Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Animation meat update

I just want to write about animation meat again today. In my earlier post about animation meat I said I wanted to do some animation tutorials on the site, but after I wrote about animation meat on my blog I looked at the site again and I did not find the tutorials I wanted to do. I did not look at the website close enough before I decided I wanted to do the animation tutorials. The tutorials probably have not been available for awhile.

I was disappointed when I saw the animation tutorials I wanted to do were no longer on animation meat and I wish I would have download them when the were available, but I got over it. I still want to lean how to draw animation thought.

I still draw every day and I still think I am not very good at drawing, but I keep drawing anyway.


  1. All of the audio tutorials we have posted are still on the website.

    The animation notes are not tutorials, but simply animation notes collected from many different studios over the years. They are all still available except the ones from Walt Stanchfield. We took those down per request. They had been posted for almost a decade. Now there will be a book (actually two!) that you can purchase with even more animation material than we had posted on the site.

    One of the reasons we posted them is because the information was NOT readily available anywhere. Now it is. We have links to the books on the site.

  2. Cool, someone commented on one of my posts. Thanks for the information and thank you for the comment.
