Wednesday, October 30, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 25
I start a new Sudoku Board today. I did not write enough words for the length of the video. I talked about comedy, my favorite comedy videos, my favorite comedians. Its so fun to record myself playing Sudoku and talking. Now I need to get better at talking. Or in this care writing.
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game,
sudokuSensational OatmealBreakfasts newest song
My latest song that no one will ever here is called sudokuSensational. Sudoku is my new favorite game so I thought why not write a song about my Sudoku fandom. What a name what a game Sudoku is. If you listen to the song I hope that you like it. If you don't like it I don't know what to tell you except I finished the song so I can't change it. Goodnight.
artist OatmealBreakfast,
earplug music,
electronic music,
Review: Mastering Stand-Up: The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I enjoyed reading mastering standup. My favorite part of the book was the part about forms of stand up comedy. I had never thought about the different forms of standup comedy before.
Its so exciting to think that I might be able to write jokes that are funny and the express my point of view of the world. Instead of repeating other peoples jokes I could be repeating jokes that I came up with. I had never thought that I could do that before reading the book. Writing my own original stand up comedy is what I want to do.
I also liked part 3 of the book where the author tells how to write a first draft of material, writing setups and punchlines, and other things relating to writing comedy down.
Before I read mastering stand I would watch a stand up comedy and think how could they come up with those jokes. The comedians must need only a few minutes to write down a joke that will get huge laughs. I could never do that. By reading the book I learned that it can take a lot of work to write a joke that will get huge laughs. The book gave me confidence to try and write my own standup comedy. If I do the work maybe one day I can write funny jokes also.
I thought the book was very thorough. And its not that long so it was a quick read even for me. I am glad I read it. Now I need to get started writing jokes.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 24
This is episode 24 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. I attempt to finish the Sudoku puzzle I started yesterday. Its the 7th Sudoku puzzle I have finished. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast land.
Monday, October 28, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 23
I start another Sudoku board. While I am playing Sudoku I talk about comedy. I also talk about Contra and rad racer. Two of my favorite games for the Nintendo entertainment system. Goodnight.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 22
Look its another episode of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. I have made 22 episodes. How about that. 22 episodes that no one wants to watch. Not a bad feat. Today I talk more about programming. Not that I say much interesting about programming. I work on the Sudoku board I started yesterday. Goodnight. Enjoy the show.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 21
In today's episode of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game OatmealBreakfast starts a new board of Sudoku and talks about computer programming.
Friday, October 25, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 20
OatmealBreakfast finishes the Sudoku board that was started Yesterday. In today's episode OatmealBreakfast talkes about Electronics, tries to.
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 19
Today OatmealBreakfast begins a new board of Sudoku and talks about movies. If anyone watched the video I hope you enjoy it. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Review: Becoming a Hairstylist

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book exceeded my expectations. And it was a quick read to boot. i interviews were fun to read. I had no idea that hairstylists had to be licensed. And it seems to take a long time to get an appointment for the written licensing test. And it also surprised me that cosmetology school was so technical. You need to learn more than only cutting hair. I thought it would be easy to get into and easy to breeze through. That is not the case.
I have never thought I could cut hair as a profession. I am not sure I would be able to cut hair very well. Though I can see why people want to be hairstylists. You get to be around people, talk, and make peoples look the best it can.
I am so glad I read this book. I don't know that I will ever be a hairstylist but, at least now I have an idea of how to become one.
View all my reviews
windChimes OatmealBreakfasts latest song
My latest song is out in the wild of the internet. Now I wonder how I ever made it without making my own music and putting it on the internet. Sure no one
listens to my music. As long as I am having fun making music I will keep making music. I think it would help me if I learned to play an instrument. So I hope I
learn to play an instrument eventually. I think it would be fun to play the glass armonica, but, it might be to hard for me to learn how to play. I like the
sound of the glass armonica What a sound.
I hope whoever listens to windchimes enjoys it. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast.
artist OatmealBreakfast,
earplug music,
electronic music,
wind chimes,
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 18
I started a new Sudoku puzzle yesterday and I attempt to finish it today. Watch and see if I beat it and listen to me talk about things no one else cares about besides me.
Review: Edible: An Adventure into the World of Eating Insects and the Last Great Hope to Save the Planet

