Thursday, December 31, 2020

3 point basketball dos video game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Epidode 409

This game uses the left mouse button. Press and hold, release, and then press again. I played 3 point basketball at internet archive.

Bud Longinteger page 55

Bud walked to the the trunk of the car and opened it. "Ah, there they are. I always wander what happen to my ugly christmas sweaters. I wondr how they got there?

I don't know how they got there." Traci shurgged.

Bud searched in the back of the trunk. "Here they are. Bud held up the junper cables so that Traci could see them.

So what good are jumper cables if you don't know how to use them Bud?

"Good point Traci." Bud walked in between the front of the car and the ice cream truck and wondered how in the world to hook up the jumper cables. "What am I going to do Traci.

We could call a mechanic.

I am not going to call a mehanic for something that I can easly do myself.

I am sure you could jump start the car if you knew how to jump start the car Bud but, you don't know how to jump start the car. I mean ice cream truck. If we also had to jump start the car because its battery was dead we would be in big trouble." Traci said.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

dynamite dan zx spectrum game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 407

For this episode I played a zx spectrum game from 1985 called dyanmite dan. I did not play it well. I played dynamite dan at tomak Thank you for visiting my blog.

Adventures of Bud page 54

Traci drove the car around to the front driveway where the ice cream truck was parked. she parked it in front of the ice cream truck."Are you sure we don't need a larger bettery to jump start the ice cream truck Bud Sunny Longinteger.

Enough with the middle name Traci. Relax Traci I don't know what I am doing. I can handle this."

You really know how to instill confindence in yourself bud.

Ha ha. Traci always joking around. This is serious business." Bud walked in the middle of the car and the ice cream truck. He opened the hood of the ice cream truck first. And then he opened the ood of the car shortly after. "Alright now we are ready to get the ice cream truck purring. Remind me lover where are the jumper cables."

OH, I thought you knew Bud?

and I thought you knew where the Jumper cables were Traci. No problem. We will figure this out. I have got this all under control.

I hope so bud because I don't have this under any control. Traci said.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

the WiFis Down Oatmeal Breakfast Song

This is my newest song. I don't know why I wrote a song called the wifi's down. I guess I wrote it because I did not have any other ideas for a song. Thank you for reading this blog post.

Adventures of bud page 53

What good is bringing the car around if we don't know what to do with the car once its here. Traci asked.

Make it happen Traci.

Don't you order me around like that Bud sunny Longinteger.

How could you mention my middle name. Now everyone reading this story knows my middle Name Traci? You know how much I do't like my middle name. How could you. I am upset with you right now Traci.

Traci flipper her hair at bud.

Oh, who am I kidding I can't stay mad at you you wonderful woman. I certainly married up Traci.

and I married down. I cuold have done so much better than you Bud Sunny Longinteger.

You are joking aren't you Traci?

Yes. I am bud. I married up to Bud Sunny Longinteger.

Thank you Traci. You are so adorable. Do you want to go on my ice cream truck run with me. We could spend some time to gether woarking.

Lets make it a date Bud Sunny Longinteger.

Will you stop with the middle name Traci?

Maybe in a couple of days. I will go get the car Bud sunny longinteger. Unless you want to get it?

No. Traci.

OK. I will go get it. Be back in a jiffy Bud Sunny Longinteger. And with that Traci walked around the house to go get Buds car.

Monday, December 28, 2020

cheer Cheer Oatmeal Breakfast Song

This is an old song that I finally mixed. Since I had no idea about mixing songs when I first published it to the internet. You will here the first version and then the mixed version in this video. But, its not really a video. It only has still pictures. Thank you for reding this blog post.

Bud Longinteger page 52

I have an idea Traci we can push start the ice cream truck?

I cna't push the ice cream truck. I can barely push the cart in a supermarket so in no way will I be able to push the ice cream truck.

We could push the ice cream truck with the car. Bud said.

I don't know if that is a good idea Bud. When the ice cream truck stops the car will be smashed in the front.

You are right Traci. What are we going to do. Why didn't you just try and talk to me instead of draining the battery of the ice cream truck.

I don't know now. Maybe you would have listened. No you would not have listened. If I had not drained the battery you would be happily delivering ice cream to the good people of computer city.

Bring the car around Traci. I will figure out how to use the jumper cables. Bud said

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 51

I want life to be easy. I want life to be fun. I want life to be filled with laughter.

THen why did you marry me Bud. Why didn't you remain a batchlor?

I should have asked my self that before I proposed. Any way can you pull the car around so I can get the ice cream truck started.

Do you know how to jupm start the ice cream truck?

Of course I do Traci. How hard can it be.

You don't know how to jump start the ice cream truck do you Traci. I mean Bud.

You got me Traci. I don't know how tu jump start the ice cream truck but as I said how hard can it be?

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 50

COme on Traci you can't divorce me. After all I have done for you."

WHat have I done for me Bud except turn some of the hair on my head gray before its time.

Ah I make you laugh.

NO you don't Bud. Try again.

Look I have really got to get going on my route. Can we talk about this later. I am in a hurry.

I see Bud. You can't run fast enough.

WHat is that supposed to mean Traci?

You proved that I needed to trap you to have a tough conversation. You don't want to work on anything.

Maybe you are right Traci. But, working on things is so hard. Life is not supposed to be hard. Its supossed to be fun.

Life is supposed to be hard. Life is not supposed to be fun." Traci said.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 49

How could you Traci. How could you." Bud said.

It was easy all I had to do was leave the key on and let the ice cream truck electrical system to the heavy lifting.

"You now what I am talking about.And by the way could you pull my car around so you can give the truck a jump start.

Not before we have the tough conversation.

Fine. What do you want to talk abou my love.

I think you work to much bud.

But, I need to work all the time. Need to make money. I need work.

But, sometimes I feel lonely. What is the point of beeing married if we are never around each other because you are alwasy working.

That is all you wanted to talk to me about?


That is a relief.

What did you think I wanted to talk to you about Bud.

Well its kind of silly. But, I thought you wanted to ask me for a divorce.

I never thought of that bud. That might be a good idea.

Forget I mentioned that.

I don't know if I can.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 48

"Why won't this thing start. COme on, come on. I don't want to talk to Traci. Why do I want to hear bad news before I deliver ice cream to the great people of computer city. Come on, don't let me down now ice cream truck." Bud kept turning the starter.

Traci approached. "Hello Bud are you having some trouble with the truck?.

How did you know darling?

Because I disconnected the positive battery cable. No wait I put a hole in the gas tank so all the gas would run out. No, wait. I left the key on so the battery would run down. I can't remember which thing I did But, I did one of those things.

Why would you run the battery down. YOu are scaring me Traci.

