Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Episode 176: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Monday, March 30, 2020
Episode 175: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Adventures of Bud page 5
Ok, sir is the pizza for here or to go?" The pizza parlor employee asked.
To go
OK, the pizza will be at the unnamed company in no time,
Bud and the pizza parlor employee hung up the phone.
What am I going to do now. I hope that pizza gets here quick. What am I going to do in the mean time? Maybe I could solve one of those Sudoku puzzle in that Sudoku puzzle book I got the other day. I don't know if I can even play Sudoku. It looks hard. I don't even know how to play it. Now where did I put that Sudoku puzzle book?
Bud searched around the room for the Sudoku puzzle book. He lifted up pillows and couch cushions on his couch. he sat down in his bean bag chair. I need to think. Think bud think, think bud think. If I were a Sudoku puzzle book full of empty Sudoku puzzles where would I go in my office. I am certain of one thing. If I were that book I would be afraid of water. Paper and water don't mix.
This bean bag chair is comfortable. I should sit in it more often. It would get me away from my desk. I could almost fall asleep sitting here. If I fell asleep I might miss my pizza delivery. A nap might help me find the Sudoku book. Let Alexandra pay for the pizza. Ha ha
Bud went to sleep.
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Adverntures of Bud page 5
'Maybe I should go for a walk to get my blood flowing. Anything is better than sitting at my desk. I don't know what I would do without my ice cream truck or comedy. I would probably throw my computer around the room. Focus bud. I know I have got to focus. I want to be outside walking around. Meeting people. Seeing the sighs of computer city. Everyone else is outside having fun. And I am in her sitting at my desk miserable. I know I will order pizza."
Bud dialed the number to computer city pizza parlor and the employee picked up the phone.
"Hello computer city pizza parlor. How can I help you?"
Do you want to trade jobs?Excuse me. Maybe you have the wrong number. We sell pizza.
Sorry. I know that. I used to love making home made pizza. Making the dough, cutting up the toppings, assembling the pizza, pre-heating the oven, Baking the pizza, cutting it up when it go out of the oven, burning the roof of my mouth because I could not wait. I like salt and pepper on my pizza.
Are you OK sir?
Sorry. Where was I. Oh, yes, what type of pizza do I want? I will go with a large pepperoni and cheese.Do you want anything else sir?
What is your name and address?
My name is bud and I work at the nameless company.
Episode 174: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Episode 173: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Adventures of Bod page 4
Its time to sit at my desk and turn on my computer. Its a task I dread. Sometimes I like my computer because its how I make my living. A person has to eat. And other times I hate my computer because it takes up so much of my time. I get antsy sometimes. Sometimes I would rather spend my work days juggling than at the office of the nameless company. Maybe I should have done something else with my life besides computer programming. Maybe being a programmer is a waste of my life. Maybe I could be doing more for computer city than sitting in front of a computer programming it all day.
Oh, great my computer had booted up. I guess its time to sit in the chair in front of my computer. Maybe I should have learned how to make money restoring Radio controlled vehicles. What have I done with my life
Why is Traci calling me. She knows I have a lot to do. Hello Traci.
How are you sweetie?
You know how much I don't like being called sweetie
Come on Buddy lighten up.
What do you want Traci?
One of the pipes burst under the kitchen sink and got water all over the kitchen hardwood floors,
How could that have happened?
I was soaking some of the dirty dishes in hot water in the kitchen sink. And poof the drain pipe under the sink burst.
How much is it going cost me?
I am not going to charge you anything for the repair
You didn't called a plumber,
Why call a plumber when I can fix it myself
Quit being so cheap Traci. You know you can't fix anything right.
How dare you Bud. I am very upset with you. Goodbye.
She must be mad she hung up the phone before I got a chance to say goodbye. now where was I? Oh, yes. Now I can sat down at my computer and get on with my dreaded day,
Friday, March 27, 2020
Advertures of Bud page 3
I wish the the building I work had more floors. I so adore riding the elevator. I always want to ride the elevator up and down and pretend to be an elevator operator. No one would buy it. Everyone knows me here.I wish I had been an elevator repair man instead of a computer programmer. To be able to fix things with my hands. Now, all I can do is sit behind my computer and type syntax errors. Maybe one day I will chuck it all and become an elevator repair person.
Hi Alexandra. How are you this morning. She said she was having a great day until she saw me drive up. You know I don't think she likes me. Alexandra will you hold my calls. I will be working on a very important function in Pharo today. I hope she heard me. Do you think she heard me. Maybe I should tell her again. I don't want to sound bossy. On the other hand I am her boss. What am I going to do? Leave it alone bud.
