Today I will write about Pete the lonely pine tree. I just thought the subject I will be writing about up a few minutes ago and I am sure it will show in the writing. Here I go.
Hello my name is peter and I am a pine tree. I live at Lunar farms which is located on the moon between galaxy car wash and the hyper drive cafe. Lunar pine tree farm was founded in 2050 by some of the first settlers on the moon. Lunar pine tree farm is housed in a giant round geodesic dome. It has to be heated artificially lighted to mimic the conditions pine trees would find on earth. It takes a lot of electricity to run the farm but, all the energy is worth it. So I hear.
On to my story. I was planted fifteen years after Lunars founding. Today is December 21, 2100 so I am thirty years old. In my time I have seen many trees cut down for trees for the holidays. I tell you I never get over seeing my buddies get sawed down and taken away. It is depressing.
Take for instance Ted Pine he was one of my best buddies until the day he got cut down during the holiday season of 2095. He knew what would happen to him after two weeks of being in someones house he would be turned into compost for Lunar farms fifty pine trees. Oh he took his fate so well he never cried. And I know what your thinking dear readers pine trees cant cry oh yes they can take it from a pine tree who knows. I have cried on many occasions when my buddies are cut down.
Sure the trees that are cut get replaced by young saplings. It not the same talking to the young saps though. All the saps are into is joking around they are not like us older trees who like to talk about serious things. We old ones take about who we think will be cut down next. That is serious stuff.
The holiday season is coming up and there are only to older trees left that are my age. They are my friends and they will probably get cut down and turned into compost this year. Oh I will be so lonely without them because they are the only trees I can talk to. All my buddy's will be gone, all my buddies will be gone. I hope I get cut down this year but, I probably will not because the owner likes me and I will probably live out my natural life. With all my buddies gone, gone I tell you. I am Pete the lonely pine tree, soon to be the only old pine tree at Lunar farms and that is all. Pete the lonely pine tree is done.
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