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Eating bugs is a subjects I have been dying to read about. I have never knowingly eaten a bug. Except that as she says in the book that that we have all eating bugs unknowingly. The author says something
like that. I can't remember the exact words. For the book I learned that the term for eating bugs is entomorphagy.
My favorite parts of the book are raising bugs at home where she gives instructions on how to raise mealworms, crickets and wax moths at home. And I also enjoyed reading the essential list of edible insects. I was surprised to learn that cockroaches are edible.
Reading this book makes me want to go out and stat and insect farm and make some recipes with insects in them. I was also surprised the scorpions are edible. Wow.
That reminds me also also enjoyed reading the recipes in the back of the book. I did not make any of them. I wish I could make them though. The brownies sound tasty.
So I thought this was an exciting book to read. I knew that people in other parts of the world at insects. In the books I read about bees and honey bees I read about people eating the bee larva. I never knew that there was anyone in the United states who ate insects.
I can't wait to grow mealworms, crickets and wax moths. I don't know if I would be able to eat them though. I enjoyed this book.
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Review: Beekeeping In California

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I like this book because its a quick read. One thing I learned from the book is that honey bees need it to be over 55 degrees Fahrenheit and winds to be under 15 miles an hour to be able to fly. What else can I say about it. I liked the color pictures on the back cover. I think it touches on the important topics in beekeeping like the hive, bee diseases. I also liked that it was published 31 years ago so I learned a little about beekeeping 31 years ago. Its not the most in dept beekeeping book I have ever read. I think its a good over view of beekeeping. I am glad I read it.
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Tuesday, October 22, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 17
Today I start a new Sudoku puzzle. Will I finish it in one episode. Tune in to find out. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast.
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game episode 16
Today I attempt to complete the Sudoku puzzle I started yesterday. Tune in and see if I can.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Epsode 15
I begin playing a new Sudoku board today. I thought I wanted to play chess. And maybe I will. I like Sudoku a lot. Its hard to stop recording. I want to try and finish every puzzle on one
video. Maybe I will one day. I will talk about my interests while I play the game. Goodnight.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 14
I finished my 3rd Sudoku puzzle today. I also made some more graphics for the show. And I attempted to make a theme song for the show. I made them quick. I wanted to get them in the show today. I will keep trying to make the graphics and theme song better. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast land.
Friday, October 18, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game episode 13
I play Sudoku again today. Its so fun. Enjoy the video Goodnight.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
OatmeealBreakfast plays a video game episode 12
Today I start another Sudoku puzzle. What more can I say Sudoku is fun. I hope you enjoy the video. I did not write enough words for the entire video. TO bad. Goodnight I hope to see you tomorrow.
firstTimeISawHer is OatmealBreakfasts latest song
I enjoyed making First time I saw her and I enjoy listening to first time I saw her. I wrote the lyrics over a year ago. It always surprises me the words I wrote. I look a them and think wow, I wrote that. I better find something other than writing for a career. I hope that someone who listens to first time I saw her enjoys. I hope that it makes them feel better. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast
artist OatmealBreakfast,
earplug music,
electronic music,
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 11
Watch as I attempt to finish the Sudoku. If I do complete the puzzle it will be my second Sudoku puzzle solved. I wonder what other games I can play and post. I will think about it. Enjoy the video. Goodnight. Oh, no the video does not show me solving the Sudoku puzzle. It cuts off before I got finished. I did solve the Sudoku puzzle. I assure you. The video is not perfect. Goodnight again.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 10
Today I continue with the Sudoku puzzle from yesterday. Sudoku is fun. What more can I say. I hope if anyone watches the video they enjoy it.
Review: Chess: From First Moves to Checkmate

