The Clown Lady decided to drop Lauren and his lady friend off at the beach where she had first kidnapped them. Lauren was glad to see the limo speed away into the mist. He hoped he would never see the lady in the clown suit ever again unless she wanted to give him all her money. Its an experience he wanted to quickly forget. But, he knew he would not forget all the bad jokes that Daniel Thornton mad on those videos.
They were like a song that you can not get out of you head. The were far more memorable than a good joke. When Lauren got home that night he promised himself that he would sand Daniel Thornton some angry fan mail telling him how he had ruined his(Lauren's) sense of humor maybe permanently. "How dare you Daniel Thornton ruin my sense of humor possible for life with you terrible sense of humor. How dare you." And Lauren was going to say more. "I will give you all the money I make for the rest of my life if you stop making DVDs, Please. Ok, that does not include all the money I get from the women I steal from but, that does include money from my job. But, that is/will be a sizable sum after I take out expenses and handling then I will give the money to you after a six month period in my bank account just to make money on the interest the extra money will make me. But, then the money is yours. Is that a good deal do you think? Write me an email back saying yes or no. Or you don't have to write me an email back because I can't tell you a grown man what to do. Can I or can't I. Ok, I will tell you what to do now you better write me back and tell me yes or no. Or I will send my poodle after you and his bites are really vicious. Of course you will have to send me your address but, wait if I am sending you this letter I already no your address so never mind about sending me your address. So that I can drive my poodle to you house and sick him on you and believe you and me that he looks harmless but he has a bit that hurts so bad. Yes, he does look like he came from one of those commercials for computer city dog food. So sweet.
But, he is anything but, sweet when I give the attack command. He will be on your ankle like that. Faster than a bolt of lightening. Bitting it as hard as he can and he will not let go until I give the wow, command and I just might not give that command because I could be snacking on some candy of something. Yes I do like my junk food but, not your junk comedy. I am sure some people like bad comedy like yours like the like bad movies but, I don't think anyone would like your jokes Daniel Thornton.
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