Jessica was at the arrival gate looking for her parents. The plane had landed and her parents should be disembarking any moment now. And suddenly there they were stepping of the plane and going into the airport. They were wearing Hawaiian shirts and shorts with sandals. They looked relaxed and like they were on vacation. When they saw Jessica they started smiling and waving the were as glad to see her as she was to see the. It had been a long time since they had seen each other.
It was on a camping trip 5 years previous. Jessica had asked her parents if they wanted to go on a camping trip and they said sure they would love to go so Jessica made reservations at a major camping area near computer city and had her parents flown in on her company's corporate jet. After she had gotten her parents from the airport she went straight to the campsite. Where they all pitched in to set up the tent. And then they started the barbecue so that dinner could be cooked. There was a store on the campsite where you could buy supplies and Jessica went to buy ribs and a salad mix and some cake and ice cream for desert. The were scheduled to stay on the camping are for two days which was long enough to get the atmosphere of nature and the relaxation.
The all pitched in to prepare and cook the ribs and then sat down to a scrumptious dinner fit for royalty. Computer city royalty anyway. The took about an hour eating the meal and then after the meal before bedtime they sang songs and told scary stories and to top it all off the roasted marshmallows. This was always Jessica's favorite thing to do while she was camping. She loved to roast the marshmallows and eat them. Then it was time for bed.
Jessica had brought her laptop computer with a program that told her the location of the stars in the sky in relation to her position. Jessica was quite the star gazer. She would often stay up for hours after it got dark looking at the stars and the planets and satellites. That was her dream someday to become an astronomer but, she first wanted to get her dream of becoming a world class programmer a reality so the astronomy would have to wait a few more years but, hopefully not to many more years. She could not wait until she was an astronomer. She also hoped to one day travel in space. Maybe even live on mars or a distant moon or become the first female captain of a starship or something similar. Who knows anything could happen in her future if she worked hard enough. But, she thought hard work would be they key. When she was younger she did not put all her effort into things she was interested in learn and therefore she did not learn much if anything. Though she wish she had worked harder.
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