What good is bringing the car around if we don't know what to do with the car once its here. Traci asked.
Make it happen Traci.
Don't you order me around like that Bud sunny Longinteger.
How could you mention my middle name. Now everyone reading this story knows my middle Name Traci? You know how much I do't like my middle name. How could you. I am upset with you right now Traci.
Traci flipper her hair at bud.
Oh, who am I kidding I can't stay mad at you you wonderful woman. I certainly married up Traci.
and I married down. I cuold have done so much better than you Bud Sunny Longinteger.
You are joking aren't you Traci?
Yes. I am bud. I married up to Bud Sunny Longinteger.
Thank you Traci. You are so adorable. Do you want to go on my ice cream truck run with me. We could spend some time to gether woarking.
Lets make it a date Bud Sunny Longinteger.
Will you stop with the middle name Traci?
Maybe in a couple of days. I will go get the car Bud sunny longinteger. Unless you want to get it?
No. Traci.
OK. I will go get it. Be back in a jiffy Bud Sunny Longinteger. And with that Traci walked around the house to go get Buds car.
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