"Sure bud. I hear you." The man said.
I don't want someone to hear me. I want a new job.
I can't help you there bud.
I can't help myself there. I have no idea about Metallurgy I mean Melittology. And I don't know where to start and I am terrified of being stung by bees. I am never going to get out of this computer programming job. I am going to waste my life behind a computer. Why didn't I take that juggling class instead of the computer programming class at college. I am going to spend my life alone sitting in front of a computer.
It does not look like you spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer to me.
You are right. Maybe all I need to do is spend as much time as I can before my early retirement trying to avoid sitting in front of my computer. Maybe my life is not as bad as I think.
What about your boss?
What about my boss.
Won't she wonder why you have not written any computer code.
I suppose so. Why can I tell her. I could say that I am thinking over design issues I want to get everything perfect before I write code. I don't want to write code that I am going to have to rewrite later.
I don't know if she will by that line of thinking Bud.
She better or I am going to have to actually start doing work around here. No no.
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