Friday, December 14, 2012

A letter

What do I want to do with my life. I don't think I have done much with my life up to this point. And I want to do things with my life. So I suppose I want to pick one thing that I want to try and get good at it. Because how can I know if I like something unless I start doing it. So I want to be different than I am now where I think gee what do I want to do with my life and endlessly think about it. Think is good I think but, I want action. Like I said I want to pick a think I am interested in and get good at it then decide weather I like it or not and I can do something else if I don't like it. Sounds like a plan. I wonder if that is what I will do. Only time will tell.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Thoughts on loss

Times Square Fisheye

The ability to find the excitement in everyday life. I think when I was younger I enjoyed everything. And now it seems like I don't enjoy much of anything. One of the reasons I think is take myself much to seriously like the fate of the world is riding on what I think.

Yes, someday I will be on the news and I will be introduced as this is Nobody for nowhere and lets her what nobody has to say about the fiscal policy of the government. The fate of the world is riding on my opinions because I so important. But, then if I were not me I have to ask myself would i care about my opinions and my answer would have to be no.

Ok, I think it would be more accurate to say that I think its the ability to not take myself seriously that I have lost.

Thinking about it some more. probably the most precious think I ever lost was leaning in my youth. What I mean by that is that when I was in school I did not study much and now looking back on it I wish I would have studied. Or had a goal or reading the entire school library or just read as many books as I could but, I did not do that I was more interested in sports. Who was the starting running back for a football team or who should be in the national championship game. I feel like I wasted my youth on thinks I did not enjoy and on things that I did not like. Probably because that is what I always did. Thinking about sports. And I never asked myself do I like what I am doing or could I be doing something I like more. But, I cant go back.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Justifying the existence of my favorite thing.


At first i thought my favorite thing is the internet. Even though if you asked me and no one ever has. I would complain about the internet and how much time I have spent on it over the years that I have had a computer. Then thought what I really like is auto racing.

I think its existence can be justified because its fun to watch powerful cars go around a race track. I am not that into the competition part. I like the technology of the cars. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to watch auto racing though I have not watched a lot of racing ever but, I plan to.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

First line of my autobiography

Computer screen garden (2)

For someone who spends so much time sitting in front of a computer you think my life would be incredibly dull, though its anything but dull, as you will find out in the words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages that follow.

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Probably not blogging for change.

I have never thought that my blog will make any kind of change on the world. Though I think it would be great if my blog made a positive change in the world. i blog because I enjoy writing. I don't think that anyone reads what I write or that I have anything to add to the world of great value.

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Monday, October 1, 2012


Question Mark Graffiti

I would say it happens to me a lot. But, I think I am getting better at asking the questions I want to ask. Probably five or six years again I would have been to nervous to ask anyone a question at all.

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Friday, September 28, 2012

A bad habit I need to change

Young Couple Sleeping

I need to stop getting bad sleep. When I lay down to go to sleep then all my worries come up and I start thinking about them and I end up laying there and not getting much sleep. And I know I need to sleep better so that I can function better during the day. Its my new years resolution in September to get better sleep.

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

January is my favorite month of the year

January 28 Heavy Fog

January. Because its the beginning of a new year and I feel good. Then as the year goes on I feel worse and worse because I feel like I have wasted another year of my life. But, when that first day of January comes I could not feel better.

Maybe I will just pretend everyday is January 1st and then I could feel great all year long. I don't know if it would work but, I could give it a try. Yes everyday is the beginning of a new year. That would be fun.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A subject I want to take a class on for two moths.

Aeroplane - Easyjet 1

There are a lot of things I want to learn so picking one class would be hard. So I pick a class on how to be an airplane pilot. I sometime watch a television show called the aviators. Its a show about airplane stuff. And airplanes seem so fun. The show if fascinating for me to watch. I had never thought about airplanes much before.

So becoming a airplane pilot would be something I want to do since it looks fun and I don't think I could ever become one in a million years. Which makes it a challenge and I would be afraid to fly a plane. That makes me want to be come a pilot even more. It would be fun to see if I could actually learn how to fly a plane.

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Monday, September 24, 2012

I am an all day person

Colorful Night Fountain of Rainbow Colors

I am on all day. I like the morning and the night. So I would say I am an all day person. The light in the morning is great and when the lights are on at night are great. I do like being in front of my computer at night more than I do during the day. I would rather be outside during the day. Because when the sun is bright outside its hard to sit in front of my computer. I would rather be outside.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

What I think is at the end of a rainbow


All the candy anyone can ever dream of eating: candy corn, air heads, peeps, jaw breakers, candy bars, skittles, m&M's. And there is also a little house like the ones that the smufs lived in with a television with all the channels in the world. Then besides a big screen television there is a recliner so that I can watch all the television I want to while eating as much candy as I want to. This would also be an Xbox connect so that I could burn off all the calories from eating all that candy.

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What the fist sentence to my autobiography would be.

Bar Story, Peckham, London

This is a story to boring to be believed. That would be the opening line to my autobiography.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

My favorite book turned into a T.V. Show

Dr. Clelia Mosher - 1892

An Unsuitable Job for a woman which was not a movie but, a series on PBS's mystery. I have never read the book I have only seen the television series. I probably could not wait until it was on mystery. My favorite character was the main character Cordelia Gray. Yes, the show was so fun to watch. I will have to watch it again someday because I have not seen it in years. I wonder the series would be as good as I remember it or not.

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Would I ever skydive

Parachute Ride

Yes, I would skydive because that thought of skydiving scares me. So why not do it. Jumping from a plane high into the air and landing on the ground safely that sounds like a rush. I am sure that would be one of the greatest feelings in my life. I hope I do skydive someday.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

Fear No More

Woman of Paris

My fear of women I would say. When I was younger I was afraid to make eye contact with anyone. I always had my head down and never looked up. I was always afraid when I sat down and a women was sitting in a desk next to me that a women might think I was starting at her so I always be nervous.

I don't know why I was so nervous that a women might think I was staring at her. I don't think staring is a crime or that big of a deal if a women stared at me. I just never sat down and thought why are you so nervous. Even if you do stare at her its no big deal. I suppose I thought someone would put me in jail if I were caught even looking at a woman.

It was so bad that if I were standing up and I happened to make eye contact with a woman one of my legs would kind of shake and if I were sitting down it would really shake uncontrollably.

I can see the headline now: Local man arrested for starring at woman he found attractive. A local man was arrested for starring at a rather attractive woman and to make matters worse several other women have come forward to say that he was staring at them. The crime of staring carries with it a 5 to ten year sentence reading my blog.

I don't know why I thought staring was so bad but, I did. I don't anymore luckily. I almost got myself a women by staring at a beautiful women who worked at the grocery store. She was great. She deserved better than myself anyway. I wish I would have talked to her and maybe we could hang out. I just loved seeing her. She seemed so nice. And wow, she was pretty. And she did not care that I stared at her. She liked it. Maybe I will meet her again someday and I can hang out with her. If not it was great seeing her when I saw her and she made my life better. And its great knowing that there is such a cool women like her in the world.

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A song I could listen to over and over again


Outside by Staind. The into is my favorite wow, that guitar sounds great. I probably first heard the song on the radio in the late 1990's and every time it played on the radio and was finished I could not wait for the next time it played on the radio. I have not heard the song in awhile because I don't own a staind CD and I don't listen to the radio. But, I am sure I would still like it. It made me feel so good. So positive.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

I did not watch the Olympics

Canadian high jumper Duncan McNaughton, winner of a gold medal at the IXth Summer Olympic Games / Le sauteur en hauteur canadien Duncan McNaughton, médaillé d'or aux IXe Jeux Olympiques d'été

I did not plan to watch the Olympics and I did not watch the Olympics. And I did not read any articles on it on the internet. I do know know hardly anything about what happened at the summer Olympics. And I am fine with that.

I have never been that into the Olympics. The only Olympic games I remember watching was the 1996 games in Atlanta. And it was fun watching it. So if I got a television channel that showed the Olympics I might give watching it a shot. Who Knows.

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A Holiday I would rather Skip


I would rather skip the 4th of July. I do like the fireworks on the forth of July but, that is it. I don't think I have ever liked the holiday. When I was younger and I watched a lot of television the 4th of July was a holiday that would interrupt my television shows with 4th of July celebrations that I did not like watching. I dreaded it. I just wanted to watch regular T.V.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, but never did. Page 16

There were many fun hours of pumpkin carving for Jessica's parents ahead. It would take almost all day to carve all the pumpkins. The also had to put the LED lamps in them. The lamps were of course solar and would light up the pumpkins for the entire night.

