The hour of Buds big date was here. Jessica woke Bud up with her loudspeaker. "Bud its time for your date" She screamed throw the blasted device that always drove Bud crazy. He always wanted to take if from here hands and smash it to the ground. Who does that to his nanny thought I would be seen as a total lack of respect then he would be sent to his timeout corner; The corner next to his closet in his room. He did not want to go to the timeout corner ever again. Now here is Bud to narrate the events of the date as he saw them.
I was rudely awakened by my nanny. I still adore her though. I ran to my closet to throw on my sweatpants and t-shirt, tennis shoes. When I realized they were not in my closed they were still in the plastic bags from the cheap store I always by clothes from. I sheepishly walked away from my closet and to the bags where the clothes were stored at the foot of my bed. One I was properly attired. And I looked great if I do say so myself. I looked great great, great. Quiet Bud. Get out of my story telling Jessica. Sorry about that little interruption.
"Now its off to the limo" I yelled. I always took my imaginary go cart down to my limo but, first I had to drive it all around the house. Good thing it was an electric go cart otherwise it would have made the house smell bad. And would have been way to loud. So after I parked the imaginary go cart I waited for my driver to open the door to the limo. I never touch door handles you never know what diseases you can get from them. I was about to hop in the back seat when I decided to take the car for a little spin, hey its my car and I can do what I want even though I have never driven a car before. Why not lean on the big car.
I had seen someone start a car on a documentary so I was good there and I knew the gas peddle was on the right and come on I knew how to steer I just did not know how to break or where the break was. Luckily I forget to take off the parking break and stayed stuck until my driver came around to the driver seat and said that if it came to it he would have to call Jessica and have her come here and forcibly remove me if I did not get out of the seat and into the back right this instant. I knew Jessica had a temper and was some one I did not want to tangle with so I did as he asked. "Where to" my driver asked.
I refuse to mention his name here because he was so mean in threatening to get Jessica.
"Where do you think". I said. "The moon" I added immediately after. I will let Bud tell more of his story in the next post.
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