This game uses the left mouse button. Press and hold, release, and then press again. I played 3 point basketball at internet archive.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Bud Longinteger page 55
Bud walked to the the trunk of the car and opened it. "Ah, there they are. I always wander what happen to my ugly christmas sweaters. I wondr how they got there?
I don't know how they got there." Traci shurgged.
Bud searched in the back of the trunk. "Here they are. Bud held up the junper cables so that Traci could see them.
So what good are jumper cables if you don't know how to use them Bud?
"Good point Traci." Bud walked in between the front of the car and the ice cream truck and wondered how in the world to hook up the jumper cables. "What am I going to do Traci.
We could call a mechanic.
I am not going to call a mehanic for something that I can easly do myself.
I am sure you could jump start the car if you knew how to jump start the car Bud but, you don't know how to jump start the car. I mean ice cream truck. If we also had to jump start the car because its battery was dead we would be in big trouble." Traci said.
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
dynamite dan zx spectrum game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 407
For this episode I played a zx spectrum game from 1985 called dyanmite dan. I did not play it well. I played dynamite dan at tomak Thank you for visiting my blog.
Adventures of Bud page 54
Traci drove the car around to the front driveway where the ice cream truck was parked. she parked it in front of the ice cream truck."Are you sure we don't need a larger bettery to jump start the ice cream truck Bud Sunny Longinteger.
Enough with the middle name Traci. Relax Traci I don't know what I am doing. I can handle this."
You really know how to instill confindence in yourself bud.
Ha ha. Traci always joking around. This is serious business." Bud walked in the middle of the car and the ice cream truck. He opened the hood of the ice cream truck first. And then he opened the ood of the car shortly after. "Alright now we are ready to get the ice cream truck purring. Remind me lover where are the jumper cables."
OH, I thought you knew Bud?
and I thought you knew where the Jumper cables were Traci. No problem. We will figure this out. I have got this all under control.
I hope so bud because I don't have this under any control. Traci said.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
the WiFis Down Oatmeal Breakfast Song
This is my newest song. I don't know why I wrote a song called the wifi's down. I guess I wrote it because I did not have any other ideas for a song. Thank you for reading this blog post.
Adventures of bud page 53
What good is bringing the car around if we don't know what to do with the car once its here. Traci asked.
Make it happen Traci.
Don't you order me around like that Bud sunny Longinteger.
How could you mention my middle name. Now everyone reading this story knows my middle Name Traci? You know how much I do't like my middle name. How could you. I am upset with you right now Traci.
Traci flipper her hair at bud.
Oh, who am I kidding I can't stay mad at you you wonderful woman. I certainly married up Traci.
and I married down. I cuold have done so much better than you Bud Sunny Longinteger.
You are joking aren't you Traci?
Yes. I am bud. I married up to Bud Sunny Longinteger.
Thank you Traci. You are so adorable. Do you want to go on my ice cream truck run with me. We could spend some time to gether woarking.
Lets make it a date Bud Sunny Longinteger.
Will you stop with the middle name Traci?
Maybe in a couple of days. I will go get the car Bud sunny longinteger. Unless you want to get it?
No. Traci.
OK. I will go get it. Be back in a jiffy Bud Sunny Longinteger. And with that Traci walked around the house to go get Buds car.
Monday, December 28, 2020
cheer Cheer Oatmeal Breakfast Song
This is an old song that I finally mixed. Since I had no idea about mixing songs when I first published it to the internet. You will here the first version and then the mixed version in this video. But, its not really a video. It only has still pictures. Thank you for reding this blog post.
Bud Longinteger page 52
I have an idea Traci we can push start the ice cream truck?
I cna't push the ice cream truck. I can barely push the cart in a supermarket so in no way will I be able to push the ice cream truck.
We could push the ice cream truck with the car. Bud said.
I don't know if that is a good idea Bud. When the ice cream truck stops the car will be smashed in the front.
You are right Traci. What are we going to do. Why didn't you just try and talk to me instead of draining the battery of the ice cream truck.
I don't know now. Maybe you would have listened. No you would not have listened. If I had not drained the battery you would be happily delivering ice cream to the good people of computer city.
Bring the car around Traci. I will figure out how to use the jumper cables. Bud said
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Adventures of Bud page 51
I want life to be easy. I want life to be fun. I want life to be filled with laughter.
THen why did you marry me Bud. Why didn't you remain a batchlor?
I should have asked my self that before I proposed. Any way can you pull the car around so I can get the ice cream truck started.
Do you know how to jupm start the ice cream truck?
Of course I do Traci. How hard can it be.
You don't know how to jump start the ice cream truck do you Traci. I mean Bud.
You got me Traci. I don't know how tu jump start the ice cream truck but as I said how hard can it be?
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Adventures of Bud page 50
COme on Traci you can't divorce me. After all I have done for you."
WHat have I done for me Bud except turn some of the hair on my head gray before its time.
Ah I make you laugh.
NO you don't Bud. Try again.
Look I have really got to get going on my route. Can we talk about this later. I am in a hurry.
I see Bud. You can't run fast enough.
WHat is that supposed to mean Traci?
You proved that I needed to trap you to have a tough conversation. You don't want to work on anything.
Maybe you are right Traci. But, working on things is so hard. Life is not supposed to be hard. Its supossed to be fun.
Life is supposed to be hard. Life is not supposed to be fun." Traci said.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Adventures of Bud page 49
How could you Traci. How could you." Bud said.
It was easy all I had to do was leave the key on and let the ice cream truck electrical system to the heavy lifting.
"You now what I am talking about.And by the way could you pull my car around so you can give the truck a jump start.
Not before we have the tough conversation.
Fine. What do you want to talk abou my love.