The listened to Halloween music while carving the pumpkins. Which got them in the mood for Halloween. The also snacked on candy corn and candy bars. When they took out the pumpkin seeds they did not throw them in the compost bin. The would wash them and put the seeds on baking pans and put them in the oven to cook because the were to one of the snacks for the weekend party. After the pumpkins were cooked the sprinkled the with either powered sugar, brown sugar, or cinnamon, or left them plain. Or for the best topping for pumpkin seeds they would dip them in chocolate and then sprinkle them with sprinkles. It was a delightful treat that every party guest was sure to enjoy so them dunked a lot of pumpkin seeds in chocolate so there there was sure to be enough for ever guest who wanted a chocolate covered pumpkin seed.

"So Dad how are you enjoying the pumpkin carving Jessica's mother asked. "Oh, I am enjoying it a lot. This is going to be a fun vacation if the rest of it is a great as this pumpkin carving. Every guest at the party is going to enjoy looking at the pumpkins and guessing who the likeness are supposed to be. Mother don't you think." "Yes, I agree with you dad. Say lets take a break and have a snack of some chocolate covered pumpkin seeds and watch some television. I think are favorite show is on.

The show she was talking about was called Shanda Sander Rock crawler. Which was a reality show that fallowed Shanda Sanders a three time rock crawling champion. It followed her exciting life and. Also it showed the building of her dune biggie that she used for her competitions. The show was so exciting to Jessica's parents that one day the wanted to go to Rock Crawling fantasy camp which would allow them how to crawl rock in a jeep and the could even buy the jeep and enroll in a rock crawling league for hobbyists just learning the sport and needed people to compete with and friends to make. Yes it was going to be so exciting. They planed to go on that vacation later in the year and invite Jessica along so that she could learn the fascinating sport also.

This particular episode showed what and how Shanda prepared for a weekend competition. It showed what she packed and how she prepared and hauled her vehicle to the competition and how she registered for the competition. It was exciting to watch.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, but never did page 15

Now it was time for everyone to head off for a good nights sleep for a busy day tomorrow. Jessica's parents wanted to help set up for the party as they loved parties just as much as their daughter.

After that good night of sleep. Except Jessica did not always get a good night of sleep because she would toss and turn worrying that her life had been wasted because she had not accomplished as much as she wanted. She worried about dying and not getting done in life what she always wanted to do. And most of all she worried that she might be missing out because she did not want a relationship. She thought well everyone else is happy and in a relationship and here I am alone and missing out on what everyone else has. Maybe my decision to live alone is the wrong decision for me and I would actually want a relationship. Maybe I will regret deciding to live alone later in life and look back and say I wish I had gotten married and had a family a I am sure I could have found that perfect guy who would make me happy and we would have a great time together.

She realized that thinking about these things while she was trying to sleep was not the best thing to do so she would repeat to herself you need to sleep now so quiet you mind and think about these things during the day time but, saying that did not always work and she would stay up all night tossing and turning. Which see realized was not good for her productiveness during the day because she would sometime be sluggish. She also sometimes have to take a nap. Sleeping during the daytime was easy for her because she was much calmer and relaxed and she would fall asleep almost instantly. And off to dream land she would good and then she would wake up feeling relaxed and rested and ready for the rest of the day.

There was always a theme for Jessica's weekend parties and this weeks theme was Halloween. The house was to be decorated in back and orange and there would be skeletons and pumpkins outside as well. And spook music was going to be played throughout the weekend including Jessica's favorite monster mash. And the guests could come in costumes or the could dress regular it did not matter. Jessica would even provide costume's for the people who could not afford to rent one or did not have the inclination to rent a costume because she was extremely generous.

He parents were going to help carve the pumpkins that were to line the walk way leading to the house. The pumpkins were to have LED lamps that would light up the pumpkins. The pumpkins were to be carved in the likenesses of computer city celebrities. One was to be carved in the likeness of Cynthia File the founder of star computer and one of the guests that was invited to the party.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, but, never did, Page 14

After the exhibit Jessica drove her parents to her house where they would stay for the duration of their vacation. When they arrived at the house J.J. Was still hard at work preparing the food for the weekend party. She had also prepared a special dinner for the evening. Which Jessica's parents were looking forward to eating.

After dinner Jessica and her parents sat around the kitchen table catching up with each other. Since that had not seen or talked to each other much because of there busy schedules. Jessica's father was a real estate agent who was signed to a deal to sell a big new development in the computer city area. It was a huge new development.

It is called Green Development because it had the latest in green technologies with solar panels and wind turbines and recyclable houses. It was to be one of the best places to live in the city and the sale of houses was to begin in a month and it was a prestigious to be one of the real estate agent who was going to sell the houses in the development. There was also to be a park in the development with a swimming pool surrounded by palm tress and fruit trees. The development was also going to have a farm that was to supply all the produce for the development thus eliminating the need for the residents to travel to get there food and saving gas and the residents time. The grass on the development was to be minimal and low maintenance.

Yes it was going to be a special place and Jessica's parents were even considering buying a home so they could be closer to their daughter. The homes were going to start at 100,000 dollars so that even people who did not have a lot of money could get in on buying a house.

Jessica's parents had been married for over 25 years and they had their ups and down but, for the most party the were happy being married to each other. It made it all the more difficult to understand that Jessica wanted to be alone and never marry. Because she enjoyed her freedom and did not want to be dependant on a man she knew that she could make it on her own and if she did not find someone she liked then she was fine being alone. Her parents had a hard time accepting her decision but, they said hey, its you life and we will stand by you no matter what you decide to do.

The night was warm and pleasant and the crickets were chirping and everything was calm and quit. Just another great night in computer city. It was get to be able to live there Jessica thought.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Women Who Wanted To Program, but never did.

Jessica and her parents greeted each other and then walked to Jessica's car. Instead of going straight home Jessica decided to take her parents to a show at the computer city museum. The show was about famous artists of computer city. Her parents were into art and particularly the artists of computer city even though they did not live in computer city. The exhibit was to end that night so this was the only opportunity they had to see the show before it was packed up and moved to a different museum.

The was some chitchat in the car. And as always Jessica's mother asked her when she was going to settle down. And then there was Jessica getting a little upset at her asking the question. But, it was her mother and she knew her wanted her to find someone and that her mother would never understand that she did not want to find a man and settle down and that she meaning Jessica was fine with living alone and would not mind if she never found a man to settle down with and that she did not need a man for her life to have meaning or to be happy. That was just the way mother were Jessica kept telling herself. The arrived at the museum a little after 7:30pm and Jessica paid for the tickets and then they went into the museum. There were 4 famous artists that were on display. The one that Jessica and her parents were most interested in was Tonya Georgia.

Tonya was born in 1900 in computer city. She was born into a middle class family. Her parents were both art teachers. Her mother being an art teacher and working away from the home was rare in the early 20th century which made Tonya more daring. It was rare for a women artist in the 1920's. I mean it was rare for a women to be an artist in the 1920's in computer city. There were saloons where Tonya would sketch drawings on a napkin and then go back to her studio and create masterful works of painting. She was a struggling artist for about ten years and then she sold one of her paintings to the richest man in computer city and because an instant celebrity and instantly wealthy. Since everyone wanted to be like the richest man in the city everyone wanted to buy one of Tonya's paintings so know she could not paint fast enough and there were waiting lists to get the opportunity to buy on of her treasured paintings.

Tonya was now invited to everyone of computer city's best parties and quoted in all the city's papers. Her opinions were revered and she was even offered a book deal but, it would have taken to much away from her beloved painting so she turned it down but, she did think about it.

Page 14

Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Women Who Wanted To Program, but, did not. Page 13

Jessica was at the arrival gate looking for her parents. The plane had landed and her parents should be disembarking any moment now. And suddenly there they were stepping of the plane and going into the airport. They were wearing Hawaiian shirts and shorts with sandals. They looked relaxed and like they were on vacation. When they saw Jessica they started smiling and waving the were as glad to see her as she was to see the. It had been a long time since they had seen each other.

It was on a camping trip 5 years previous. Jessica had asked her parents if they wanted to go on a camping trip and they said sure they would love to go so Jessica made reservations at a major camping area near computer city and had her parents flown in on her company's corporate jet. After she had gotten her parents from the airport she went straight to the campsite. Where they all pitched in to set up the tent. And then they started the barbecue so that dinner could be cooked. There was a store on the campsite where you could buy supplies and Jessica went to buy ribs and a salad mix and some cake and ice cream for desert. The were scheduled to stay on the camping are for two days which was long enough to get the atmosphere of nature and the relaxation.

