After some minutes passed bud got mad.I am tired of you Traci. I am tired of you telling me how to conduct myself. I am tired of you being so worried about what other people think. I am tried of you treating me like a child.
I am only trying to help. and even you must admit bud that you are rough around the edges when it comes to the social graces.
I am fine socially. I don't need you telling me how to act. I am an adult and I can do fine in social situations.
Sure Bud. But, you need a little help from time to time.
Help from time to time. You treat me as if I need help all of the time. And I am tired of it Traci. So stop it.
What has gotten into you Bud. You have never complained this much before.
Not in words. I would get angry with what you said and then mutter under my breath. Hold my anger in. Because I did not say anything did not mean I was not angry. Bud said.
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