I have come up with a new idea. It has been taking me about a half an hour to write the last few story's and I can't waste that amount of time writing bad story's. So what I want to do is limit myself to ten minutes per story. It will be interesting to see what I can write in ten minutes or less. I will allow myself another five minutes to edit what I wrote. So fifteen minutes total. Time to start writing
Hi I am Larry the LCD computer monitor and I want to complain. First let me start by saying I am a twenty one inch monitor and I am colored bright green.
Now on to my complaints. Number one people are always staring at me. Staring makes me nervous. Could you perhaps once in a while look away from me all that staring is taking a toll.
The next complaint I have is: why do I have to be on almost all the time during the day. I need my rest and I am not a night LCD. I am restless all night and can't sleep a wink so I am tired when you get up to turn me on in the morning. So I want some sleep during the day so turn me off once in awhile during the day time.
And finally you always take me for granted and never say thank you. I work hard staying in tip top LCD shape so show me some appreciation every so often. I am Larry the LCD computer monitor and I am an done complaining. Wow it felt good to get all that off my plastic screen.
Silly's done, writing fiction for today.
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