I know you like to avoid the tough conversations so I did what I had to do. And you may be right I bet I let the battery run down a lot so you could not get the ice cream truck started.

Thats creepy.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

scarecrow Oatmeal Breakfast Song

Here is my newest song scarecrow. Give it a listen if you want to. Thank you for reading this blog post.

Adventures of Bud page 47

Bud was dring in his car to his house in an exclusive part of computer city. "I can't believe in a mansion. The company pays me plenty for not doing anything. Or is it the ice cream truck side hustle that makes all my money. what am I going to eat for dinner? I need to work more. If I had worked harder Traci would not be leaving me now. Bud you have got to stop ruminating. I can't stop these thoughts.

Bud pulled into his long drive way. "It sure is a nice day outside. At least I am free of the company and my stuffy office for a few hours." Bud tried to calm his mind as her drove down the land at the end of which was his mansion.

Bud stopped the car. Unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door. Got out of the car and slammed the car door behind himself.

There she is My gorgeous ice cream truck. Then Evvy of computer city. I sure did pick out a great name for it.

Bud slitted on his coveralls and got in the ice cream truck. And as he turned the key to start it up he say Traci running out of the mansion.

Oh, no what does she want! Bud tried to start the truck but, the starter whirred and whirred. "Why isn't this thing starting. I bet traci sabatoged it."

Monday, December 21, 2020

stomach Oatmeal Breakfast Song

Here is a song I made awhite ago and decided to remix. I liked the graphic for the song and I like the song. I suprise myself when I listen to my old song. I think wow, I made that. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.

Adventures of Bud page 46

I should stop talking to you. You are not going to marry me. Whoever you are. ITs been so long since I last wrote anything for adventures of bud I can't remember what you name is. Do you remember your Name?


I have got to deal with the fact that Stacey is going to leave me. I mean Traci is going to leave me. I don't know what I am going to do when I end up single. At least I have this job I hate. That is something isn't it. I have still got the ice cream truck and the stand up comedy on weekends. Maybe my life will not be over when Traci tells me she wants a divorce. Life is not all bad. I will miss her. I am not sure why but, I will miss her. I can't wait to drive the icre cream truck today. Oh, yes, listen to that its the bell that tells everyone at the company that its quitting time. Oh, great. Time to go drive the ice cream truck. Bye whoever you are.

Bud ran for his car.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

van kaiser mike tysons punch out Oatmeal Breakfaast Plays A Video Game Episode 401

Watch me TKO Van Kaiser in the first round. I played Mike Tyson's punchout! at: Kivits Thank you for watching. Have a great day.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

glass joe mike tysons punch out nes game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video game episode 399

On this episode of the show I box against glass joe from mike tysons punch out. I play mike tysons punch out at: Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

power Outage Oatmeal Breakfast Song

This is my song power outage. And its a good thing there is not a power outage now because I would not be able to publish this post. Thank you for reading. Have a great day.

Monday, December 14, 2020

welding jigsaw puzzle Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 394

On this episode I put togeter a digital jigsaw puzzle on jigsaw planet called welding.

This blog is called Daniel's day dreams

so that means to me that I want to write fiction on this blog as well as post my youtube videos. I don't think I am great at writing fiction. But, I have always wanted to write fiction. Years ago I saw a television show that mentioned a man who write a 15,000 page novel. And that got me think. Gee how many pages would I have to write a day to write that long a novel. I think I figured it would take me a year to write a book that long if I wrote 43 pages a day. And writing 43 pages of a book a day does sound fun. But, the editing is what would get me. I don't edit anything I write. My writing come from my brain moves down my arms to my fingers and my fingers put my words onto this computer screen. Maybe I sould really think about editing what I write. Maybe my writing is fine the way it is. I doubt that.

More daydreams to come. I hope.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

space Ship Trouble Oatmeal Breakfast Song

This is a song that I made about 4 years agon and decided to remix this week. Since I did not know aobut mixing when I made the song.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

geometry dash gameplay emuos Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episod393

For todays episode I played geometry dash on emuos. I liked the music. I likd the gameplay. i enjoyed playing geometry dah. Its simple yet fun. I played it at: emuos Thank you for watching. Please come back to watch more episode of oatmeal breakfast plays a video game.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

mario teaches typing gameplay Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 392

Martio Teaches typting was a fun game for me to play. I can type a lot better than you will see in the gameplay video. I got nervous Ok. I can type a lot better. Honest. And I don'T make any mistakes when I type. Mario teaches typting So you can play it if you want to. Enjoy. Thank you for watching.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

flappy bird gamepleay emuos Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 391

Its flayy bird today. Thank you for watching. I played flappy bird at:

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Friday, September 11, 2020

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Friday, September 4, 2020

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

Adventrus of Bud page 45

how should I know Bud. I have never seen you play a video game.

I see. So you think I would be a terrible esports player and you are trying to spare my feelings by saying you have never seen me play a video game.

Believe me I don't ever want to spare your feelings. I don't care about your feelings.

"That is good to know." Bud said.

"So you like me but, you are glad I don't care how you feel".

"That sums it up."

"I thhought you wanted to marry me after Traci divorced you."

"That would be taking it a little fast. If Traci or I should say when Traci divorces me I want to maybe stay single for the rest of my life. I would not want to go through the pain of a divorce. I would berate myself for not picking a woman I would actually spend the rest of my life. Self blame."

scuba dive zx spectrum game gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game...

I play a 1983 Zx spectrum game called scuba dive on this episode.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Adventures of bud page 44

"I feel so alone whatever your name is." Bud said.

We all feel alone Bud.

You don't feel alone as I feel right now. If I were a success if I had put in the work at work and not goofed off she would have stayed with me. She would never had fivorced me if I owned a mansion on the hill.

There are hills in computer city. I thought it was all flat land?

A mansion on the hill is a figure of speech. It means to be rich.

Thans for the less. I have not felt like this since school.

I am glad I could educate you.

For the record I did not and hever never liked school. School is for some people and I am not one of those some people Bud,

Do you think I would be a good esports player." Bud asked the woman.

Monday, August 17, 2020

invasion of the boday snatchas zx specrum game OatmealBreakfast Plays A ...

ON this episode I play a 1983 Zx spectrum game called invasion of the body snatchas.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Friday, August 14, 2020

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

peanuts Song Remixed

I mixed peanuts song. Its the 2nd song I uploaded to the internet. I never mised peanuts song when I made it. I did not know that I had to mix my songs or could mix my songs.

Adventures of bud page 43

"coreect. Now about my side hustle. Do you tink I could be a dating coach for other men in computer city. After all I am a hopless romantic.

I was being facetious when I said you are a hopeless romantic.

Oh, I see. And what else have you lied about in our conversation. You know I have feelings.

