Jessica Sonic had dreamed of becoming a computer programmer since she first heard about computer programming on a computer show when she was a teenager. All she wanted to do when she got her first desktop computer was learn how to program it. But, she thought that the tools for the programming languages cost money so for a few months she just surfed the internet and did not programming. Then one day she found a website that listed this website that had information on how to program and how to get a free compiler which amazed Jessica because as I said earlier she thought programming tools cost money. She she decided to install on of the free compilers. Since her internet connection was so slow and the file size of the compiler was so big she had to leaver her desktop run all night. She would get up periodically during the night to check on the download and everything went well.
It the downloading of the software took until about 9:00am the next morning and she could not wait to get the program installed to start program. And she got it installed perfectly. She was so excited and rearing to go. The unfortunate thing was that that was a far as she got with programming with that particular piece of software.
She did finally find a compiler that she could use and did do a little programming in C++. But she did not do that much programming. Though her dreams were big her follow though was not. So she never got that good at programming. She had dream as I just said of becoming one but, she just could not focus on one thing. She went from one programming language to the next. It was madding to her but, once something got challenging and she thought it might be to hard she went to another programming language.
That was another dream of hers to know lost of programming languages but, how can you know lost of programming languages when you don't even know how to write the simplest program and one and then move onto another programming language the minute something gets hard. Yes, anyone can see that that is not a recipe for success and certainly not something that would get her where she wanted to go. And even when she said this is it. It was now or never. Its time to put up or shut up well she did not last more than a week with an attitude like that. She even gave up programming for about a year.
She also went though periods of detesting her computer and the internet and blamed it for the reason she was so miserable. While she did not like being on her computer. And frankly her computer did like her being on it all day. Because of the weight mainly. She was not that heavy but, even a hundred pounds was a lot for the computer to carry. She did not mind using her computer for 3 to 4 hours a day. Anymore than that and she would get upset and grumpy. Somedays she did not mind being on her computer a lot but, just not everyday. She did have other interests and hobbies and she liked to move around. And it felt good to go outside once in awhile. But, as she saw it her computer was basically ok.
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