My internal filter is right. So I will leave it alone. Its a shame that saying hi to Alexandra is the only social interaction I get all day. I used to like being around people so much. Maybe I need to get out and talk to people more.Oh, I almost forget I am trying to learn how to become an ethical hacker in addition to my other day job duties.
Episode 172: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Thursday, March 26, 2020
My favotite twitch streams: Mills
Advertures of Bud page 2
I don't like my commute. That is the nicest way I can put it. I wish I could stay home to work. The shipping container tiny house is my dream home. I never want to leave it. Did I tell you about the deck on the roof. Traci and I live on five acres of land here in computer city.
What are you doing person. You I am trying to drive as fast as I can. Don't honk at me. Its not my problem if you are late for work.
Where was i? Did I tell you about the bees. There is nothing that I enjoy doing on a day off than working with my bees. I have a Langstroth hive. Oh, yes I was telling you about the roof of my house. I go up there on clear nights to look at the stars. So fun. The night could be a a little warmer. It gets cold at night here in computer city. I have a little table with chairs on the roof. I go up there on my day off and eat lunch.
That is enough about my patio on the roof. I can't believe the traffic lights today. They are not going my way. i usually get all the green lights. Maybe I left to late today. Or maybe I left to early.
I am finally at the office. I wish I could remember the name of the company I work for. Someday I will remember,Unstoppalbe: OatmealBreakfaststs new song
Episode 171: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
My favorite twithch streams: ENascar heat pro league
I just discovered that I could embed the twitch player. So I thought I have to try that. Now I can embed my favorite twitch channels on my blog. How cool is that. I think that is very cool.
I found out about enascar heat pro league a few months ago. I watched some of the the first season championship earlier this year.
I am not much of a Nascar fan. I rarely watch a Nascar race on television. I have read at least two books on Nascar though. I liked learning about the technology of the cars. What other twitch channels do I want to embed on my blog? I will think about it.
Advertures of Bud page 1
Hello everyone years ago I wrote a story called adventures of bud on this blog. I thought I would start it up ago. Its a fictional story. I enjoy writing fiction. I don't know how people feel about reading my fiction though. So here it goes.
Hell my name is Bud LongInteger. I am a resident of computer city. I have lived here all my life. At least no one has told me any differently. I am Married to my wife Traci LongInteger. We have been married for a year. Sometimes I wonder why I decided to marry her but, don't tell here that. Can we keep that between you and me? Please. Thank you. I am a programmer by day, an ice cream truck drive by evening and at night I liked to get eight house of sleep.
On weekends I enjoy performing at open mike nights at computer city comedy clubs and studying the ocean. I am interested in everything. This story is going to be about me. All about me. And nothing else. You will get a birds eye view of my life. You will be the fly on the way of my life. You will be bored most of the time and entertained even less of the time. Its time for me to go to work. Oh, I work at company that shall remain nameless. Because I can never pronounce or remember the name. I do know how to drive thee though. I remember where my parking spot is. I know where my office is. I know where the lunch room is. I will take you along for the ride that is my life. so come along with me wont you. I have got to go to work.
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game episode 170
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Episode 169: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Monday, March 23, 2020
OatmealBreakfast Plays a video game Episode 168
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Episode 167: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game - jigsaw puzzle
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Episode 166: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Friday, March 20, 2020
Episode 165: Oatmealbreakfast plays a video game
Thursday, March 19, 2020
My favorite yutube videos: Ampro engineering e253: Tamiya Hornet by Jun Watanabe - The Buyers Guide Series
jellyFish: OatmealBreakfast latests and not greatest
Episode 164: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Episode 163: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Episode 162: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Monday, March 16, 2020
Episode 161: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Episode 160: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Episode 159: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game.
Episode 157: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Saturday, March 14, 2020
Episode 158: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game - Sudoku edition
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Episode 156: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Roller derby: OatmealBreakfast song
Episode 155: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Monday, March 9, 2020
Episode 154: OamealBreakfast plays a video game
OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 153
Sunday, March 8, 2020
OamealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 152
Episode 151: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Episode 150: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game - jigsaw puzzle
Episode 149: OatmealBreakfast plays a vdeo game
Friday, March 6, 2020
Episode 148: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game
Thursday, March 5, 2020
putMyThinkingcapOn: OatmealBreakfasts newest song
Episode 147: OatmealBreakfasst plays a video game
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Review: How To Make It in the New Music Business: Practical Tips on Building a Loyal Following and Making a Living as a Musician

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
View all my reviews