The Internet, reading, television, radio
The Internet. Bores me because I feel I have wasted my life sitting in front of a computer.
I don't think I have done anything decent with my computer. For example when myspace was big I had and still have a myspace page. I would spend most of my time on my computer tweaking my myspace page and yet had about 3 friends on my profile. And I would log on to the website everyday to see how many hits my profile got. What a waste. I was wasted my time on face book though which is good.
Another thing I did was installed a lot of desktop themes why I don't know. How pointless. I don't care what my desktop wallpaper looks like or what sound I hear when I maximize my browser.
I feel I have to lean to program but, if I do learn to program what will I make. Nothing except a game. Though I am going to try and stick it out and see if I can make some programs.
I thought I wanted to watch you tube videos or videos in general but, I found out I have no interest in watching videos on my computer.
I feel that yes some people probably need a computer and the internet but, I don't have a lot to do on the internet. I would rather be outside or sitting on the couch watching football than on my computer reading email and web surfing.
Reading bores me for pretty much the same reasons as the internet. I would rather be outside or on the couch watching football. But, I feel I have to read or I will never know anything. I always think maybe the next book or magazine I read will change my life. Or if I don't read I will miss something important.
Television bores me. All the commercials that seem to be about getting high speed internet with a smart phone I find annoying. When I seem them it upsets me to think what would I need a smart phone for. I mean the screens are so small how could I ever see anything. And why do I need the internet so bad that I have to have it when I leave the house. Its not like I do that much on the internet.
Though I do still like to watch sports on television. I just don't want to get obsessed with what team need what or what team should draft so and so.
And I do like some shows so I don't find television so boring.
And finally radio. I should detest this and find it the most boring. When I was a kid and into my teenage years and early adult years as I remember it I listened to it a lot and would listen to it when I went to bed. Now it seems like noise and life is better when its not on. I don't like listening to talk radio or music and I don't think I can learn anything listening to the radio so I don't listen to the radio all that often. And I don't miss it one bit.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Things that bore me besides reading my own blog
Thursday, September 12, 2013
If I received an award it would be for the most selfish person of 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
I have a low definition of what it is to have a successful blog
I would consider my self a successful blogger if I published a post everyday. When if started blogging I thought differently. I thought I would be successful if my blog is popular than I am successful.
So yes I strive for success.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I want my youth back
My youth back. So I can do what I did not do when I was young. Read books, go to college, talk more. I would do it right knowing what I know. I would not waste time. I would do something.
I think a lot about what if I had done things differently when I was younger. Read a lot of books from the school library instead of watch television and play video games and listen to the radio. Or if I had tried to get good grades in school. Or been more interested in going to college. Had not been so worried that people were judging me. I wish I were the person I am now back then so that I can do more with my life with the extra years.
My black Nike shoes
They are a pair of black Nike shoes that I got in my sophomore year of high school.I wore them everyday through the rest of high school. But, I have not worn them much since.
The reason I like them is because they are so old. And they are one of the few things that I have from high school that did not get moldy. They remind me of my youth.
Monday, September 9, 2013
I'm not funny
I don't consider myself funny. I do like to laugh though. It always makes me feel better when I laugh. I don't know a lot of people and I don't know if the people I do know are funny.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
The last lie I told
I don't talk that much which is the only reason I don't lie very much. That women are not interested in me and I can not get any women. There are a few women who I am interested in and I know are interested in me.
I always wanted to be friendly to women who I like and I realize are interested in me but, then I stop myself and don't say anything more than hi to them. Though a few years ago I would not have been able to get hi out of my mouth. So I am improving.
I always try to imagine in my head what I want to say to a women I am interested in but, then when I see her I chicken out and never say anything and get upset afterwords.
I figure though that if I keep wanted to talk to women I like someday if I live long enough I will eventually do it. Because I have learned that if I don't say what I want to to some woman I am interested in and I never see her again well that does not feel so good. So if I like her I better tell her of feel the consequences.
Also I think its a lack of confidence on my part. I think that I could never pick the right woman; I would pick a woman who was mean to me, lied to me, made fun of me to her friends, someone who would not love me, someone who would steal from me, basically anything that I would not like in someone I had a relationship with that is the woman I would think I will go after.
But, how can I know what a certain woman I am interested is like if I never talk to her. I always think I will make a mistake that no one in the world has ever made before. But, lots of people get divorced and break of engagements, so if I picked the wrong women or women I will not be alone. It happens to a lot of people.
Some maybe I will find a woman I like or maybe I will end up never talking to any women I like but, when I say that I women are not interested in me and I can't get any women. That is a stone cold lie.
To all the women who have taken the time to be interested in me I say thank you. You have changed my life and made it better. Even though I never talked to you much or at all. I like you a whole lot. Thanks. I hope you are doing great.
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Wow, I had to pay a lot of money to get on the front page. But, I was able to get a loan at just the perfect interest rate.
I will write about what I always write about nothing important. I have nothing to write. The most important thing in life is to have nice clothes. Not just any clothes. Clothes that look good together. Never let anyone see you in clashing clothes.
I always like to say. You can tell a lot about a person by the way the match there clothes. Or maybe you can't what do I know. But, don't break the bank on clothes. You need to eat after all.
Friday, September 6, 2013
What I liked about school
I miss getting out of school for the summer. I should have like school because lets just say I was a nerd. But, unfortunately not the kind of nerd who built anything or read a book. No, that was not me.
I played a lot of video games, Nintendo entertainment system, Saga Genesis. The game I remember playing Contra for the NES. I would use the cheat code where you would get thirty lives. With that I could beat the game but, barely. The other game I played a lot was rad racer. I beat that game but, I had to use a cheat code to beat it. I also liked sports games.
I played a lot but, I was not good But, I do think I had fun. And I suppose that is the point.
I could not wait for school to end because well I did not like it very much. Which is why I liked summer vacation a lot and Weekends were not bad either. And when I was in school there was no internet.
If you tried to explain to me back them what the internet was back then it would have taken forever for me to understand what it was. Sometimes I wish I had never figured out what the internet was/is or learned how to use a computer.
I liked school vacation but, I do not like traveling anywhere for a vacation. Stay-cations then as now are good enough for me.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
During a full moon, if I could change into a different person
I am friendly and talk to people. Oh, look the full moon is out. Its time to party. I throw on my pant suit and go out to a party. I storm in the door thinking I look good and go up to the first woman I see and say hi my name is Mr. wonderful. And then she tells me her name.
And then we spend about and hour taking about the intricacies of the Intel 80x86 family of processors. And about the whether the internet is good or bad for society.
Then we would get in a heated argument because we were both on different sides of the issue. I would yell at her that she has no clue and storm off and talk to the next woman. And that conversation would end in the same fashion. And it would go on and on until the sun came up.
Then I would change back into my normal self and not talk to one anymore.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Doing nothing
Doing nothing keeps me on an even keel. To me its the hardest thing in the world to do, nothing. I have to always be doing something even if its only thinking.