Thursday, April 30, 2009
blah blah, not very exciting
So today I started reading from the beginning of the book because I desperately want to lean assembly language because I think it's cool knowing machine instructions, also I want to see if I can understand anything about the fpu which I did not understand anything about last time I read the book most of the book.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I leand about javascipt event handlers
Today I learned about javascipt event handlers: onload, onunload, onresize, and onsubmit. I have no idea what kind of program I want to make for my website, but now I know some javascript event handlers.
I also started reading practical php programming. I have probably written this before, but now that I know basic html, css, and javascript I want to learn php.Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Yesterday I won a dove fresh burst beauty bar
Monday, April 27, 2009
I want to start making 3d model again
I want to start making 3d models with blender again and posting them on my blog. For the past month or so I have been focusing on learning xhtml, css, javascript, and neglected blender. I read thought some of the blender documentation but, have not made anything with blender for awhile.
I want to learn how to make 3d models as well as learn to program so I need to make something with blender ever few days. Otherwise I'll forget everything I have learned. I need to practice, practice, and practice making models.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Exciting things I did today
Today I learned about a program called crunchy from hacker news. I want to learn python and I think crunchy will be a fun way to do it. I got crunchy set up and tried a few examples to make sure it worked. And it worked. YES!!!
Also today I read some css articles and read the first lesson of's xml class. I have signed up for the xml class two times, but have never finished the first lesson. I have read thought the xhtml class, finished most of the css class, and now it's time to learn some xml, plus I am also reading xml by example so I might as well read though the xml class also.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
A design patterns cours I want to work though
Friday, April 24, 2009
I learned about the javascipt DOM today
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today I read about a porgram called pokerTH
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I made my first print stylesheet today
I learned some more xhtml, css, and javascript today. As I have mentioned before I've read's css class, but I needed to read the class over again because I forgot what I learned. And so I have been reading the css class for the past week or two.
when I read thought the css class the first time I though I don't need to create a print style sheet so I won't read the articles about making a print style sheet. I also thought making a print style sheet would be hard.
Today I decided to read the articles on print style sheets and I found out that a basic print style sheet is easy to make. It was a blast making my first print style sheet. I can make a print style sheet, ye ya.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The post where I ramble on about nothing
Monday, April 20, 2009
Nothing improtant
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I am reading the book of ruby
Saturday, April 18, 2009
I got The other end of the line dvd today

Friday, April 17, 2009
Today Cnet had an article about Dolnk an
Today cnet had an article about DoInk an online program that lets you create drawings and animations. I want to use DoInk to make some drawings and animations for my blog. I probably won't make anything exciting, but I want to make something anyway.
Also today hacker news had a link to a website that has articles written by Doug Englebart. I hope I get around to reading some of the articles. I'm sure they are great.
In javascript news today I learned for, while, and do while loops. I always remember how to write for and while loops, but I have trouble remembering how to write do while loops. I forget to put a curly brace at the end of the do before the while statement.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I learned a few xhtml tags today
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I cant contain my excitement
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Some tutorials I want to try
Today hacker news had a link to a haskell tutorial I want to do. I took a look at the tutorial and now I am excited about learning some haskell. I have ghc installed on my computer so why not work thought the tutorial.
A few days ago hacker news had a link to a clojure tutorial that I want to work though since I have clojure installed on my computer. I have not written any clojure since I wrote a hello world program to make sure that I installed the clojure compiler correctly.
Bring on the programming tutorials.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Nothing interesting to write about today
Come back here tomorrow for another exciting post.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
An unexciting post about javascipt
I don't know what to write about today, but I'll start writing anyway. Today I practiced writing javascript. I think if I get good enough at programming in javascript I want to write small games for my website using a javascript framework.
I also want to make pop up windows and validate forms using javascript. I have made a pop up window, but I have never validated a form using javascript. In short I want to learn javascript and remember what I learned.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I want to write fiction
Friday, April 10, 2009
I've had two sweepstakes wins in two days
Then today I got an email saying I won The other end of the line on DVD. I can't wait to watch the movie. Yay!! I hope the wins keep coming.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I installed BLR-CAD on my computer
I hope someday I will get around to making at lest on thing with BRL-CAD.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Today a short post about three favorite movies
Today I'll write a little bit about about three of my favorite movies back to the future 1, 2 and 3. I need something to post so I am writing about back to the future.
I loved the Delorean in the back to the future movies. The flying Delorean in back to the future 2 was awsome. The idea of having a vehicle that drives on land and flies in the air is amazing. I'd be like james bond.
Another thing that I liked about the back to the future movies was the time travel. The idea of being able to time travel is fascinating to me. I am not sure where I would want to travel to if time travel were real, maybe to ancient rome, or palo alto research center in the 1970's.
That's something I never thought of doing if I could time travel I could go to great moments in computer history or travel back in time to meet some famous person involved with computers. One person I would want to travel back in time to meet is John Von Newman. To bad I can't travel back in time.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
babbling on about making a website
A few posts ago I wrote about not caring about any of the goals I wrote down. Well I still want to learn xhtml, css, javascript, php, python, blender, gimp, xml, so I can put up a website and make some animations. Maybe I was to hasty in saying I did not care about the goals I set for myself. I'll be back here writing tomorrow.
Monday, April 6, 2009
I got the dvd I won on march 31

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Some day I want to make music
I don't know if I will ever be able to make anything with LIMMS, but I will try.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Continued from yesterday
Also with lua I want to make a game using Love which I got from hacker news. I'm writing this paragraph to remind myself.
Continuing from the first paragraph maybe instead of limiting myself I should just try whatever programming languages I want to. I like that idea. Maybe I will be able to make a useful program maybe I won't, but as long as I have fun it does not mater.
Friday, April 3, 2009
More sensless talk
Continuing from yesterday when I talked about trying a bunch of programming languages and not mastering any of them. One reason I do that is because I read about other people who know a couple of languages and think I should know a bunch of them also.
Another reason is, to me experimenting with new languages is fun. There is nothing like the feeling I get when I write my first hello world program in a language I have never used before, but I get frustrated that I don't know any language that well. I need to realize it's OK if I am not fluent in ten or more programming languages. I can't learn every programming language I want to, darn. That all for today see you tomorrow.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Not much to write today
I think if I had stuck to one programming language and learned it instead of trying a bunch of different languages I might be able to make a small program by now. Instead I keep switching programming languages, So all I end up doing is learning a little bit about each language and not mastering it.
So I want to try and stick to one or two programming languages and learn them. I can always switch later if I don't like the languages I pick.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I am closing my poll - how many sweepstakes do you
I don't enter sweepstakes got two votes, zero to one hundred got no votes, one hundred to two hundred also got no votes, two hundred to three hundred got one vote, three hundred fifty to four hundred got no votes, and four hundred plus got no votes.
Thanks for voting.