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I liked that this book was a quick read I could make my way though it fast so I can get up and playing chess. I liked the pages about the chess pieces. Now I know there are Rooks, Knights, Bishops, King,
Queen, and pawns. I also liked the discussion of opening moves and I also liked the pages about wold chess champions. i knew the name Bobby Fischer, And Gary kaspurov that's all the chess names I know. I wonder what it would be like to be a chess champion.
While reading the book I wondered whether I would want to put in the time to become a chess champion. I don't think so. I do want to play chess. I don't care if I am great at playing chess. I have not played chess much. So I could change my mind after playing chess a little. Time will tell. Now its time to play chess.
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Review: Becoming a Restaurateur

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I thought this book was OK. I liked that it was a quick read. Even for me. i liked the appendix with book recommendations and even a Youtube show.
Reading this book made me that about whether I want to own and run a restaurant. I have not been a restaurant for years. I like the idea of making food and serving it to people. I think I would rather own a food cart that would sell only a few items.
I recently saw on TV news show a story about a 93 year old man who got tired of being retired so he started a show that sells cupcakes. And now he wants to star an ice cream shop. I think something like that is what I would rather do than run a restaurant.
Maybe I could own a doughnut shop or a coffee cart or a pizza by the slice cart. That sounds more interesting to me than owing a restaurant.
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Monday, October 14, 2019
oatmealBreakfast Plays A VIdeo Game Episode 9
I start a new Sudoku game today. I hope that I will get faster at solving the puzzle. I was not sure I would have anything to talk about today but, I found things to talk about. I have to think about what I want to talk about for my video game playing videos. I hope that anyone who watches the video enjoys it. Goodnight.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A vide game Episode 8
I have dreamed of this day for years. That is a bit of an exaggerator. Ah, its an outright lie. I have never dreamed of solving a Sudoku. Maybe I have dreading of solving a Jigsaw puzzle but, not a Sudoku puzzle. Spoiler alert. If you want to see if I solved the puzzle watch the video before you read the next sentence. I solved the Sudoku puzzle, the game said I solved it in 4 minutes 4 seconds. Did you watch the video. Were you as bored watching the video as I was? I hope not. I put my best effort into these videos; at least five or ten minutes. And it shows. Its all for you viewers. I am talking to myself on that one. Since I am the only video of the show. And that will probably never change. I hope you enjoyed the video. I wish I could make them funny. Goodnight.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 7
I am playing Sudoku again today. I never thought I would figure out the game. But, I am getting the hang of it. Its a game that is my speed and I don't need a powerful machine to play it. I hope if anyone watched the video they enjoy it. Goodnight.
Review: The Lives of Bees: The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Before I read this book I had the idea that all the wild honey bees in the united States hand been killed by varroa destructor. I could not have been more wrong. I see honey bees on flowers all the time. I wish I knew if they were wild honey bees. I doubt they are. I am glad that there are still wild honey bees in the wild in the united states. It gives me how that honey bees will survive despite the fact of varroa destructor, chalk brood, small hive beetle, deformed wing virus, and all the other pests and
diseases of honeybees. Because I worry that one day there will be no more honey bees. And that would be a shame.
This book talked about everything I ever wanted to know about how wild honey bees live. I was surprised that there are people out there who study wild honey bees. I am glad there are. This book is a weighty book literally. I think my arms got stronger by holding the book in my hands while reading it. Strong mind, strong body.
My favorite chapter was Darwinian beekeeping because it give suggestions on how I could apply what I read about how honey bees live in the wild to my honey bee hives. Thought I don't yet raise honey bees. I hope to raise honey bees someday.
View all my reviews
book review,
honey bees,
the lives of bees
Friday, October 11, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 6
Today I played the same Sudoku puzzle I played for yesterdays episode. When I solve the puzzle I will start on a new Sudoku puzzle. Its so fun. I can record myself
playing video games and talk about whatever I want to. What fun. Goodnight.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays a Video Game Ep. 5
I have made another episode of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. Its so exciting to be able to record a video of myself playing a video game and putting in words. I am living the dream. I wanted to have videos of myself playing video games. And I am doing what I wanted to do. I never thought I would be able to record myself playing video games. And I am. Cool. I hope everyone enjoys watching the video. Goodnight from OamtealBreakfast land.
kitchenCupboards song
Here is the latest song from OatmealBreakfast. I don't have a particular reason for choosing kitchen cupboards as the subject of the song. I thought I need a subject for a song and kitchen cupboards is what I came up with.
I have been making songs for over 3 years now. Hooray for me. I wish I were a big music star. I had my own tour bus, owned a city, had lots of fans. that is not what happened. I wish it were but, its not. I am happy that I have made at least 40 or 50 songs for the last 3 years. That is an accomplishment I am proud of. The results might not be great. But, I am making music. So fun. Here is to another 3 years or 30 years of making music. If I keep trying to learn more about how to make songs then eventually I will be making the best songs I am capable of making. That is what I want. I want to be the best OatmealBreakfast I can be in terms of song composing.
I hope that someone out there enjoys this song. Thank you for listening and reading. Goodnight.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game ep. 4
I watched a video about how to play Sudoku so now there is some video game play in this video. I have wanted to play Sudoku for awhile but, did not know how to play it. It does not seen complicated to play. The board looks so big and intimidating. It seems impossible to figure out how to solve the puzzle. I will keep trying.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game ep. 3
I thought I would play Sudoku. The problem is that i don't know how to play Sudoku. So there is on video game playing action in this horribly made video. All I do is make my cursor move fast around the screen. Not entertaining.
I figure that since I wanted to make videos of myself playing video games that I better make them even if I don't know what I am doing or how to play the games I want to record. I am only going to get better by making a lot of bad boring videos. I need the experience.
Monday, October 7, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays fourline ep. 1
This is a video of OatmealBreakfast playing kfourline. I still have trouble getting enough video for my words. I will figure it out. As I said in the video I have not played for line in years. I was surprised that my computer had a video game fourline. I never thought about fourline as a video game. I am glad I played the game. Though I am not very good. Thank you for reading this blog post.
Sunday, October 6, 2019
chessoctober62019: oatmealBreakfast plays chess
It took me awhile to make this video of myself playing chess. I want to call it OatmealBreakfast plays chess episode one. I have to get a lot better at playing chess and a lot better at making videos of myself playing chess. It was fun to make the video. Its not to clear when I watched it on youtube. I can see the chess pieces so that is the important ting. Goodnight.
Review: Cyber Attack Survival Manual: From Identity Theft to The Digital Apocalypse and Everything in Between