I know you have feelings bud.

I don't like being lied to.

Sorry is not good enough. I can't belive that after all we have been though.

We have only know each other for 10 minutes.

So. I thought you were the one who I was going to spend the rest of my life with and now I find out you are a liar.

How can you marry me when you are not even divorced from Traci.

She wants to divorce me. That is how.

She only said that she wants to talk to you about something.

And she wants to talk to me in person. And if she wants to tatk to me in person about something its got to be something important. So she must want to divorce me. I have never been there for her. Its always me trying to get out of work. I have nothing left now. I am going to end up alone.

xo-fighter gameplay OamtealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 312

I play xo-fighter on this episode.

froggy gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 311

On this episode I play zx spectrum froggy.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

socks Remixed

Socks is the first song I uploaded to the internet. I decided to remix it. Or mix it. Since I had no idea about mixing when I made socks.

raceman gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 310

On this episode I play a dos video game from 1982 called raceman. Its a car raching game.

fighterpilot gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 309

I play A Zx spectrum game from 1983 called fighter pilot.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 42

So do you want to have a relationship with me or not.

You are a hopeless romantic Bud. You really know how ot woo a lady.

Do you really think so. I have been looking for a side hustle. OK, its more like i have been looking to quit my job. I detest computers and I detest computer programming.

You must have something in your life you like.

I thought Traci was something I liked in my life. And now she wants to divorce me. I suppose I do like being an ice cream truck drive and my stand up comedy.

You do stand up comedy. You don't strike me as being funny.

Looks can be deceiving. I asure you that I am one of the funniest people who likes in my house.

YOu know if you lived alone bud that would not be saying much.

I don't live alone. I live with traci until she packs up her bags and leaves me. I want to cry.

So then when she leaves the house when you say you are the funniest person in your huse you will not be saying much.

floppy frenzy gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 306

Its floppy frenzy on this episode.

deathchase gameplay OatmealBeakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 305

I play a Zx spectrum game from 1983 called daathchase

Friday, August 7, 2020

anti-ballistic missile gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Epis...

I play Anti-ballistic misslie on this episode. I did not play it well.

3d combat zone OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 303

I paly 3d combat zone on this episode,

Adventrues of Bud page 41

I don't know if I want to get in a relationship with a married man. I have not had good luck with relationships.

The past does not determine what is going to happen in the future. Because you have not had good relatonships in the past does not mean your relationship with me will not be great.

Are you happily married?

I thought I was. Traci wan'ts to talk to me about something and I am fearing the worst. You see I am at work a lot. Most of my time at work is spent trying to avoid work. SO I guess you could say I am a workaholic at trying to get out of work. I work hard at trying to avoid wy work.

I see. Tell me more.

I don't have much mroe time on my lunch break. Have you made your decision yet. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

I doubt that bud.

You are probably right. I am not that great. I don't want to be alone when Traci dumps me. I have never not been in a relationship in my adult life. I have nevver been single in my adult life. And when traci dumps me I will be singe. And I can't let my record of nonsingleness go up in smoke.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 40

"That was not a guess. By the way is there a limit to the number of guesses I can guess." The woman asked.

No,But its an interesting idea. Maybe I should limit the number of guesses so we won't be here all day. If Bud LongInteger is one thing he likes to get his work done. I am on my lunch break you know.

Is your first name Bud?"

Wow, you are quick. How did you guess my name so fast,

When you said you name was Bud LongInteger I assumed your first name was Bud.

Oh, I screwed it up. I can't do anything right. You know my marriage is on the rocks. It might not last much longer. So.

Are you saying you want to have an affair Bud?

No, of course not. Its more like a get to know each other in case my marriage does dissolve I won't end up alone and miserable.

I am looking for a relationship myself. I am not sure I want a relationship with an unhappily married man. I will give it some thought.

Well don't give it to much thought my lunch break is over in five minutes. And women find me irresistible.

Oh, I see. I will think it over quickly.

pac girl gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 300

I play pac-girl on this episode.

the brids and the bees gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 299

I play a Zx spectrum game called the birds and the bees on today's show,>/p>

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 39

"Do you ever wonder if you have made all the wrong decisions in life?" Bud asked.

By the way sir what is your name?

I don't want to tell you my name.

Gee wiz. Can I guess your name then?"

Sure. Are you going to try to guess my first or last name or both.


"I am going to try to guess your first name.

Great, go for it,"

"Can I asked you a letter and will you tell me if its in your name or do I have to guess a whole name,"

Whole name.

That makes it a little tougher. Well let me see. You are outside a company that does work on computers so what is a good name for a computer geek.

Excuse me miss I take issue with the words computer geek.

What would you rather be called?

Computer enthusiast.

Fine, whatever your name is.

Whatever your name is is not my name. Guess again.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Ant Attack gameplay OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 293

I play Zx spectrum on Ant Attack on this episode.

Adventures of Bud page 38

"Wait miss before you tell me what is bothering you I want to ask you a question. Are you into radio control cars? I hope I am not being to personal with my question."

I have never dated a Radio control car if that is what you mean.

Ha ha ha. You got me there. That is funny. I was asking if you drove radio control cars.

Sorry for my outburst. I am trying to work on my comedy. I can't say that I have ever drove a radio control car. Its not that I have no interest its that the idea never occurred to me.

You know miss when I look back on my life I kick myself when I think of ideas I wish I would have had. I think what was going through my head. Why did I not have that idea. I really wonder about myself.

Me to, The woman said,

So you wonder about me or you have those same thoughts also,

I can see that I am not being successful trying to make you laugh. When are my jokes going to get good. When am I going to make people laugh,

Don't give up miss. If you keep working at it, and try hard who knows one day you many end up at computer city deli on open mike night.

Ha ha. Maybe you should be the comedian sir.

vide Arcade Adventurer

Its my latest song. I hope you like it.

Monday, July 27, 2020

paperboy gameplay ms dos OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 290

I play paperboy on this episode.

Adventures of bud page 37

A woman walked by bud. Say hi to her. I want to say hi to her so bad and ask how she is doing. I wonder how here day is going. I wonder what she is thinking. Is she married? Is she divorced? Is she engaged.

"Hello miss how are you doing." The woman ignored Bud and she kept on walking. I feel sick to my stomach. I feel like I got punched in the stomach. I hope she is not angry with me for trying to talk to her when she did not want anyone to talk to her. I should have let her say hi to me. That is the last time I take the lead in saying hi.

Another woman walked by bud. I want to say hi to her. What is her life like?

Hello." Bud said.

"Hello." The woman said.

So how is your day going miss.

OH, its OK, Its been a little disappointing.

How so?

