Saturday, March 31, 2012

3d cars goal

I want to get started on making cars in blender right away. I thought should I make one a day, but I don't know if I could make on that fast. So I will go for one a week. I will try I don't know if I will make it. Might as well get started making cars if I want to make cars right. Making stuff is the goal.

The above picture is of an Ac ace I made. I looks like a car thought I think its not bad for only my 3 or 4 I have made. Maybe I will made another Ac ace and it will turn out better. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Zaz 965

The Renders are of a Zaz 965. I think the Zaz 965 is adorable; the real car the the car I made. I would have finished the model but, the mesh is a mess. Its has a lot of triangles instead of quads. So instead of trying to fix it and finish the model. I want to start over and make a new Zaz Model.

One fun picture that I found on the web that I can't locate now is of a Zaz 965 monster truck. How arorable is that. It would be fun to drive that I am sure.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


I got so excited about making 3d cars, buildings, and other things. I have read blender basics. Some of blender 3d to pro, and read a few blender tutorials, and even made a few models. This has all been over a period of say 6 years. I have yet to make anything good of my own.

I seems to that with blender and programming I get stuck on reading books and tutorials then never use the information I have learned. So I forget all the information because I don't use what I learn everyday. I get stuck on reading that stuff and never make anything. And the whole reason that I want to program or learn to use blender is to make things. So this year that is what I hope to do make things.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What type of programs I will make

Or hope to make. Computer games are the programs I want to make. It seems impossible that I will ever be able to make computer games. That is my ultimate goal though. I wonder how long it will take me to make one. Next year, next month, the next decade. I have no idea.

What type of computer games do I want to make. I like sports games so those are the types of games I will make, hopefully, eventually. On to building programs, someday.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


For over a year and a half since I stopped writing on this blog April 2010 I did not have much of a desire to program. I may have read a bit of a book about programming here and there. Then Late last year, or was it early this year. I decided that if I desired to learn how to program a computer I had better get serious.

With that decision made I then decided to learn python because I can create games with it and also I use it with blender. A also decided that I need to read about and program everyday. And I have kept me goal for the most part.

I  stated reading dive into python 3, then read Invent your own games with python, now I am reading how to design programs and using DrRacket, installed git. I have worked hard than I ever have before.

For example with how to design programs I don't just read the text and skip the exercises like I have done in the past. I am now working through the exercises and developing the programs. I get frustrated because sometime it will take me hours to design one function but, I am not giving up I will try until I can no longer make the examples. I believe that all the struggle will make programming easier later. And there are times I think things are to tough and I will never figure out how to make a function. In the end the functions get made and things work right. And it fun.

I also think it would be good for me to start a project of my own so I will be able to use and remember the things that I learn. Because I have spent years reading books and tutors; not that many though. And never made a project of my own. And that is the ultimate goal to make projects of my own. So I hope to start making my own stuff as soon as I can. Although it does not ever seem possible that I will ever be able to make an programs of my own.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I downloaded git about a week ago and could not wait to install it on my computer but, I did not get it set up and installed until yesterday. I had no idea what git existed until I read an article about setting up vim as an IDE for python. So then I had to find out what git was so I found a wikipedia article on it and now I now a little more about git. Then I found out about free places on line that host git and about the software that I had to install on my computer. I was so excited.

I seems like a waste to have git for me because I don't make any software so hopefully this will give me the motivation to start making something that I can use to fill up my git because having a git make me excited. I shall see if I can make some software.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have had vim on my computer for awhile but, it just sat there unused and unlearned until recently when I went to the vim website looking for the documentation. I found the documentation but, I also found some books on vim. I decided to read A Byte of Vim so I went to the books web site and downloaded the pdf of the book.

Over the next 2 or 3 days I read most of the book or was it a week. I don't know exactly how long it took me to read the book but, I did take a look at most of the book. An to my surprise I learned some vim commands and that felt good. I learned how to open and save files, change the directory to which I opened or saved files. You get the idea. It was fun learning how to use vim.

I just thought well how did I get interested in wanted to learn how to use vim or how did I even learn about the program. And I figured out the answer. The first C++ I tried to used had vi as the text editor. It was some kind of Cygwin C++ compile. I never did learn how to use the compiler but, I did look at some vi tutorials. I did not learn many vi commands though. Vi did seem cool to me. So I probably found vim around that time. But never learned how to used the program until recently.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I am back, for How long I don't know

I still have the itch to write a blog and it need to be scratched. And since this is the blog that I have with the most blog posts. Why not write on it. I know I am not the best write and my posts are boring but, I do enjoy writing so why not go for it.

Though every time it seems I get excited about writing a blog the excitement does not last long. A day or two at the most. I figure why bother my writing is not that interesting. Its just that writing is fun. So I will try to keep the excitement going so I can post on this blog. Also I need something else to do on my computer.

Since my last blog post on this blog (Failure Is My Friend) not much has changed I still want to learn how to program, I still want to make 3d models with blender, and I still have not learned either of those things. I keep trying and I keep getting nowhere. I could give up, failure is not a option in my world. So I persist with my dreams.

On the programming front I no longer go from one language to another in the span of a week. I am sticking to python, and Scheme(DrRacket) which I use with How to Design programs the book I am reading now. I think its better if I learn how to make programs than learn a programming language and not be able to make a working program. So that is why I am sticking with one or two languages for it seems like the first time ever.

As for blender. I have not been making anything with the program. Though I hope to make something soon. Oh, how I would like to make cars, and trucks and buildings and great scenes.

So in 2 years I am no closer to achieving two of my goals. Maybe a little closer. I still have a long way to go.