Today I will write about why I switch from one programming language to another all the time. One reason is its so exciting to try out different programming languages. Compiling the hello world program in a programming language I have never used before is so exciting. Another reason I try to learn so many programming languages is because I think everyone else probably knows a lot of languages so I need to know lots of languages too.
And yet another reason is I want to look smart. I want people to say oh wow look how many programming languages silly supercoder knows. I want people to think this code is a mess lets get silly to fix it. Except I am not a professional programmer and I don't work with anyone so I am sure no one would call me to save the day. As it stands right now if I were a professional programmer some one would need to be called in to fix my messed up source code.
The biggest reason I try so many programming languages is because I am afraid I will fail. Its always easier for me to switch to another language rather then try to solve problems like the ones on project euler. I come up against a problem I can't solve and I think maybe I will switch to a different language.
The problem for me with changing which programming language I want to learn all the time is I never get past a certain level of knowledge about programming. I am always learning the same concepts over and over again. I never challenge my self so that I will learn more.
So in the end if I keep switching programming languages all the time I will never achieve my goal of making my own programs. Either that or I will be very old by the time I make my own programs. And by that time maybe computers will program themselves so there will be no need to write programs. Sillys done Goodnight all.