'Maybe I should go for a walk to get my blood flowing. Anything is better than sitting at my desk. I don't know what I would do without my ice cream truck or comedy. I would probably throw my computer around the room. Focus bud. I know I have got to focus. I want to be outside walking around. Meeting people. Seeing the sighs of computer city. Everyone else is outside having fun. And I am in her sitting at my desk miserable. I know I will order pizza."
Bud dialed the number to computer city pizza parlor and the employee picked up the phone.
"Hello computer city pizza parlor. How can I help you?"
Do you want to trade jobs?Excuse me. Maybe you have the wrong number. We sell pizza.
Sorry. I know that. I used to love making home made pizza. Making the dough, cutting up the toppings, assembling the pizza, pre-heating the oven, Baking the pizza, cutting it up when it go out of the oven, burning the roof of my mouth because I could not wait. I like salt and pepper on my pizza.
Are you OK sir?
Sorry. Where was I. Oh, yes, what type of pizza do I want? I will go with a large pepperoni and cheese.Do you want anything else sir?
What is your name and address?
My name is bud and I work at the nameless company.
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