Fine Traci lets get the ice cream truck filled up and get this over with.
Traci and bud got into the ice cream truck.
Why are we getting in the ice cream truck We need to be telling the workers what to put in the truck.
Bud and Traci got out of the ice cream truck and walked to one of the workmen. The workman asked how can I help you fine people?
Can you fill us up with vanillia ice cream.
Are you sure we need to fill up the truck with vanillia ice cream? Bud.
NO, But, lets go with it. Vanilla ice cream is always populary.
Ok. So I will fill you up with vanilla ice cream and get you on your way. The workman said.
Thank you. Traci said.
Bud and Traci got back into the ice cream truck.
WHy didn't you tell the workman thank you?
Its his job.
So what if its his job thank you is always a polite thing to say.
Bud did not respond. He stared stright ahead out the drivers side window.
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