The all pitched in to prepare and cook the ribs and then sat down to a scrumptious dinner fit for royalty. Computer city royalty anyway. The took about an hour eating the meal and then after the meal before bedtime they sang songs and told scary stories and to top it all off the roasted marshmallows. This was always Jessica's favorite thing to do while she was camping. She loved to roast the marshmallows and eat them. Then it was time for bed.

Jessica had brought her laptop computer with a program that told her the location of the stars in the sky in relation to her position. Jessica was quite the star gazer. She would often stay up for hours after it got dark looking at the stars and the planets and satellites. That was her dream someday to become an astronomer but, she first wanted to get her dream of becoming a world class programmer a reality so the astronomy would have to wait a few more years but, hopefully not to many more years. She could not wait until she was an astronomer. She also hoped to one day travel in space. Maybe even live on mars or a distant moon or become the first female captain of a starship or something similar. Who knows anything could happen in her future if she worked hard enough. But, she thought hard work would be they key. When she was younger she did not put all her effort into things she was interested in learn and therefore she did not learn much if anything. Though she wish she had worked harder.

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, but never did. Page 12

Next it was time for Jessica to got to the computer city airport to pick up her parents. And off in her car she drove to the airport. It would be a long commute because of the rush hour traffic. Since it was about 5:00pm in the afternoon. She disliked sitting in traffic but she had received some audio book for a birthday gift and she popped those into her CD player. The books were biographies of famous residents of computer city. So she would be learning while sitting in rush hour traffic.

The traffic was heavy on the computer city freeway leading to computer city airport but, Jessica was in a good mood because she was listening to the audio books. Also it was a sunny day with some clouds in the sky. It was gorgeous and she was glad to be driving around. She needed to get out of the house and do something else for a change besides sit in the house and figure out what to do instead of learn how to program. She was in a zone. It was a great day. She could not wait to see her parents. She was looking at the beautiful scenery outside of her car window as she went over the computer city bridge. Which was one of the most beautiful bridges in the country if not the world. She was getting close to the airport now when she saw a familiar car. It was the car of her friend Sisal. She waved and saw a hand wave back. She had not seen Sisal since she help Sisal move her things out of her ex-husbands house after her divorce. That was a rough time in Sisal's life. And Jessica was glad to be able to help her though a tough time in her life. And then she and Sisal went in different directions and because busy with there own lives so they had not seen each other in about a year. But, Jessica and Sisal had been friends since grad school and all the time apart ment little because they were always the best of friends.

As it happens Sisal was going to pick up a friend at the airport. So Sisal and Jessica had a chance to talk and Jessica found out that Sisal had a fiancé and was going to have a wedding next summer. And of course Jessica would be invited. Jessica said that her romantic life was non existent and that she was happy being single and that she was glad for Sisal. Then they had to go to different gates so they agreed to have lunch someday during the coming week to get reacquainted with each other. This made Jessica very excited and she could not wait to meet up with her friend again. Next Jessica went to the gate to wait for her parents. It was getting dark now and Jessica always got more energetic when the sun went down. Her parents liked to say she was a night owl.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, but never did. Page 11

"This is a fine movie J.J. said." "Yes, I a agree J.J. I could not agree more. Its a great movie." They watched in amazement while an ice cream sculpture was being made from start to finish. Who would have thought and ice cream sculpture would capture the imagination of the city.

The documentary on the television made the preparation of the food even more exciting. During a break Jessica thought she might sneak away to her computer and practice some programming but, then she thought why not watch the documentary and enjoy herself. So she got a cola and sat down in front of the television and watched. She wound if they could make ice sculptures for this weekends party but, it would take a little extra time but, it might be worth it for the impact it would make on all the guests. It would wow, everyone and that was the idea at Jessica's parties to impress everyone one wither her creativity and gifts.

Then the had to start making the food again. Jessica discussed the idea with J.J. and J.J. Agreed that that would make a splash. So now they had to decide what to make. They decided to order the supplies from the website with overnight shipping so that the stuff would arrive tomorrow. Which would be just in time. So Jessica ordered the supplies and then the preparation for the party continued.

Jessica parents were do to arrive by plane that night so Jessica had to show and put on her fancy dress clothes because she wanted to show them how well she was doing in her new home of computer city even though she did not have a job at the moment and was living off her savings until she could find suitable work or start her own computer. She want to start a software computer but, fist she wanted to program so she could do a lot of the programming herself but, she would have to hire a few people to help her with the design of the software and sales. She was hopping to get some work or start the company with in the next year or so as her savings would not last for ever but, it would have not been the worst thing in the world if the savings would have lasted for the rest of her life. So thought work was ok, but, it was not her entire life. She had other interests and hobbies. She did not like to work 24 hours a day though sometimes she liked to work a lot but, only if she thought she was making a contribution to the world.

And the food making continued.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, bit never did. Page 10

J.J. And Jessica were having fun preparing the food for the weekend party. Jessica decided to put a movie on the big screen television in the kitchen. She decided to put on one of her most loved movies.

Here favorite movie actually was a documentary. It was about Tom Tedson the man who spent his life building replica's of the great world monuments out of ice cream. He started out as a construction worker then went on to move up until he became a contractor but, he became tired of the building trade. He had always been a big ice cream fan. He would eat one-quarter of a gallon of ice cream a day. He then took his adoration of ice cream and turned it into a great hobby/profession. He would use his computer and construction skills to build molds for the ice cream he made himself. He became world famous for his ice cream sculptures. And he published video of himself making the sculptures from start to finish. From the making of the molds to the particular ice cream he would use for each sculpture and then finally to the making of the sculptures. He would publish the videos on his web site so that people around thee word could also make the sculptures that he was making. He liked to share his knowledge.

The Documentary was a movie of the year. It was so good Jessica liked to watch it over and over she could not watch it enough. Jessica wanted to make her on sculptures someday but, she did not have time to make then now because she was to busy try to learn how to program or should I say trying to avoid learning to program. She had so many plans but the programming was getting in the way and in a way that was fine with her because what she wanted most in the world was to learn how to program a computer. She could put off her other plans for something she had wanted to learn since childhood.

So she put the documentary into the DVD player and the documentary started playing. And J.J. and Jessica started to get more excited as the were about to watch one of the best movies they had ever seen. And now the movie was playing. And the preparation for the food was moving along smoothly. They were already on the main course and when the day was over they would have that done and then tomorrow they would have all day to work on the dessert portion of the menu.

The decided to take a break from making food to eat some lunch the though we could order take out or we could eat some of the food we just made. The decided on take out pizza. The decided on two large pizza's from computer city pizza parlor with soft drinks and cheese bread.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Women Who Wanted To Program. But, never did, Page 9

Then Jessica had to get ready for her weekend party. By ready I mean she had to prepare the food which took about two days to prepare since there was so much food to prepare. She had a regular chef that would help her prepare the food for the parties since it was so much work she could not do it herself.

The menu was huge and everyone who went to the parties could not wait to see what was on the menu. It was a bit event. The food was great to say the least. First the prepared the appetizers then the main courses, then the deserts. No expense was spared. Jessica had a reputation for great food at her parties and she was not going to let that slip. After the food was made it was stored in a big refrigerator and then reheated when it was needed. She did wait to prepare some of the food on the days of the parties but, most of the food was prepared ahead of time so that Jessica could attend the party and so could her chef.

Her chef was name Jessica James. J.J. James as she liked to be called. J.J. Started out life wanted to be a classical painter but, found that profession did not suit her so she went to a culinary school and then became one of the best chefs in computer city. J.J. Started a chain of restaurants in computer city called Home Cooking. The name stood for that the food was supposed to be like your mom or grandmother made but, in a restaurant setting. And it was from all the reviews that the restaurant got in the computer city gazette.

J.J. and Jessica had met on a camping trip help by one of there mutual friends. The became instant friends. J.J. liked Jessica's sense of humor and laid back manor. And Jessica like J.J.'s drive and good cooking and joy of traveling. Jessica also liked to travel but, not as much as J.J. liked to travel. J.J. liked to travel all over the world. She would travel six months out of the years. And the other six months she would spend at home running her restaurants. She liked change and would get bored if she stayed in the same place and did the same things year after year. Which is also why J.J. was not married and did not plan on ever getting married because she hated routine.

This day Jessica and J.J. were having a great time preparing the menu for the party. J.J. was about to leave on her six month journey around the world and was in a great mood.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program but, never did Page 6

Abruptly Jessica decided it was late and past her bedtime and she had to go to sleep. She thought hum maybe I can do some programming. She thought she might be to tired and would not remember what she read so it was pointless to try and program as so late an hour.

She went to bed and awoke early the next morning. She had to get ready for her parents arrival which was only two days away. She had to purchase some gifts for them. So she had breakfast of a bagel and cream cheese with orange juice. Then she was of to computer city party supply for gifts for her parents. She decided to buy them a ten pound jar of gummy worms which were her parents favorite candy. Then she decided to buy the some ice cream and then she went to pay and was back at her house in a flash. She put the ice cream in the freezer and the gummy worms in the cupboard. Then Jessica decided that it was time for her to do some programming then before she sat down she decided that she needed. To make lunch even though it was only 8:30am but, you can never make lunch to early as she liked to say. Its the second most important meal of the day after all.

She decided to make roast beef and salad. She got out her pan and heated up the stove and then she got all the inpatients together. She was going to make the salad later as making it and eating it fresh was the way she liked her salad. She prepared the roast beef and put it in the oven and then she had to decide what to do. She thought she could not concentrate on programming so she decided to read the computer city gazette.

She had been a computer city gazette subscriber for years because she liked to know what was going on in the city as well as the world. She opened the paper and discovered a story about Todd Thomas. Todd went to school together. Todd was in the paper because he had built of the computer city movie theatre entirely out of Popsicle sticks. What a feat Jessica thought. I knew Todd was destined for great things when we were in high school.

She and Todd were not close but, She had always admired his work ethic. In high school he had built a replica of The computer city diner out of cards that he had glued together. She was so happy for him then and she was happy for Todd now. She always thought he was a great guy and she hopped he did more great things in his life.

She turned to the sports pages but, did not recognize any of the names because she was not the worlds biggest sports fan. Though she would watch sports socially but, watched little of it when she had a choice.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Woman who wanted to program but, never did page 5

Jessica was having a great time. She was hungry so she was eating all the pizza and bread sticks she could. She ate slow because she did not like to eat fast. She was also enjoying the baseball games.

The phone range and so she picked up her cell phone and said hello and on the other end the person said hello this is your mother. "Oh, hello mom said Jessica. How are you doing today." "I am doing good. How are you her mom said." Jessica said "Oh, I am doing good. So why did you call." Your father and I are going on vacation to computer city and need a place to stay. We thought well we could stay at a hotel but, then I said why not stay with Jessica. I would be like the old days. So how about it can we stay at your house while we are on vacation." "Sure I would love to have you and dad as house guests Jessica said." "great, great" her mother said. "So when will you be coming." "We will be coming this weekend." "How great. You will be just in time for one of my weekend parties. Which will be a super fun experience for you I assure you. There is lots of excitement on the weekends at my house for sure. So I can't wait until you come." "Super that will be a great experience for me and your father. We need to be around people because we will be on vacation. We love meeting new people. That will be an exciting time. We can't wait to come down to computer city. See you this weekend Jessica. Bye" "Bye". And Jessica hung up the phone and started watching the television again. She was enthralled with the baseball game for the next several hours. While stuffing her face with food.

After the game ended it was late and she considered calling it a day and going to be but she decided to stay up and watch one of her favorite shows. It was call computer city Law. It was a fictional show about the lawyers at a computer city law firm Lars, Lawson and Lampoon. It was a top rated shows on channel 4, for years. It chronicled the legal cases that the firm handled as well as the romantic lives of the lawyers. It had been Jessica's favorite show for as long as it had been on. She liked the relationship part of the show best but, she thought the show was so well written.

She remembered watching the sow on the eve of her high school and then on the eve of her college graduation. She had purchased numerous season of the show on DVD but, she always like to watch it when the show was on television. It made her feel so good to watch the show. There would be a marathon of the show for an entire week on Channel 4. She was planning to watch as many episodes as she could during said marathon.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Woman Who Wanted To Program, But, never did, page 4

The pizza delivery women arrived with her pizza order. She was surprised to see it was Trish Thames an old school friend who she had lost touch with years ago. They were close friends at one time but, had drifted apart and lost touch.

Oh, my I can't believe its you Trish. To bad its you Jessica. "I hoped I'd never see you again. After what you did." "What did I do Trish. I don't remember." "Oh, don't be all you don't know with me Jessica. You remember." "No I don't." "Fine, then I will tell you. Wait, I think I am thinking of someone else. All theses years I had been angry at you and it was not you I should have been angry with. Oh, shoot. I feel bad now Jessica." "its water under the sink as far as I am concerned Trish."

"So how about we do something Jessica. Here is my number I will call you later." "Ok, I will call you or you can call me I don't care." So after Jessica gave Trish the money for her food she waved goodbye to her now new old fiend and skipped to the living room to eat her food. She was so happy to meet someone she had known years ago. She could not wait to go camping or something like that with Trish. She could not wait to re-connect with her friend.

For now Jessica had to eat food and decide what television show to watch. She started flipping through the channels with the remote control. She found a classic sports game. It was the computer city stars vs. The computer city cars. The teams played baseball. And this particular game was from 1959. It was one of the best baseball games in history. It was an extra inning affair. It lasted 36 inning which ment the games was over six hours long. It was the longest game in the history of baseball and used almost all the players on each team. It was a joy to watch and Jessica had watched it before and on this night she decided she wanted to watch the game again.

One of the greatest players in the game who was name Sid Sanders. He was one of the greatest center fielders in the history of baseball. He was great defensively and one spectacular offensively. He was also one of the most likeable me in the history of the game. In this particular game he made several great defensive plays that keep the game going when it was in extra innings. He was the player who ended the game with a grand slam. It left the crowd cheering and the other team staring in disbelief. It was sure to be on highlight reels for years to come and in fact it was. Yes one of the best hight lights that you or anyone could imagine.

Jessica settled into the couch and for the night so she could enjoy this wonderful game. It might be boring to stay home on a weeknight but, she was not a person to party so she preferred to stay home and watch television or a movie.

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Women Who Wanted To Program but, never did. Page 3

Jessica then decided to vacuum the kitchen floor which looked like it needed a good cleaning. So she brought her vacuum into the kitchen and started to vacuum. With the vacuuming done she went on to clean the stove top. Which was not that bad of a job. And finally she went and dusted everything from the to the refrigerator to above the cabinets. Everything looked great when she was done.

Then she remember she was hungry so she had to make herself something to eat. She made a ham sandwich. The sandwich consisted of sliced ham, pickles, cheese, tomato's, lettuce, mustard, mayonnaise.

She also had chips and ice cream. It was a tasty little lunch and made her energetic to go and clean the rest of her house except the bathroom of course. All she had left to clean was the bedroom.

Her bedroom was decorated all in pink as that was her favorite color and she had to be surrounded by it while she was asleep even though she could not see it. It was not that dirty. All the room needed was a good vacuuming and dusting. So she got right to work and was done in no time. Yippee she was done with the house work and now she could get back to her computer to do a little programming but, then she remembered it was getting late and she had to make dinner. She had to decide what she wanted to eat.

She decided that she wanted to skip making dinner and order out. She decided that pizza would fit the bill. So she went to her computer to look up the phone number for computer city pizza parlor and also made sure it was open. She opened up her cell phone and made the call and placed an order for two large peperoni pizza's some bread sticks, and two large computer city cola company's ancient cola; which was a great drink and she liked to enjoy it when ever she could. She decided to have the pizza delivered. In the meantime while she was waiting for her found she could not stay by her computer because that brought up feeling of sadness because she knew she was avoiding something that she wanted to learn but, she could not help herself she had to avoid it.

So she went into the living room and sat on the couch. She turned on the television and this time watched the first channel that it was turned to as that was the one she wanted to watch anyway. There was a reality show that followed Shana Shane who was a car racing champion but, instead of driving real cars her car of choice were radio controlled. In her opinion cars were a lot saver when they were 1:12th scale. She had won numerous victories. Todays show followed her to her workshop where she worked on her competition cars. It also followed her to the hairdresser where she had her hair made up for a wedding she was going to attend the next day. The show called Shana Shane's world and was in its second season and was one of Jessica's favorite shows since it first aired the year prior.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Women Who Wanted to Program but, never did page 3

After Jessica finished watching the television show she decided to get to cleaning her kitchen so she could get that food that she wanted. She was getting hungry. So off the couch she went and into the kitchen.

Her kitchen was state of the art. She had the newest oven and sinks and utensils a women could by.

Jessica liked to bake cakes and cookies. She also like to throw dinner parties that every weekend. The parties would run through the weekend. The would start out on Saturday afternoon and run through Sunday evening. Some guest would stay the entire weekend and others would only stay for an hour or two. Jessica would plan out the menu right after the end of the parties and go shopping on Monday morning for all the supplies she need for next weekends parties. The supplies did not cost that much because she shopped at computer city party supply which carried everything anyone would need for a party. Including food.

She thought back to her last party which was only a few days ago and though how much fun she had surrounded by all those people. Her friends and hopefully someday friends and people she wanted to impress. Its amazing that she did not have to do that much cleaning after her parties as the people she invited were remarkably neat and tidy. She was proud of that fact. She now knew that she need to clean her house at least once a year to keep it looking its best and as a bonus the cleaning would keep her from programming which was what she really wanted in life even though she want to be a programmer more than anything. She just could not admit to herself that she was so scared that she might not be able to program a computer that she wanted to avoid failure so bad that she would not even try to program. She did not want her dreams dashed.

Even though with the way she was doing things she would never become a programmer because she never programmed and she would never even find out if that was what she wanted to do with her life because she never programmed for any length of time. So by avoiding what she wanted to do she was wasting so much of her life that she could be focusing on something she enjoyed if she did not like programming but, she did not want to face anything it was much more convenient to avoid programming and clean her house. "I don't want to face that I can't program or might not be able to program" She thought to herself.

So cleaning the kitchen she went. She started with the refrigerator which was a new model which used a force field to keep the cool air in. So it was see though and you could reach your hand though the field to get what you wanted. It had no doors. Or wait it did have doors. But, you did not have to bother to get anything all you had to do was ask the refrigerator what you wanted and it would deliver it to you because it was also a robot that moved and knew you name and greeted you at the beginning of the day and the end.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Women Who Wanted to Program but, never did, Page 2

Jessica wanted to program but, she also liked to find ways to get out of programming. She would do just about anything to avoid coding. And she wasted a lot of money trying to avoid something that she wanted to do but, she was afraid that she was not good enough to become a programmer. So instead of find out if she could code she would avoid it.

One day she sat down at her computer and decided to read a programming book and follow the examples and type in some code. But then she decided that her house needed a through and so that had to come before she got any work done on her computer. She started with her living room which always got the dirtiest. She first decided that she need to vacuum. First she had to find the vacuum cleaner. She knew she had one because she had bought it just last year but, never used it. She found it exactly where you would think it was in a closet marked Vacuum clean and accessories. Imagine finding it there.

So after finding the vacuum cleaner she had to use it. Which was rather easy, even though she had never used one before. The living room was relatively empty so Jessica did not have to maneuver around a lot of furniture which would have been a pain. She turned on the vacuum and started vacuuming. And in no time had the room done. And wow, did she feel better after that cleaning.

Now she decided it was time to dust the living room. She had no specialized dust rag so she used a dish rag. And for a cleaning solution she used a bottle of the computer city cleaning company's Magic Dust remover which the company claimed would Magically make dust walk away and disappear. Jessica did not believe the claims but, liked the name of the clean and so she bought it.

She started on her end tables and then went on to the lamps then on to her television entertainment center. And with the entertainment center she was done with the living room. She thought to her self now I deserve a break so she sat down on the couch. But then thought I need something to eat but, the realised that she just cleaned the living room so she decided that the next place she would clean would be her kitchen. She turned on the television and started switching channels rapidly until she found a show she thought was interesting.

It was a reality show that followed a group of cleaning lady's. They were employed by the computer city cleaning company. The followed the cleaning lady's to their different jobs and showed them cleaning the houses and businesses. One would not think a show like thought would be interesting but, it was a hit from the first day it was on. The was not show that was more exciting on television. Watching someone vacuum was riveting and Jessica was amazed that she had never heard about the show before or watched an episode. From now on she would be a regular viewer.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Women Who Want to program, but never did

Jessica Sonic had dreamed of becoming a computer programmer since she first heard about computer programming on a computer show when she was a teenager. All she wanted to do when she got her first desktop computer was learn how to program it. But, she thought that the tools for the programming languages cost money so for a few months she just surfed the internet and did not programming. Then one day she found a website that listed this website that had information on how to program and how to get a free compiler which amazed Jessica because as I said earlier she thought programming tools cost money. She she decided to install on of the free compilers. Since her internet connection was so slow and the file size of the compiler was so big she had to leaver her desktop run all night. She would get up periodically during the night to check on the download and everything went well.

It the downloading of the software took until about 9:00am the next morning and she could not wait to get the program installed to start program. And she got it installed perfectly. She was so excited and rearing to go. The unfortunate thing was that that was a far as she got with programming with that particular piece of software.

She did finally find a compiler that she could use and did do a little programming in C++. But she did not do that much programming. Though her dreams were big her follow though was not. So she never got that good at programming. She had dream as I just said of becoming one but, she just could not focus on one thing. She went from one programming language to the next. It was madding to her but, once something got challenging and she thought it might be to hard she went to another programming language.

That was another dream of hers to know lost of programming languages but, how can you know lost of programming languages when you don't even know how to write the simplest program and one and then move onto another programming language the minute something gets hard. Yes, anyone can see that that is not a recipe for success and certainly not something that would get her where she wanted to go. And even when she said this is it. It was now or never. Its time to put up or shut up well she did not last more than a week with an attitude like that. She even gave up programming for about a year.

She also went though periods of detesting her computer and the internet and blamed it for the reason she was so miserable. While she did not like being on her computer. And frankly her computer did like her being on it all day. Because of the weight mainly. She was not that heavy but, even a hundred pounds was a lot for the computer to carry. She did not mind using her computer for 3 to 4 hours a day. Anymore than that and she would get upset and grumpy. Somedays she did not mind being on her computer a lot but, just not everyday. She did have other interests and hobbies and she liked to move around. And it felt good to go outside once in awhile. But, as she saw it her computer was basically ok.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 25

After fuming about what he would write to Daniel Thornton could not do anything and he even wanted to get away from his new lady friend. "How about you go home miss Lauren said." "Are you telling me what to do Lauren because I don't like it when people tell me what to do she said." "Yes I am telling you what to do because someone has to tell you what to do. You would walk all over me if I did not tell you what to do. You would not know what to do if I did not tell you what to do he said." "That makes me so angry when you tell me what to do she said." "When I tell you what to do it makes you so angry. Have I ever told you what to do before since we have only know each other for less than a night. So don't make it sound like I have told you what to do for year because that is not true and not accurate.

"Lets argue some more it makes me forget the bad jokes on those videos of Daniel Thornton." "No she said." "What do you mean no. I am going to argue with you weather you like it not. I hate when you don't tell me what to do he told his lady friend." "So you hate it when I don't tell you what to do but, you hate it when I tell you what to do. So how can I win. So lets get going back to the arcade because I want to go home and I don't want to walk home and I need to get my car." "There you go telling me what to do again. Or is it that you don't like me telling you what to do. Now I am really confused. Its getting late so I agree with you that we should get back to the arcade. I am tired and I am not thinking right. And when I don't think write I start talking about all the people I have taken money from and that would make me look like a bad person to you but, would you not agree that a person has to make a living. And I have to make a living. Its not my fault that women find me so attractive and then give me all their money with a little coercion. Say like compromising photos of then in a bathing suit, or wearing a milk mustache, or eating junk food. You would be surprised at how many women will cough up some cash just to have people not see them eating the junk food. Of course I say that I destroy the pictures but, I do not destroy the pictures in case I need more money. Yes, I always like to think ahead because I don't always have a steady income Lauren said.

The hailed a cab from the computer city cab company and went directly to the arcade. When the arrived Lauren had her(his lady friend) pay the fare. Which had her fuming. She decided that she could stand Lauren no longer and said to herself forget my salary and forget my employer and got in her car and left and hoped she never saw Lauren again. Lauren chased after her car begging her not to leave him that she was the only women he ever loved but, she would not look at him as she drove away. So Lauren decided right then and there to stop trying to impress women as he was no good at it and be happy with his Dish Washing job. And So ends the Man who wanted to Impress. The End.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 24

The Clown Lady decided to drop Lauren and his lady friend off at the beach where she had first kidnapped them. Lauren was glad to see the limo speed away into the mist. He hoped he would never see the lady in the clown suit ever again unless she wanted to give him all her money. Its an experience he wanted to quickly forget. But, he knew he would not forget all the bad jokes that Daniel Thornton mad on those videos.

They were like a song that you can not get out of you head. The were far more memorable than a good joke. When Lauren got home that night he promised himself that he would sand Daniel Thornton some angry fan mail telling him how he had ruined his(Lauren's) sense of humor maybe permanently. "How dare you Daniel Thornton ruin my sense of humor possible for life with you terrible sense of humor. How dare you." And Lauren was going to say more. "I will give you all the money I make for the rest of my life if you stop making DVDs, Please. Ok, that does not include all the money I get from the women I steal from but, that does include money from my job. But, that is/will be a sizable sum after I take out expenses and handling then I will give the money to you after a six month period in my bank account just to make money on the interest the extra money will make me. But, then the money is yours. Is that a good deal do you think? Write me an email back saying yes or no. Or you don't have to write me an email back because I can't tell you a grown man what to do. Can I or can't I. Ok, I will tell you what to do now you better write me back and tell me yes or no. Or I will send my poodle after you and his bites are really vicious. Of course you will have to send me your address but, wait if I am sending you this letter I already no your address so never mind about sending me your address. So that I can drive my poodle to you house and sick him on you and believe you and me that he looks harmless but he has a bit that hurts so bad. Yes, he does look like he came from one of those commercials for computer city dog food. So sweet.

But, he is anything but, sweet when I give the attack command. He will be on your ankle like that. Faster than a bolt of lightening. Bitting it as hard as he can and he will not let go until I give the wow, command and I just might not give that command because I could be snacking on some candy of something. Yes I do like my junk food but, not your junk comedy. I am sure some people like bad comedy like yours like the like bad movies but, I don't think anyone would like your jokes Daniel Thornton.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 23

The clown women decided to stop with the video's and take Lauren and his lady friend on a wild ride in the limo. She opened the curtains on the windows and started the car and asked the driver to sit in the passenger seat and let her drive in her clown suit was near impossible but, she wanted to drive so she drove and that was that.

She started driving at a fast speed and she knew that Lauren did not like riding in cars that were driven excessively fast. The scenery was going by so fast it was all a blur and Lauren could not make out where he was in the city or where he was going. He did get one piece of information from the clown lady. She said they were going to the outskirts of the city to a rural area.

To Lauren that ment only one thing. They were going to the old parker mansion. It was built by Bud parker in the 1850's. But parker was a rich billionaire who made his fortuned in park benches.

But was born in 1810 and by the 1840's was the richest man in computer city. Which was not saying much because he was the only rich man in computer city. The only person with over 100,000 dollars that is. Bud had met his wife on a cruise in the pacific in 1840 she did not know who he was and was surprised he was one of the richest men in the country if not the world. When she found out she assured him that she was not interested in him just because he had money. Her name was Georgina and she was from a impoverished background and marrying a rich man was a shock because now she never had to worry about money again. She and Bud had many of the same interests. The liked to sail, had an interest in hot air balloons, liked to vacation on islands in the pacific, they liked to build models of famous land marks out of cards. The would glue the playing cards together so their models would stay together permanently. The made some great models. And there greatest hobby was building miniature volcano's that the would make erupt on a miniature island they had built in the middle of the lake on Buds property. It was a rather large lake that Bud had specially constructed to hold the island. He also took his boat on the lake for a little sailing.

After there deaths in a hot air balloon accident in the 1880's after they were old and grey the parker mansion was given to the computer city historic society for safe keeping as Bud wanted it to stand as a monument to his wealth and power and he also wanted everyone to remember his greatness. The historic society had built a small hotel on the property for people who wanted to experience the property first had and also to raise money to support the care of the mansion and the keeping of the large grounds that had to be mown and the flowers had to be planted and cared for and there were repairs on the house that had to be made so the hotel was the perfect solution.

Friday, August 31, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 22

After the nap where they got no sleep Lauren and his lady friend were bombarded with more bad humor from Daniel Thornton. It was called The wost humor video of all time. It was supposed to be funny since Daniel Thornton thought the jokes on the video were the best of all time. But, he was the only person who held that opinion but, as usual he would not listen to anyone. He would not hear that his jokes were no good.

The jokes were about nature: Trees and plants with traditionally were not fodder for humor and Daniel Thornton showed why. He stood in the middle of a bad set that was supposed make it look like he was in a forest but, instead made him look like he was in the middle of a bunch of plastic plants.

One joke was What do tree's grow? Up, out and leaves and this left Daniel Thornton in hysterics with laughter. He never learned that is was bad to laugh at your own bad and worse jokes. It was a shame and embarrassing to him. After one joked he laughed for a full five minutes he was on the ground rolling around after he feel to his knees with laughter. Lauren thought all that laugher after the jokes was so that Daniel Thornton could fill time because Lauren was convinced that he did not write enough jokes for a full two hour DVD so the laughter helped fill in the extra time that Daniel Thornton did not write enough jokes for.

It was painful to watch the video Lauren was not sure he deserved this even though he did take all the clown womens money. "I do not deserve this he said to her. I did not do anything that was that horrible to you. I only stole all your money but, so what you can always make some more. But, I will not get these hours of misery back. The hours that you have forced me to watch these horrible videos." "Oh, its not that bad the clown lady said compared to what you did to me. You ruined my whole life. So what if I ruin one day for you you deserve it you scoundrel. You deserve anything I can do to you. Well almost anything. Don't worry I will let you go when the sun goes down and then you can go back to your pathetic life of trying to cheat women but, you won't cheat me ever again I guarantee. So I am taking one day of your life. One day is all I ask. Ok I am not asking I am taking one day out of your life. You can go pick up some women to night and ruin her life. So don't expect me to fell sorry for you Lauren and don't expect me to let you go any sooner than I said.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 21

After the lunch it was time for a workout. Not a hard workout but, the clown women wanted to give her guests some exercise. First can a reps of push ups and sit ups. Ok, that is what the exercise routine consisted of push ups and sit ups.

Then before the next round of videos came. The clown lady wanted to discuss the previous DVD's.

There is nothing to discuss Lauren said the jokes are bad and the lighting is bad, the sets are bad, the DVD's are bad period. I agree with everything that Lauren said he lady friend said. So with that the clown lady agreed that the discussion time was over and it was time to watch more bad comedy video's.

For the next video it was Zip around. Which was Daniel Thornton's take on driving fast and fast cars. Now this DVD's was the one that took the cake for bad jokes. If Lauren thought the other DVD's were bad this one was even badder and not in a good way a really bad way. The jokes consisted of for example. What do you call people who drive to fast? Rude. Daniel Thornton could not contain his laughter on that bad joke he laughed for a good minute after telling it was made it all the more painful to watch. Yes, it was horrible to watch. Another joke was Fast cars are cars that drive themselves, pretty much. That mad Daniel Thornton laugh so hard he fell to his knees and the soda he was drinking went though his nose. Another embarrassing joke to watch or even listen to. How could anyone think that that joke was funny.

The DVD went on in that vain a bad joke followed by Daniel Thornton laughing at his own very bad jokes for minutes after he told them and then finally the bad DVD ended but, Lauren knew that his pain had just begun as the clown lady was going to make them watch more of Daniel Thornton's comedy DVD's.

For the next video it was going to be even worse. But, first Mrs. Clown was going to let her uninvited guests have a nap. Since she thought they would be tired from all of that video watching that they would probably need a nap of a half an hour or more. To help them get to sleep she thought it would help them get to sleep she was going to put on a cd of Daniel Thornton's comedy but, it did not help them get to sleep it only made them lie awake in horror as they listened to more of his bad jokes and editorials on how the would should be run.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 20

After the clown had forced both of them to watch Daniel Thornton's first video she went on to some truly terrible DVD's. The next video was called To the Apartment. Which was Daniel Thornton's take on the furnishing's in apartments and these were some very bad jokes.

Lauren and his women were or want to scream out in pain after watching just one joke as the joke was the worst joke they had ever heard. But, no they had to keep watching bad joke after bad joke and the worst thing was that Daniel Thornton was laughing at his own bad jokes which was so sad and painful to watch. And Lauren glad he was not the man on the DVD. Which would have left him embarassed.

Lauren knew he was a crook but, at least he did not think he was funny when he knew he could not tell a joke from a clothes hamper. He was temped to send Daniel Thornton a letter telling him just how unfunny he thought Daniel Thornton was. He would think about it if he ever got out of this situation alive. He was sure he probably would but, one never knows about these things. Though he was sure that all these bad DVD's would damage his sense of her forever though no one ever said he had much of a sense of humor anyway. So it would not be much of a loss to him or to the world as he was not going to become a world class comedian anyway though he could always tell the women he was after that he was one of the funniest people in the world that no one had ever heard of.

Lauren did fancy himself somewhat of a ladies man and even joked to friends that he could pickup more women in 20 minutes than most me could all day. That did not get much of a laugh though but, at least he tried to get a laugh. Daniel Thornton also though of himself as a ladies man but, he was just as wrong about that as he was about his humor. Which was very women. So wrong he could have been right but, he was still wrong.

After the second DVD the clown lady game Lauren and his lady friend a rest from the bad comedy for a little lunch. Which consisted of fries and burgers from the computer city hamber joint. The burgers and fries were a much need respite from the bad comedy but, could not get the bad taste out of their mouths after watching Daniel Thornton make a fool out of himself right in front of there eyes. With two of the worst selling DVDS of all time.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 19

Suddenly a women in a clown suit. She ordered them into a limo and they obeyed as she was very demanding so what else could they do but, obey so the went into the limo. Inside the limo the clown revealed herself as Lana one of Laurens victim's. Lauren had taken all her money and sold all her possessions and left town to find more women to take money from.

Now she was going to get her revenge. She was going to do the most terrible thing imaginable. She was going to force Lauren to watch the comedy Dvds made by the worst comedian on earth, Daniel Thornton.

Daniel Thornton started his career as a bad programmer and then decided to switch to comedy because everyone he knew told him that he was not funny but, he thought he was funny so he wanted to prove everyone he knew wrong. But, all he did was prove them right because no one else thought he was funny either but, he persisted trying to be funny witch only made him unfunny. He had made several of the worst comedy DVDs know to the world. The were so unfunny that they were funny.

The computer city gazette said of the DVDs they should never be watched and the only redeeming quality was that they could be used as drink coasters as they were cheaper than regular drink coasters.

Lana was going to start out with the worst of Daniel Thornton's comedy DVD's. It was called vacation comedy and featured Daniel Thornton's jokes about vacation and taking in-laws on vacation. For the DVD Daniel Thornton was standing on a horribly fake looking beach set. It did not look good but, he thought it looked fine but, everyone else said it looked horrible and would have been embarrassed to be seen on such a horrible set. The jokes as usual were terrible and were unfunny that they were painful to listen to but, Daniel Thornton thought they were the best jokes ever told and as usual wondered why everyone one the world besides him thought that they were not funny. The man was oblivious to criticism he thought he was right and the funniest man in the world and everyone had no taste. He was the arbiter of true taste. He knew it all. And everyone else knew nothing. It was sad really but, he would not listen to anyone else because he thought they were jealous of his talent. And were trying to tear him down and make him feel bad about himself so that they could ruin his life and he was having none of it.

So he kept making terrible DVD's and everyone laughed behind his back. And he did not notice.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Books I am reading

Zed A. Shaw

I am reading a book about the smalltalk-80 programming language. I don't recall the title but, Adele Goldburgh is one of the authors. It from 1983 so its old. But its exciting to find out about smalltalk-80. I am reading the pdf version and not a hard copy.

I am also reading blender basics 4th edition. Its a basic book about the blender 3d creation program. I just need to practice what I am learning more so I don't forget what I am learning.

I am reading 2 hard copy books but, I don't get to read them to often because I am on my computer a lot.

I am also trying to read Learn python the hard way by zed shaw.

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The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 18

After they had finished their dinner and dessert Lauren brought up the idea of taking a romantic walk along the shores of computer city beach. "How about we go to the beach miss for a romantic walk Lauren said." "Sure why not she said." So she paid the bill and the got up and waked out the door of the arcade.

Lauren hailed a cab. It was a cab from the computer city cab service. Which drove around the streets of computer city twenty four hours a day. They got into the cab and told the driver to head to the beach. When they arrived at the beach Lauren asked if she the women he was with could pay the fare and she agreed. The exited the yellow cab and headed out of the beach parking lot to the beach after they paid the admission fee it was nothing but, sandy beautiful beach ahead.

The sounds of the water were calming. The wave machine was on and making artificial waves which made the beach stunning at sunset. The held hand and just walked on the beach and watched the sun set and then decided to sit down on the beach and talk. The both took their shoes off and wiggled their feet in the sand.

So have you been to the beach often she asked Lauren. "No, I have not he said because I have just been to busy doing my work and charity work. Though seeing the beach now I will make it a point to come more often and maybe I could take up surfing or wind surfing or body boarding as an added incentive to make me come to the beach more often. Oh, but, I have so many things I want to do Lauren said." "Have you been to the beach Lauren asked the women." "Yes I come to the beach once a week to watch the waves and I also like to practice my yoga her in the morning when its so beautiful and calming before I go to work in the city where its so hectic and uncalming. It get me off to a great start in my day. So actually I might start coming to the beach everyday she said.

Lauren said that is what I should do to get my day off to a good start. So how about we make it a date for tomorrow to come to the beach and practice yoga and talk some more and get to know each other better Lauren said."

"Sure why not, why don't we do it. I would like that very much Lauren. So what time do you want to show up she said." "Oh, I would say about 6:00am that would fit my schedule fine Lauren said."

Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 17

"This pizza is delicious Lauren said. What do you think of it?" "I think its good also." After they finished the pepperoni the desert pizza arrived. "How you ever eaten a desert pizza she asked Lauren." No I have not but, what better to do than try something new on a date with I women who I had not met before going out tonight. I thought I was just going out for another boring night at the computer city video arcade and here I am having dinner with a women I hope to marry someday."

"Lauren said that he goes out to the arcade about once a week but, only skips to help out at a charity. He tried to make himself look as good as possible." "What kind of charity are we taking about her Lauren. Its called Men without recliners. Its stated goal is to provide recliners for men who don't have them. You know its commonly underestimated how important a recliner is to a man's self worth. He needs them to watch the football games or sports in general or he can use the recliner when his significant other be it his mistress, wife, girlfriends, what have you and he have had an argument and he does not want to sleep on the couch so he will choose to tilt the recliner backwards. So if he does not have a recliner he can do no of those all important things.

So its a cause I deeply believe in so I volunteer whenever I can to help at recliner drives or events sponsored by the charity to raise money. I even washed cars one year to help out and we raise a good amount of money. And help by many recliners for the all important men in need. I bet they are watching television in those recliners right now and that makes me feel good. It give me a warm feeling in my heart to know that I am doing some good in the world and not just helping myself."

"That is nice to hear she told Lauren. I don't mean to criticize but, men without recliners does not sound like a big do to me I thought you meant a more important charity. Like say providing stylists for people with bad taste in clothing or say evening dress for women without evening dresses. But, if you think getting recliners to the men who do not have them is important to you than you go ahead and support that charity. Me I don't volunteer because I am to busy working all day at my job that I am just to tired to do anything else at the end of the day. Its good though you are winning points with me for wanted to help those less furnished than yourself. All the while she knew that he was probably lying to him about everything and that she could not believe a word he said but, she had to act like she believed him.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 16

I can top what you just said mum. I have created many inventions. One in particular was great but, no one had any interest because it was years ahead of its time. I don't want to talk of the particulars of the invention because its not patented and who knows who might be listening to our conversation. I could be bugged or you could be an agent for a company who wants to steal my invention so no talking about the invention. I will say that it would have changed the would as we know it. Honestly.

I have also played professional hokey for the computer city starz. I played from 1990 to 2000 and was pretty good if I do say so myself. I was so good I got into several games for garbage time when the team I played for was either way ahead or far behind and they needed bodies to get on the ice. Very Very good. So do you want to go somewhere a little more romantic then this arcade. Lauren said." "Sure she said." "Where do you want to go then he asked." "First lets get some pizza she said." "ok". "I will order us a large peperoni pizza with cheese and for dessert how about a chocolate chip pizza with a chocolate crust and topped with chocolate chips shavings, chocolate sauce and chocolate candy, and finally strawberry's. Does that sound good he asked." "Sounds good to me she said." "So I will go to the counter to order and be back in a Giffy." "I will be here waiting for you to come back she said." "While Lauren was gone she checked her mini tape recorder that she had hidden in her purse to secretly record her conversation with him for her boss a women who Lauren had scammed many years before out of her family fortuned. She was going to put Lauren into jail. "I am back Lauren said." "Hi" "Oh, I placed the order and the should be bringing it around in a second. I hope you don't mind paying for it as I forgot my wallet at home." "No problem she said silently seething at having to pay for the food. She was going to get this guy as that was her job and now it was personal.

The pizza came and they both dug in and started talking some more. "So do you like computers and surfing the internet she asked Lauren." "No I don't I have never used a computer in my life. I think a computer is good for some things I just don't enjoy sitting in front of one because I have nothing to do on there. So I watch television instead as I really enjoy watching vintage sports games and watching old television shows. I particularly like to watch old games of the computer city starz on the computer city sports channel. I have even made a cameo in one of the games that I have watched. I played pretty well in that game I came so close to making a goal. I was proud of myself because that was the only time I got close to making a goal in a game Lauren said.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 15

Lauren said I can understand why a women would want to stalk me after all I am wonderful. I never get mad at anyone no not me. I hold it inside for years and argue over and over with the thing that I was mad about and eventually forget what you would have gotten me angry about. Until what I was angry with you about does not matter. Long after you have forgotten what you said that had gotten me angry. I kept it inside and don't take it out on anyone but, myself. See I don't get mad at anyone.

Another one of my qualities that is great Lauren said is that I am loyal. I act like am your friend in front of your face until you get out of earshot if you are my friend then I start the criticisms about you to anyone who will listen. That is what is so wonderful about me I am so phony." "That is wonderful Lauren. You seem to have a lot of great qualities. Now let me tell you about some of my great qualities she said. I am a wonderful cook. I like making cakes and cookies. My favorite cookies to make are sugar cookies. I like to make them from an old recipe from an old book that was handed down from relatives. I like to take about half the day and spend it making the sugar cookies. I make enough for about two weeks. I freeze some and then leave the ones that I want to eat the first week unfrozen. The for the second weeks cookies I spend about two hours cooking them in the oven. I like to take powered sugar and make frosting for the sugar cookies because I think the cookies with frosting taste much better and are sure a lot sweeter. I like to take the cookies to local farmers markets around computer city in the summer and sell them to make a little extra money so that I can get school supplies and money to go to movies and the rest I donate to charity."

"I also like to make 3d models on my computer. I like to spend about four hours a day working on my computer modeling skills. I do the work at night usually since I like to spend the day either watching television or outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Though there is not much fresh air and sunshine where I live since my house is near the computer city freeway which is noisy and polluted but, what can I do I do like the noise really and all the cars make never never feel alone. But all the noise does give me a headache every once in awhile but, only every once in awhile".

"You are fascinating my pet. You are the women of my dreams.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 14

"you sound like quite the catch Lauren. So why is it your single when you seem so great." "Oh, I just have not found the right women. There either to old to young or untrustworthy. Its not that I have not loved women I have but, then after a few months I found that they were not worthy of that love and trust I so naively gave them. Its so hard to trust someone when you have been betrayed so many times but, I still look for that perfect women even though I have been heart so many times."

"So why are you single my lady Lauren said. "I am single because I have not found the right man. I have been married several times as I have mentioned before but, the were are not so good men as I mentioned also before or hinted at at least. I just like to fall in love and never wait to find out who the man I am dating really is. I can't wait to get married so I won't be alone so I get married to soon and they turn out to be the opposite of what I thought they were. I have been married five times and all of my courtships have lasted no longer than a month on lasted less than a week. I think they were just after my money. I don't want to make the same mistakes again and this time I will be more cautious."

"You don't have to worry about me miss. I am not after your money. No indeed. I want a women that would be the perfect mate. Of course if she has money that is ok but, not required. She has to be nice and sweet and not mean. I have had women that I have dated that have seemed nice and made fun of me and picked on me and made me feel like I have been driven over by an ATV. As I said they seemed nice at first and by the time I found out who they really were I was already to committed to the relationship and the women to end it abruptly. So I stayed in a bad relationship hoping she would change but, she never did and I would eventually have to end the relationship and it would be all the more painful and all the more hard to get away from a women who I had been with lets say for a year or more. I have wasted years of my life on bad relationships hoping the women I choose would change and become better so I would not have to be alone and single again but, it never worked out for me.

I guess it was not all that bad because none of the women staked me after we broke up or anything like that except there was this one women who I was not even dating and I had refused her advances who started stalking me and I had her arrested and I changed my phone number and it was bad because she would call me at all hours of the day. Thats is why I had my phone number changes. She would asked me where I had been if I had not answered the phone the last time she called. It got bad."

Oh, you poor thing Lauren I feel so sorry for you. Is she still stalking you now." "Yes she is but, its not that bad but, sometimes it keeps me awake at night. But, not often.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress. Page 13

Lauren was beginnning to think he had a great women on the line and he was about to get a girlfriend or even a wife with big money which would set him up for a life of riches and the great life.

So what else do you do or have you done in your life you lovely man she said. "I think you should know my name since we seem to be hitting it off so my name is Lauren. Yes in my life I have done many interesting things such as travel the world. I once climbed computer city mountain. I was part of a team that was competing in the computer city mountain climb and we were racing against other teams to get to the top of the mountain and collect the big prize money and the fame. The winner got 100,000 dollars in prize money and a one hour spot on good morning computer city with Sylvia Vales.

Good morning computer city had been on the air for over a decade. It was stated as a cable access show but, had slowly got a strong following that had steadily grown over time and then was put on a regular channel and put on in the morning at about 6:00am until about 10:00am and featured stand-up comedy, comedy skits, educational segments and segments on new life changing technology but, most of the focus was on the comedy to get people a good funny start on the day. Once a month the show also featured a comedy puppet show which lasted the whole show and was put on by the computer city puppet show and everyone thought it was the funniest show on television in computer city television history which was a short his but, a regal one with many many great shows.

Sylvia Vales was a former super model who got into show business when her career as a model ended and she needed another line of employment. She was 5'10" and weighted 140 pounds with black hair and green eyes and no luck with men. So she decided to give up on romantic relationships and go it alone. She did have friends and that was enough for her. She did not need to find a special someone when was happy enough being alone and hanging around her fiends. She was happy not to have to take care of a man as well as take care of herself. She had had many bad relationships in thee past including a man who stole everything she owned including all her money she was lucky that she had friends to help her out while she got back on her feet. That man had been in jail for years after they caught him when he used one of her credit cards at a shopping mall. She was able to recover none of her possessions since he sold everything and hid the money which the authorities still had not found.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Man Who Wanted To Impress, Page 12

Lauren said he was looking for love. He had always wanted a women he could love and who loved him back. Usually a women loved he and he did not love her back or it was he loved a women and she did not feel the same way about him. So he said he was looking for that special someone who would change his life and remember his name and have a smile on her face every time she saw him. And if she also had a lot of money that was good but, it was not a requirement wink wink.

Wow, she said that is admirable in a man. Most men I know don't look for love they are looking for a women to be a maid and take care of them and they treat women like hired help. The just want someone to do everything for them so that they can sit on the couch and watch television or go to the bar with there buddies and have dinner waiting for them at home. You are a great man whatever your name is, What is your name sir? She said."

My name dear women is Lauren the man ofyourdreams. First name Lauren last name ManOfYourDreams. That is a great name for a man don't you think my dear lady he said." "Yes it is its truly wonderful she said to Lauren.

But I have more than a great name my lady I also have a great resume. I worked at the computer city space center for fourteen days as a waiter but, I wanted more I wanted to work on the space shuttles but, they would not let me because I have no qualifications and have not been to college to get the necessary degrees but, I said the men higher up couldn't you let it slid and let me work on the space shuttles anyway and they were having none of it and the said no and I said shoot. I will get to work on the space shuttles yet and the said you are fired and we don't want to see you in this place again and thats why I only worked there fourteen days.

Pretty impressive wouldn't you say miss whatever your name is he said to the mysterious women in red." "Yes that is impressive but, it would have been a more impressive story if you had been to college and worked on a space shuttle or worked on a computer or done something that lasted for more than fourteen days. That you worked at the space center is impressive but, not that impressive. So have you done anything else she asked." "Well I have traveled the world with my own polka band and I did not even know what polka was I just put an ad in the paper and when some 3 guys came to audition I said no one else came for the audition so all of you are hired and we went on the road as a polka band. We got a lot of gigs because we worked for free but, people were disappointed when we played because the music we played it was not polka music.