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Computer security is on subject I want to know a lot more about so its why I got this book. It shocked me to read that people get fake degrees. Somehow I never thought that people would want to get fake degrees. Why would anyone want to get a fake medical degree? It does not make sense to me. If they don't know what they are doing people can get hurt of die.
Its depressing to me to read about trolling. Why would anyone want to make people miserable or feel bad? People getting harassed online makes me want to quit the internet for good. It makes me want to move to the woods and spend my days in the wilderness with nature. It makes me want to do something better with my life than use a computer. At least not everyone on the internet is mean. I am glad for that.
I think this book was well worth the time it took me to read. I can't think of anything else to write in this review so I will stop writing.
View all my reviews
book review,
cyber attack survival manual
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Review: The Nature of Plants: An Introduction to How Plants Work

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I looked at a plant before I read this book I did not think much about what processes were going on in the plant even thought i had read botany for dummies and should have known better. This book heavy physically and its heavy with what it has in its pages. Its packed with interesting information. I can't say I had a favorite chapter because they were all my favorite chapters.
If you want to know more about the inner workings of plants read this book. I am glad I did. The only problem is that I can't remember ever single word that is in the book. I wish books could be downloaded into my brain. The nature of plants was a fascinating read.
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Wednesday, October 2, 2019
OatmealBreakfast plays video games kBreakOut gameplay video
I finally posted a video of OatmealBreakfast playing a video game.I am sure its not that good but, I did it. I did it. Good for me. Not so fun for the viewer to watch. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast.
toaster OatmealBreakfasts new song
Continuing with my songs about appliances in your kitchen I wrote a song about a toaster. My favorite item on toast is butter. I also enjoy peanut butter and butter on toast. Peanut butter sandwiches on toasted bread is also good.
I hope if anyone listens to the song that they enjoy it. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast.
earplug music,
electronic music,
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