Take a deep breath bud. You need to think this through. Don't mae a rash decdisiou when its a big decisiou such as this one.
Don't tell me how to make a decision Traxi. That is the whole problem with our marriage. You always assume that you know everything. You know the right way to be. You know the right way to do things. I am alway wrong. I always need correction. Well I am tired of it Traci. You are not always right. You dont always know the right things to do. You are not always perfect. You make mistakes. I am not the only eprson in this marriable who makes mistakes.
I am not perfect I admit that Traci but, you are not perfect either. But, you pretend to be perfect. You pretned that you never do anyting wrong. And I am tired of it.
That is the way I may seem to you bud but, if you think those things about me you are sorely mitakne,
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