I am sure you would not want to hear the reason. I am sure you don't care. I don't want to bother you with my problems.

I would not have asked if I did not care. So what is bothering you?

Saturday, July 25, 2020

wheel of fortune second Edition Almost Bonus Round Oatmeal Breakfast Plays a video game Episode 288

This would have been the bonus round but, its not. but, it is.

wheel of fortune second edition gameplay round 3 OatmealBreakfast Plays A video game Episode 287

This is round 3 of me playing the same wheel of fortune game from episode 285, 286. Thank you for watching,

wheel of fortune second edition gameplay round 2 OatmealBreakfast Plays a video game Episode 286

This is the second round of the wheel of fortune game I played

Adventures of Bud page 36

Bud walked out side the company building. "Its nice outside in the morning. Maybe I should get outside more in the morning. Maybe I could even get a laptop and bring it outside to code. Maybe I should start actually doing my job. I do feel a bit guilty about not doing my job and still getting money from the company.

Its so nice out here with all the bird and cricket sounds. The car noise is not that bad. The cars sound like the ocean as they go buy. Its not as comforting a sound as the ocean is. That is for sure.

I wonder if my boss would let me work at the beach. I could get an umbrella, a table and a chair and put them on the sand. Take off my shoes, lather myself with a lot of suntan lotion. I could listen to the waves all day as I stare into my computer screen writing error laden code. I man can dream can't he.

What will I do if Traci decides to leave me. I don't know what I will do without her. I will miss her that is for sure. I know it she does want to leave me. I never liked being single. I don't want to date again. I never enjoyed dating. Or for that matter asking women out. I always hoped they would reject me so I would not have to go on a date and get to know her. I am so weird.

My life is in ruins. Maybe I should go shopping. A little retail therapy. I could wind shop instead of buy.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

bee Watching OatmealBreakfast song

zp>I am not happy with how the music and the lyrics sound together. So eventually I will try and mix bee watching again.

Adventures of Bud page 35

"p>Maybe Traci has something wrong with her. No that can't be it. she is so healthy. It must be that she is leaving me for anther man. Wait a minute maybe she is throwing me a surprise birthday party. That is it. Wait is it my birthday. I need someone to talk to.

Bud paced the halls of the company. My life as i know it is ending. My life will never be the same. I am going to be single again. Traci is going to leave me. I can change. She will take me back.

No, Traci is not going to leave me. Wait maybe she is going to leave me. I do work a lot. She need attention. And I am not giving her the attention she needs. She must feel so along. Why do I think so much about myself. I am so self centered.Why can't I ever do anything right.

I need to go outside of a walk. My stomach is upset. Breathe Bud breathe. I am making something out of nothing. Traci is perfectly happy with the way things are. She is fine. She likes to tell me things in person that is all. There will be no bad news. Maybe she is throwing me an early birthday party.

Pole Position GamePlay MS Dos OatmealBreakfast Plays A VIdeo Game Episod...

Its pole position on this episode.

Space Raiders Gameplay Zx Spectrum Game OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video G...

The title of the post says all you need to know before you watch the video. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 281

I play Astro Blaster on this episode.

Adventures of Bud page 34

Traci my I can't hear you. You are cutting in and out.

Is your....

Can you repeat that Traci I could not hear it all.

Is your...

I can't hear what you are saying Traci. Oh, my cell phone battery is going dead. Why can't I ever remember to charge up my cellphone battery. I don't have anything else to do. I can't do anything right.

Bud paced around the elevator and the exited it and paced the halls of the company.

What does Traci want to tell me. But, was asking anyone who would listen if they hand a cellphone charger he could use. No one did. Am I the only person at the company with a cellphone. Or maybe my coworkers don't trust me. What am I going to do. I have got to know what Traci wants to tell me.

Maybe I can borrow someones phone. If they won't lend me there charge them probably won't lend me there precious phone. What am I going to do?

Traci wants to lave me. She has found someone else and wants to leave me for him. This id the worst day of my life. Wait a minute I don't know what trace wants to tell me. Maybe I am worrying about nothing. Maybe she thought it was to trivial to bother with. Why did I get up this morning. Today is the worst day of my life.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 280

I play Zx spectrum Planetoids on this episode

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 33

Tell me Traci. Tell me.

I don't want to tell you Bud. At least not at this time. I think what I want to tell you is an in person type of conversation.

Conversation. That does not sound good. Tell me Traci. I am not going to hang up onto you until you tell me what you want to talk about.

OK, Are you sitting down bud?

Should I be Traci?

Yes. Now sit down Bud.

Don't tell me what to do Traci. We have had this conversation before.

Sorry, Bud. I want you to be comfortable when I tell you what you want me to tell you.

You are the one who wanted to tell me something Traci.

I know Bud, but I did not want to tell you now. And you insisted that I tell you now.

That is correct Traci.

Are you criticizing me Bud? You know how upset I get?

I have never heard this before. you never said you get upset when I correct you.

I am so upset right now Bud.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 277

I play MS dos pac man on episode 277. I perform poorly.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 276

I play five games of hungry Horace in under three minutes. I am sure you can guess how I did in the game,

Thursday, July 16, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 274

On today's show I play KNaval Battle.

Adventures of bud page 32

Elevator are you alright?

Would you be alright Bud if you feel 3 feet. Huh would you Bud?

Don't get testy with me elevator. I am not the one who caused you to fall. I would never cuase you to fall, I know what I need to do? I need to call Traci and tell her how much I care. How much I adore her.

Bud got his cell phone out of his picket and dialed Traci's number. Traci picked up her phone


Hello its me darling.

H Bud where are you?

I am here at work. I was riding in an elevator and it suddenly fell 3 feet. My life passed before my eyes.

Bud we need to have a talk.

That does not sound good.

That's very perceptive of you Bud.

I can't take the suspense. Tell me what you want to talk to me about?>/p>

I don't think this is the proper time. I think it can wait.

You know how I get Traci. What do you want to talk to me about.

I don't think this is the appropriate time.

Tell me Traci,

Sunday, July 12, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 270

I play football manager on today's show.

Adventures of bud page 31

I am going to my office elevator. I need to get some work done. This elevator is to confined for me. I need my space.

Sure bud what ever you say. I also like my piece and quiet.

Are you saying I ruined your day elevator? Are you saying I am noisy. Well how dare you say those things to me. I have been nothing but nice to you. And now you go and say those things to me.

That is not what I meant bud.

don't try and say you did not mean what you meant. I can read between the lines. Don't worry you wont have bud bugging you anymore.

Suddenly the elevator quickly lower and smashed to the ground. And bud was thrown from his feet to the floor of the elevator.

Ouch, that hurt. My life passed before my eyes. And it was not much of a life. Oh, no how am I going to get out of here. Will I ever get out of here. There must be a call button somewhere in the elevator. If only my neck would stop hurting. Maybe I can sue the company and retire early. This could be my lucky day elevator, Elevator?

Thursday, July 9, 2020


I released my new song on the internet. Enjoy it or don't enjoy it. Its up to you.

Adventures of bud page 30

I am exhausted elevator. Maybe I need to go to my office and have a nap. And gasp maybe even do some work. What if I had never learned how to use a computer? Would my life be better or worse? Do I use a computer to much/

Maybe a computer is not your problem bud.

Maybe a computer is not my problem. Then what is my problem? I am tired of thinking I have to work all the time elevator. Who am I trying to impress? Why do I have to work all the time. Maybe I should aim to get the most done while doing the least.


I mean that I need to be more efficient. Maybe I should spend more time with Traci instead of working all the time. What have I done with my life elevator? I have messed it up beyond repair. I can never fix my life,

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 268

On this episode I play Zx spectrum Arcadia.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Sunday, July 5, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 264

I play several rounds of kspaceduel on today's show.

Advertures of Bud page 28

Pp>You know elevator I constantly tell myself that I have wasted my life. That other people have not wasted their life. That I am the only person in computer city to waste his life. How do I define a wasted life? Is a wasted life having a job you don't like? Is a wasted life being miserable? is a wasted life never doing anything I wanted to do? Is it never challenging myself go grow more than I was comfortable with?

What exactly is a wasted life? If valuing family over a job and money a wasted life? Valuing money and a great job over family? is having a lot of possessions a wasted life? Is having few possessions a wasted life? Is not enjoying life a wasted life?

Elevator there must be a lot of ways to define a wasted life. Maybe I am wrong when I say I wasted my life? Wasted my life according to who? According to watch measure? According to what standard? Maybe I am being to critical of my life. I try to to the best. I try to make the world a better place. Maybe I think that I have wasted my life because I have not tried hard enough to make the world a better place for other people. Maybe i think of myself to much. I am not the only person in computer city. Even though I often think I am. I have time and I don't want to waste that time. I head a quote by a wise man who said time passes don't waste it. What a statement. That is the way I try to live my life. I hope.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 262

I play KBounce on today's show. I make it past the first level. I am so proud of myself. And you can be proud of me if you want to. I am not saying you have to be proud of me. I won't know if you are proud of me or not. Thank you for watching.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 261

I don't put on much of a video gaming show on today's show. Froggy is certainly a game that I need massive improvement at. Thank you for watching.

Adventures of Bud page 27

I have got to stop being miserable and focus on constructive thoughts. Where has being miserable gotten me? Where has thinking about how to get out of my programming work at the company gotten me? I need to change my thoughts. You know elevator today is the best day of my life.

Thank you for sharing Bod.

What is that supposed to mean.

I was trying to be Supportive bud.

Well, no thank you. Its not helping me. I want go change my life. I want go get out of my boring rut. I am tired of being miserable elevator.

Then quit your programming job Bud.

I can't do that elevator. If I quit my programming job I will have nothing to complain about. Then I won't be miserable anymore. Oh, now I see what you were getting at elevator. I don't know if I want ot quit. Its a good paying job. I will have to think it over. Bud said.

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 260

I play Zx spectrum Harrier Attack on today's show.

Hedge Trimmer OatmealBreakfast song

My new song is out on the internet. I don't know what else to say about that.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Sunday, June 28, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 258

If you blink you will miss watching the video. That is how bad I was at playing pogo. Good day.

Raking Leaves OatmealBreakfast song

Its a song no one asked for and I am sure no one wants to hear. I put it out anyway. Thank you for listening. Have a terrific day,

Saturday, June 27, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 257

'' Mp>Its kblackbocks on OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. I don't have much of a clue when I play the game. I am sure I will learn though. GOod day.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 256

I play kapman on this episode of the show. I wonder what the ghosts taste like. They probably don't taste like lucky charms. good day

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 255

I play kfourline on this episode. I wish I played kfourline better but, I don't. Thank you for watching.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 254

I play mines on episode 244 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. Good day.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 253

I play kmines on episode 253 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. Thank you for watching.

Adventures of Bud page 25

I wonder if I thought more about jokes to write it I might not have more fun working at the company? Maybe if I thought more about writing jokes than how miserable I am I might be a better comedian?

I don't know what to tell you bud?

How can you understand you don't have much life experience but, I am sure you have met a lot of people, I wish I were home right now sitting in my back yard listening to the crickets, My life is never going to get any elevator. I am always going to be miserable. I am always going to think that I am never enough. Why out of all the people in the world did I mess up my life. My life would have been perfect had I not be chosen to run it. Why me.

Don't be so hard on yourself Bud.

My who problem in life is because I have not been hard enough on myself. I need to be hard on myself. I need to expect perfection. I need to be perfect.

You don't need to be perfect. No one expects you to be perfect Bud.

That is because no one cares about me as much as me. Bud said

Sunday, June 21, 2020

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 252

I play Mrs. Pac-Man on episode 252. Sure its a bit later for me to start playing a video game that came out in 1983 but, its better late than never. I think. Thank you for watching. I a video of a person playing and talking about Mrs. Pac-Man.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 24

I wonder if I could stay in the elevator all day instead of going to my office." Bud said.

Maybe you should become an elevator operator.

I never thought of that elevator. You are genus elevator.

"I would not go that far Bad. That might be the loneliness talking bud.

Right. Sometimes I wonder if I would not be better of working from home. I would have Traci around me more. She is a magnificent woman elevator. She is so fun to be around. I am a better person with her. I am happier when I am around her. When I am not around her I get upset that I will never see her again. I miss her elevator.

It sounds like you miss Traci

How did you know elevator. You got that I missed Traci from what I said to you. Have you ever thought about being an elevator operator elevator?

"Ha ha, bud. Very funny.

Of course it is. I am a stand up comedian don't know you know. I can't wait to go up on stage this weekend and talk about the conversation I had with the elevator at my work"

"You will have people roaring in the isles with that one.

Or heading for the doors." Bud said.

OatmealBreakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 251

I put together a 35 piece jigsaw puzzle on episode 251. Thank you for watching.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Episode 250: Oatmealbreakfast plays a video game

I play Tetravex on episode 250 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. 250 episodes of the show in the books. wow. I am so proud of myself. Ha ha. Thank you for watching. Good day.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Episode 248: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I play bomber on OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. Thank you for watching.

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Episode 247: Oatmealbreakfast plays a video game

I play Zx spectrum from froggy on today's episode. The game is on Zx spectrum.

Adventures of bud page 23

"I wish there was a clock in this elevator so I could look at it. Its so enjoyable to see the minutes tick by so that I will soon go home, shower and go for my ice cream truck route.

Why do you shower bud? Its not as if you work up a sweat at your work at the company.

You are certainly right elevator. Maybe I need to rethink my habit. I wonder if I could take a radio control car on my ice cream truck route?

Its up to you bud. Its your life. Its your dream.

You are certainly right elevator. I wish I did not think that I had to have an exciting life. I wish I could be glad that other people have great lives instead of being upset and wish I could have a better life than they do. Maybe I should not compare myself to other people. Maybe instead of being jealous I should look at a person and say I wish that person to be happy. Even if I don't car if that person is happy or not.

Sure bud.

Normally I don't enjoy talking but, I like talking to you elevator. Am I talking to the elevator or is this conversation all in my head. Maybe I need to call Traci to have someone who cares to talk to.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Episode 246: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I play KSudoku on OatmealBreakfast plays a game episode 246. I talk and talk. Good day.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Advertures of Bud page 22

"I don't know what to do with myself without work elevator." Bud said.

Do you think that work is what makes you important?

Yes, of course. I think that if I work all that time I will feel better.

Are you sure about that.

No, I have worked a lot in the past and every time I end up being miserable and wish I could have a day off. When I don't think I work enough I want to work more and when I work I want to work less. I doubt anyone notices if I work or not. Or even cares how much I work. Maybe I want the approval of other people. And another probably I have is deciding what I want to be good at. I don't want to focus on one thing. There are a lot of things I want to be good at elevator.

Are you good at a lot of things bud.

Not as good as I would like. My knowledge is not as vast as I would like.

Episode 244: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I play Bovo. I can't say I put on a good showing. Good day.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Living Room OatmealBreakfasts new song

My latest song is lose on the internet. Its called Living room. I hope you listen to it. Thank you for listening.

OatmealBreakfst plays a video game Episode 242

This chase is on Zx spectrum games.I also watched a video called 3D death chase which is a video of Death chase game play with commentary.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Monday, June 8, 2020

Advertures of Bud page 21

I have got to go Bud.

Why do you have to go so soon. You just got on the elevator. Are you scare of me sir, Is there something I did to make you angry. Or want to get away from me.

NOt at all Bud. I have to get off the elevator so I can get to my meeting on time.

Oh, you are going to get to your meeting on time. That makes me feel better.

IT makes me feel better too Bud, Bye." The man waived goodbye to bud as he stepped off the elevator and walked into the distance.

Well Bud you are all alone again. Maybe I need people more than I think. I miss Traci. I could not stand being away from her. So I married her. At least I have her to go home to. I feel so alone right now. What am I going to do with the rest of my life elevator.

Maybe you ought to worry about what you are going to do with the rest of your day bud,

Right, You know elevator I worry that I don't work enough. I want to work 20 hours a day. The problem is that I don't see any value in what I do. I suppose I do enjoy driving the ice cream truck and the stand up comedy. But, this computer programming gig. I don't know. Does a computer make my life better or not. should I even use a computer. Maybe I need to change my 9 to 5 job. Why can't I work 20 hours a day. I want to be a workaholic. Brad to everyone how much I work and how bad my personal life is because of it.

I want to have to get marriage counseling with Traci because she is about to lave me because I work to much. That is the me I want to be in the future. I am afraid that I am never going to happen. Gosh I want to work 20 house a day. yet, I can't bring myself to sit in front of a computer and write code. What am I going to do?

Episode 240: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I play 3D combat zone. Thank you for watching.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

The Monk and the Honeybee Part 5-5

I had wanted to watch the Monk and the honey bee for awhile. And today I decided to watch it. Why put off today until tomorrow why I can do today. I enjoyed the Documentary. Brother Adam is 90 years old in The Monk and the honey bee. Its hard to image breeding bees for 70 years. Wow. That is amazing to me. He traveled around the world. He got to breed honey bees. How cool is that? very cool.

I was surprised to learn that brother Adam never in his life donned a bee suit. He wore a veil in the documentary but, not a bee suit. I thought every beekeeper wore a bee suit. Not bother Adam.

I don't know if I have ever seen a Buckfast fast bee but, I have read about them and of course seen them in this documentary. I don't know if I will ever keep honey bees but, I sure am fascinated by them.

The Monk and the Honeybee Part 4-5

I liked seeing the log hives.

The Monk and the Honeybee Part 3-5

The Monk and the Honeybee Part 2-5

The Monk and the Honeybee Part 1-5

I can't remember what book I read about brother Adam and this documentary. Today I finally got around to watch it. I like when they talked about the British black bee towards the end of this part.

Episode 238: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I play Armageddon on episode 270 0f OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. Thank you for watching. The game is on Zx spectrum

Friday, June 5, 2020

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Adventures of Bud page 20

"Sure bud. I hear you." The man said.

I don't want someone to hear me. I want a new job.

I can't help you there bud.

I can't help myself there. I have no idea about Metallurgy I mean Melittology. And I don't know where to start and I am terrified of being stung by bees. I am never going to get out of this computer programming job. I am going to waste my life behind a computer. Why didn't I take that juggling class instead of the computer programming class at college. I am going to spend my life alone sitting in front of a computer.

It does not look like you spend a lot of time sitting in front of a computer to me.

You are right. Maybe all I need to do is spend as much time as I can before my early retirement trying to avoid sitting in front of my computer. Maybe my life is not as bad as I think.

What about your boss?

What about my boss.

Won't she wonder why you have not written any computer code.

I suppose so. Why can I tell her. I could say that I am thinking over design issues I want to get everything perfect before I write code. I don't want to write code that I am going to have to rewrite later.

I don't know if she will by that line of thinking Bud.

She better or I am going to have to actually start doing work around here. No no.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Episode 236: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

ON todays show I play five or more. Thank you for watching.

Door:: OatmealBreakfast song

Here is my latest song. I liked it but, I doubt anyone else will. Good day.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 235

I watched two videos of Bugaboo being played. One was called Bugaboo The Flea spectrum. And the other video is called Bugaboo the Flea Zx spectrum gameplay and review. Thank you for watching. Good day. Oh, yes the game was on Zx spectrum games.

Monday, June 1, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 234

To learn how to play minesweeper I watched two youtube videos. One was called how to play minesweeper and the other video is called How to play minesweeper on google. I hope to play man more games of minesweeper. Thank you for watching the show.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Episode 233: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I do not put on a good show playing kfourline. I don't need to say anymore. At least I don't think I do. Maybe I do need to. Good day.

Advertures of bud page 19

It sounds like my tooth is not the only thing that is bothering me. My conscience is also bothering me and its decibel level is high. I am glad its not another person.

Bud open up that elevator door. I need to use the elevator.

Bud opened the elevator door.

"Who are you sir?

Never mind bud. There is not time for an introduction. I need to get to a meeting. And you made me late.

Bud felt anxiety race from his head to his toes. What have I done. I made this person late for a meeting. I am a horrible person. What have I done. I am a horrible person. I am a horrible person. I am sure this person things Bud LongInteger is a horrible person. What have I done. This silence is awkward.

Do you know anything about Melittology?

Bees are my favorite insect in the world. But, sadly I don't know much about them. The man said,

I wish I had taken up the study of bees instead of working this office job. I could be outside right now. Watching bees flit from flower to flower. Listening to there soothing sounds. And I ended up here. Trapped in this office from 10 to 5. The best hours of the day,

You sound unhappy Bud,

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Episode 282: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

I played Aquaplane on episode 232 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. The game is on Zx spectrum games and I watched a video of Aquaplane game play. Thank you for watching.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Funny hacker is my new song.

Here is my newest song. I hope you like it. Thank you for listening. Good day.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Adventures of bud page 18

"Ouch. I think a piece of pizza broke my tooth. How dare my tooth break. I had a perfect smile. People always say I have nice teeth. I wonder if that is a compliment. It like when I ask how do you like my outfit. And they say my shoes look nice. Is that a compliment? I had the perfect smile before my tooth broke. And few cavities. What have I done. My world is crumbing down beside me. Or should I say on me.

Why did I even bother to get up today. I am so miserable right now. And to top it off I am talking to the wall of the elevator. I wonder if I should open the elevator door. What would I find on the other side of that door?

I can't wait until I get off work and I can go drive my ice cream truck. I suppose I should get back to my office and do some coding. Blah. Why didn't I get a job at computer city bakery. Instead I get to sit in front of my computer and write errors. How thrilling. I do feel a bit guilty about not working. What do you think elevator wall?

I think you should get back to work Bud LongInteger. The voice said.

Bud jumped up in surprise,

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Sunday, May 24, 2020

I played Ant Attack on episode 228 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game. I watched an Ant Attack video on Youtube. I played the game on Zx Spectrum games website. Thank you for taking the time to watch the video. If you did of course. Have a great day.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Episode 227 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game.

ON today's show I play Sudoku and talk my head off. Not literally of course. Thank you for watching. Have a great day.

Adventures of bud page 17

Traci is an amazing woman. I am glad I married her sometimes. I should have married her sooner. What if I had not married Traci at all. Where would I be now? Would I have a different job? Would I be happier? Would I live in a different city? Would I have a bigger house? What could have been. Have I made the right choice in life.

What if I had learning about botany Would I be a farmer now. Would I be collecting rare seeds. Spending all day outside. Doing something that is useful. Listening to birds and crickets. Being in the worm sunshine in the morning.>/p>

And I am here in this building. Blah. I don't think I like being inside. That reminds me of that article that talked about the fact that most people spend most of their lives inside. The thought of spending most of my life inside makes me sad. I want to get outside. I want to get outside. I want to get outside. I suppose driving the ice cream truck does get me outside. And maybe I could do strand up comedy in a park. I am so miserable right now. I hope Traci is having a good time.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Its a jigsaw puzzle today. so watch won't you. Good day.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

RC Aficionado my latest song

This is my latest and not so greatest song.
On episode 225 I play The birds and the bees. Its a video game from 1983. I also watched a review of the birds and the bees.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

I play Kapman. I wish I played it better. Good day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Monday, May 18, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 222

On this episode I play Potato guy. I dress him up quit well if I do say so myself. And that is what I am saying. Thank you for watching.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Episode 221: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

Its not much of an episode today. No action. No nothing. I have no idea how to play time-Gate.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Friday, May 15, 2020

Episode 219: OatmealBreakfast plays a vide game

I play another video game Badly today. Thanks for watching.

Advertures of Bud page 16

"p>"I hear you bud." Traci said. Could you get two salads and garlic bread?" Traci asked.

"You know how I hate garlic bread." Bud said.

"What are you talking about Bud. Everyone loves garlic bread.

"Everyone but, one. And that one is me."

"I learn new things about you everyday Bud LongInteger. You are an amazing man."

"Will you stop Traci. I know you don't mean it.

You are right bud I don't mean it. Just joking. Live a little bud. All that make work is making you uptight.

I have been uptight for years. Its not the work that makes me uptight. I got this job because I am uptight. The job does not make me uptight.

Whatever bud. Goodbye.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Cereal: OatmealBreakfasts latest musical creation

If you listen to one OatmealBreakfast song you will want to listen to more OatmealBreakfasts songs. Ha ha. Joking only joking. Thank you for listening.

Episode 217: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

On episode 217 I play Galaxian. Good evening.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 216

Get ready to watch a video that may put you to sleep. I hope it doesn't. I play Tetravex on episode 216. Thank you for watching. Good day.

Monday, May 11, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 214

Its time for another episode of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game where I play KBlocks. This show is so entertaining it will put you right to sleep. Thank you for watching.

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 215

On today's episode I play a game called 3d Tank. Good day.

Adventures of bug page 15

I am sorry my dear. I did not mean to put the much pressure on you. I did not think how my saying that would impact you.

Blah blah blah bud. I don't know what you are talking about.

Why are you calling me Traci?

I wanted to talk to you.

Why do you want to talk to me Traci no one else wants to talk to me. I don't even want to talk to me. Why do you want to talk to me?

You are so dramatic bud. I want to ask you if you could bring some pizza home for dinner?

Pizza for dinner Traci. I don't know about that. I am eating pizza for lunch. I don't know if I want pizza for dinner. I suppose I could stomach eating pizza for dinner. Sure Traci I will pick up some puzzle for dinner. Or I suppose I could have it delivered to the office. You know I am a busy man. I like to do lots of make work. Unnecessary work that does not have to be done.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Adventures of bud page 14

I am not going to do what you tell me elevator. I am an adult. I am the boss of me. You are not the boss of me elevator.

Buds cellphone rang. He reached into his pocket to get the cellphone.

Why did I ever get a cellphone. I am wistful for the days when I was not constantly interrupted by my so called friends. I wonder who wants to bug me now. Oh, its Traci. What does she want now? Maybe I should not answer. I bet she wants to talk to me about something bad. I know something bad happened.

Hello, Traci how are you. The love of my life. My reason for living.

Reason for living. That is putting a lot of pressure on me. I don't think that you should put that much pressure on me. I don't know if I like being your reason for living.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 211

On episode 211 I play Sudoku. I solve the Sudoku puzzle in 13 minutes and 4 seconds. Good day.

ComoSeDice OatmealBreakfasts latest song

I offer this song for you to listen to. i wonder if L like it? I am not sure. Good day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Episode 210: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

On today's show I played Horace goes skiing. The video is not very long. Good day.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 297

Its a sunflower jigsaw puzzle today. Good day.

Episode 208: OatmealBreakfast plays a vide game

Guess what video game I am playing today? If you guess Centipede you are correct. Good day.

Advntures of Bud page 13

"I should be happy I could be sitting in front of a a computer writing code. You know what is worse than coding. If you guessed reading than you are correct. There is nothing worse than sitting staring at a book all day or for five minutes or anytime at all. I don't think I sit around well. Why am I always talking to myself? Maybe i need some friends. I have Traci. I don't need friends. I almost forgot I was married. It feels like I have been at the office for hours.

I cant wait to get out of here so i can go drive my ice cream truck. There is nothing worse than sitting in a stuffy office. Why did I ever get this computer coding job? Why can't I save up enough money to buy a pizza cart. I could sell pizza by the slice. Driving around all over computer city deliver pizza to the people of computer city.

This pizza is so good. I really need to learn how to make pizza before I quit this job and start driving my pizza cart. I feel a bit guilty about not doing any coding. But, not guilty enough to sit at my desk in front of my computer. Eww. I think I need someone to talk to. I am a people person after all. Have been since my early days. Ha.

The elevator door opened.

Not this again. How dare you tell me what to do elevator,>/p>

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Episode 204: OatmeaBreakfast plays a video game

I play the hobbit on episode 204. Good day.

Adverntures of Bud page 12

Whee this is fun I should ride the elevator more often than I do. Anything is more fun than sitting in front of my computer coding. I wonder if everyone is as bored by computers as I am. Or am I strange. I think I am strange. I am eating pizza and talking to myself in an elevator. Maybe I am strange. I wonder if other people think I am strange. If I ever talked to anyone I might find out if they think I am strange. Who am I kidding I am never going to talk to anyone.

The elevator door opened.

Not this again elevator. You are not going to tell me what to do. I can stay on this elevator as long as I want. You are not the boss of me elevator.

Bud pressed the up or was it down elevator button.

You can't get rid of me that easy elevator.

Bud got another piece of pizza and started eating.

I hope I don't get full to quick.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

OatmealBreakfast new song is called compare

Its a song I named compare. I hope that you feel as I do that its about comparing myself to other things. Thank you for listening if you do indeed listen of course. Good day.

Episode 203: OatmealBreakst plays a video game

I play Arcadia. Good day.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sunday, April 26, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 201

Today I play chess. I know one thing after playing chess. I need to get better at playing chess or I am never going to win a game of chess. Good day.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Episode 200 0f OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

ON episode 200 I play Sudoku I talk about Sudoku, ethical hacking, and jigsaw puzzles while I am solving the Sudoku puzzle.Have a good day.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Adverntures of Bud page 11

There is nothing like eating pizza on an elevator. Come to think of it have I ever eaten pizza on an elevator. Oh, yes I have. And its so fun.. It sure is better than sitting in my office chair in front of my computer coding. Who uses a computer anyway. I sure try not to.

Bud took a piece of pizza out of the pizza box and started to eat the pizza. The elevator stopped and the doors opened.

I thought a person was going to get on the elevator but, the doors opened to let me off. The elevator is so bossy. I can stay on this elevator for as long as I like. The elevator is not the boss of me. Yummy this pizza is good.

Bud finished off the first piece of pizza. And then started eating a second piece of pizza. If I eat to fast I will not be able to make this pizza last until lunch time. I can do this all day should I need to elevator. I hope I am not losing my mind.

Bud pressed the up button of the elevator.

One more ride on the elevator is not going to hurt. Unless by boss decides to get in the elevator and questions me on why I am riding the elevator and eating pizza. Maybe the boss does not remember who I am.

Episode 199 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

On episode 199 I play sameGame. Good day.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Magician: OatmealBreakfasts latest song

Its the day now one is waiting for. Its OatmealBreakfast new song release day. I don't blame you if you don't want to listen to the song. I blame myself for not making the song good enough to listen to. Good day.

Episode 198:: OatmealBreakfast plays a video game

On episode 198 of OatmealBreakfast plays a video game I play a video game. No, wait I put together a 60 piece jigsaw puzzle of waffles. Yummy. Good day.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 197 - Kapman

Its a game of Kapman. What is kapman you ask? That is a good question. It looks like pac-man but, its called Kapman. Does that rhyme. Good day.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

OatmealBreakfast plays a video game Episode 196

I play Naval Battle in this episode. I don't embarrass myself with my play in the game. At least I don't think I embarrass myself? I hope I didn't. Thank you for watching. Good day.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Advertures of bud page 10

"p>Hi Bud."The pizza deliver woman said.

Hi whatever you name is.

You don't know my name.

I already told you I am a happily married man.

Get over yourself bud.

Why don't you get over me. I am not interested.

I am not interested in you either bud. I was only trying to be friendly.

Oh,I am sorry I read to much into you saying hi to me.

Sure. So I shut put the pizza on your tab.


Have a great day bud.

Sure thing.

The pizza delivery woman handed Bud the box of pizza and left.You know I really should ride the eleavator while eathing this pizza. I hope I remembered to order the correct kind. Oh, its pepperoni. Whew

Bud pressed the elevator button. When the elevator doors opened he entered the elevator. The doors closed as he pressed down.

Episode 195 OatmealBreakfast plays a video game.

Watch me play kNetWalk. Or don't. Its up to you. Good day.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Friday, April 17, 2020

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Scared: is OatmealBreakfasts new song

Listen to oatmealBreakfast's new song. Or don't. Its up to you. Good day.

Adventures of Bud page 9

I need a rag. The sweat is going into my eyes. Ouch. This is the last time I do any real work. I am allergic to work. It does not sit well with me. I hope I am going to be able to push the chair outside. For that matter I hope I can make it to the elevator.

I wish the the company building had more floors. I do like to ride the elevator. Its fun. I should have picked a company with a tall building.

I sure could use an assistant. Wait a minute I lost my train of though. I sure could I don't know what I was thinking. I must be getting old. I can't ever remember what I was thinking even when I was thinking about it

I feel so down right now. Its mid morning. I have been here for what 20 minutes. Or is that 2 hours. And what have I gotten done. I have not even had my pizza. That's right. the pizza delivery person. I have got to get outside. I don't want to miss my pizza. It makes me hungry thinking about it. I will leave my chair here now. I can take my computer down to the street later.

Bud raced to the elevator. He was out of breath. Bud pressed the elevator. He counted 1001, 1002, 1003, as the elevator went down. As he exited the elevator the pizza deliver person was going to take the elevator up.