Sunday, March 25, 2012


I have had vim on my computer for awhile but, it just sat there unused and unlearned until recently when I went to the vim website looking for the documentation. I found the documentation but, I also found some books on vim. I decided to read A Byte of Vim so I went to the books web site and downloaded the pdf of the book.

Over the next 2 or 3 days I read most of the book or was it a week. I don't know exactly how long it took me to read the book but, I did take a look at most of the book. An to my surprise I learned some vim commands and that felt good. I learned how to open and save files, change the directory to which I opened or saved files. You get the idea. It was fun learning how to use vim.

I just thought well how did I get interested in wanted to learn how to use vim or how did I even learn about the program. And I figured out the answer. The first C++ I tried to used had vi as the text editor. It was some kind of Cygwin C++ compile. I never did learn how to use the compiler but, I did look at some vi tutorials. I did not learn many vi commands though. Vi did seem cool to me. So I probably found vim around that time. But never learned how to used the program until recently.

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