I think you work to much bud.
But, I need to work all the time. Need to make money. I need work.
But, sometimes I feel lonely. What is the point of beeing married if we are never around each other because you are alwasy working.
That is all you wanted to talk to me about?
That is a relief.
What did you think I wanted to talk to you about Bud.
Well its kind of silly. But, I thought you wanted to ask me for a divorce.
I never thought of that bud. That might be a good idea.
Forget I mentioned that.
I don't know if I can.
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Adventures of Bud page 48
"Why won't this thing start. COme on, come on. I don't want to talk to Traci. Why do I want to hear bad news before I deliver ice cream to the great people of computer city. Come on, don't let me down now ice cream truck." Bud kept turning the starter.
Traci approached. "Hello Bud are you having some trouble with the truck?.
How did you know darling?
Because I disconnected the positive battery cable. No wait I put a hole in the gas tank so all the gas would run out. No, wait. I left the key on so the battery would run down. I can't remember which thing I did But, I did one of those things.
Why would you run the battery down. YOu are scaring me Traci.
I know you like to avoid the tough conversations so I did what I had to do. And you may be right I bet I let the battery run down a lot so you could not get the ice cream truck started.
Thats creepy.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
scarecrow Oatmeal Breakfast Song
Here is my newest song scarecrow. Give it a listen if you want to. Thank you for reading this blog post.
Adventures of Bud page 47
Bud was dring in his car to his house in an exclusive part of computer city. "I can't believe in a mansion. The company pays me plenty for not doing anything. Or is it the ice cream truck side hustle that makes all my money. what am I going to eat for dinner? I need to work more. If I had worked harder Traci would not be leaving me now. Bud you have got to stop ruminating. I can't stop these thoughts.
Bud pulled into his long drive way. "It sure is a nice day outside. At least I am free of the company and my stuffy office for a few hours." Bud tried to calm his mind as her drove down the land at the end of which was his mansion.
Bud stopped the car. Unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door. Got out of the car and slammed the car door behind himself.
There she is My gorgeous ice cream truck. Then Evvy of computer city. I sure did pick out a great name for it.
Bud slitted on his coveralls and got in the ice cream truck. And as he turned the key to start it up he say Traci running out of the mansion.
Oh, no what does she want! Bud tried to start the truck but, the starter whirred and whirred. "Why isn't this thing starting. I bet traci sabatoged it."
Monday, December 21, 2020
stomach Oatmeal Breakfast Song
Here is a song I made awhite ago and decided to remix. I liked the graphic for the song and I like the song. I suprise myself when I listen to my old song. I think wow, I made that. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
Adventures of Bud page 46
I should stop talking to you. You are not going to marry me. Whoever you are. ITs been so long since I last wrote anything for adventures of bud I can't remember what you name is. Do you remember your Name?
I have got to deal with the fact that Stacey is going to leave me. I mean Traci is going to leave me. I don't know what I am going to do when I end up single. At least I have this job I hate. That is something isn't it. I have still got the ice cream truck and the stand up comedy on weekends. Maybe my life will not be over when Traci tells me she wants a divorce. Life is not all bad. I will miss her. I am not sure why but, I will miss her. I can't wait to drive the icre cream truck today. Oh, yes, listen to that its the bell that tells everyone at the company that its quitting time. Oh, great. Time to go drive the ice cream truck. Bye whoever you are.
Bud ran for his car.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
van kaiser mike tysons punch out Oatmeal Breakfaast Plays A Video Game Episode 401
Watch me TKO Van Kaiser in the first round. I played Mike Tyson's punchout! at: Kivits Thank you for watching. Have a great day.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
glass joe mike tysons punch out nes game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video game episode 399
On this episode of the show I box against glass joe from mike tysons punch out. I play mike tysons punch out at: Thank you for watching.
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
power Outage Oatmeal Breakfast Song
This is my song power outage. And its a good thing there is not a power outage now because I would not be able to publish this post. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
Monday, December 14, 2020
welding jigsaw puzzle Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 394
On this episode I put togeter a digital jigsaw puzzle on jigsaw planet called welding.
This blog is called Daniel's day dreams
so that means to me that I want to write fiction on this blog as well as post my youtube videos. I don't think I am great at writing fiction. But, I have always wanted to write fiction. Years ago I saw a television show that mentioned a man who write a 15,000 page novel. And that got me think. Gee how many pages would I have to write a day to write that long a novel. I think I figured it would take me a year to write a book that long if I wrote 43 pages a day. And writing 43 pages of a book a day does sound fun. But, the editing is what would get me. I don't edit anything I write. My writing come from my brain moves down my arms to my fingers and my fingers put my words onto this computer screen. Maybe I sould really think about editing what I write. Maybe my writing is fine the way it is. I doubt that.
More daydreams to come. I hope.
Sunday, December 13, 2020
space Ship Trouble Oatmeal Breakfast Song
This is a song that I made about 4 years agon and decided to remix this week. Since I did not know aobut mixing when I made the song.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
geometry dash gameplay emuos Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episod393
For todays episode I played geometry dash on emuos. I liked the music. I likd the gameplay. i enjoyed playing geometry dah. Its simple yet fun. I played it at: emuos Thank you for watching. Please come back to watch more episode of oatmeal breakfast plays a video game.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
mario teaches typing gameplay Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 392
Martio Teaches typting was a fun game for me to play. I can type a lot better than you will see in the gameplay video. I got nervous Ok. I can type a lot better. Honest. And I don'T make any mistakes when I type. Mario teaches typting So you can play it if you want to. Enjoy. Thank you for watching.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
flappy bird gamepleay emuos Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 391
Its flayy bird today. Thank you for watching. I played flappy bird at: