Don't you tell me what to do Bud.
Ok, ok, Traci I won't tell you to lighten up. And I don't want to let you out either.
I want to get away from you right now Bud. I can't stand the slight of you.
That makes two of us. I looked at myself in the miror this morning and I thought who is that guy.
Ha bud. You are so funny. You always know how to make me laugh.
Traci can we start this trip over. I am sorry for what I said. Will you ever forgive me.
Do I have a choice?
No I suppose you dn't have a choice Traci. I will tell you what you can drive the ice cream truck back to the house after we finish the route.
Can I drive it while we are on the route?
No. I knew where to drive. And Traci you don't know where to drive. Mabye next time you can drive when we are on the route. As then you will know what streets to drive on.
Fine Bud That makes sense.
Don't sound so disapointed Traci. I said you can drive next time.
I don't drive with you in the ice cream truck very much. Come to think of it this is the first time I have ridden with you in the ice cream truck.
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