I really liked the queen rearing chapter.
I try to read all the books about bee keeping I can so that the information will slowly make its way into my brain.
After reading this book I though I could start bee keeping today and do OK at it. While reading the book I though wait a minute the book did not talk about keeping records of your hive inspections. Then at the end of the book there was a list of things to check during hive inspections.
Beekeeping for dummies makes me want to start beekeeping now. To bad its august and to late to start. I will have a goal to start bee keeping next year. Its my new years resolution in august.
I think this book has the information you need to start as a bee keeper. Its a quick read. Its fun to read.
I think it would be fun to have a Langstroth hive and a top bar hive. There is so much to learn about bee keeping and so many things I can do. I can raise queens. I can harvest pollen, propolis, honey. I want to try everything.
What else can I say except that this book was not a waste of my time to read. It was worth the read.
View all my reviews
beekeeping for dummies,
book review,
honey bees
Thursday, August 22, 2019
lemonadeStandVideo is Oatmealbreakfasts latest song
During one warm day I thought about a lemonade stand. So I wrote a song about a lemonade stand. I hope the song makes lemonade stands look good. I know a tall glass of ice cold lemonade looks good to me on a hat day.
I hope that if you listen to the song that you like it. And if you like the song i hope you tell your friends all about it. Even if its to say that hey that song is that great. Or I hope the song makes you think You know what I can do better at making songs than Oatmealbreakfast and start making your own songs. I hope the song makes you feel better.
Until next song. This is OatmealBreakfast saying that ice cold lemonade is always great on a sunny day. Or maybe not. I don't really know.
earplug music,
electronic music,
lemonade stand,
Thursday, August 15, 2019
illogical The newest song from OatmealBreakfast
One day I am going to have a whole town that enjoy my songs. Sure the town will be a ghost town and I will be the only person living it it. But, it will still be a whole town who likes my music. Maybe not. If you read this post and listen to illogical you will be able to say years down the line that you were one of the only people to listen to one of the worst composers ever. Or you will be able to say that you knew OatmealBreakfast was going to be great. You knew it all along.
I hope the song illogical makes not sense to anyone who listens to it. Maybe all my songs don't make sense to the people who listen to them. I mean the 9 or ten people who have listened to them. I have been making songs for 3 years. Sure no one listens to my songs. I don't blame them. Anyway I am enjoying composing songs. I have a long way to go to get good. Wish me luck. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast until next time. Thank you for reading.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Review: Picking Up: On the Streets and Behind the Trucks with the Sanitation Workers of New York City

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was excited to read this book. And it did not disappoint. My favorite chapters were the ones that talked about the history of NYC garbage collection. I was surprised to learn that NYC used to throw its garbage in the ocean. And empty its chamber pots in rivers. I makes me glad to live at this time.
I was also surprised to learn that some NYC garbage were ashamed to be garbage men. One man has not told his neighbors what he does for a living. Me personally I think being a garbage man is a honorable profession. It keeps the streets free of garbage.
This book was a page turner. I wish I could read faster. It was so good. I thought reading this book was worth my time spent reading it. There were so many great stories.
I also learn that street sweepers are also called mechanical brooms. It was fun to read about mechanical brooms also. I enjoyed it.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Review: The Everything Guide to Investing in Cryptocurrency: From Bitcoin to Ripple, the Safe and Secure Way to Buy, Trade, and Mine Digital Currencies

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
In my reviews I am always worried that people will read my review and think did he read the same book as I did. I am worried that I will not remember the book correctly.
I thought this book was Ok. I liked the glossary and resources sections at the end of the book. By reading this book I learned a lot more about cyptocurrency than I knew before I read this book. I thought cryptocurrency began and ended with bitcoin. That is sure not true. The reason I got the book to read was because I read a headline from a news article that said something like Bitcoin takes a lot of energy to mine. I don't think I will be mining bitcoin anytime soon or ever.
It thought this book was worth the read. What else do I want to say about the book? Nothing.
View all my reviews
Friday, August 2, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
beesVideo OatmealBreakfasts latest song
Its no secret to anyone who knows me that I like bees. Though not many people know me. Because I like bees I decided to write a little song about bees. And this is the result. I hope that someone anyone finds this song enjoyable to listen to. Good night from OatmealBreakfast.
artist OatmealBreakfast,
earplug music,
electronic music,
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