Samantha and Bud arrived at the cafeteria and had their fill of cookies, cake, ice cream. The went with a plate of snacks to the quad to sit down and wait to be called to the hall for graduation.
The talked about what they wanted to do during the summer and what they thought high school would be like. Bud said he wanted to go to the beach and surf during the day and go home an make computer games at night until he fell asleep. "How, exciting bud." Samantha said. "I am going to sing in the computer city symphony." Every since Samantha was a young girl she always loved to entertain family and friends with her singing. She particularly enjoyed singing MotherBoard's songs. They were her favorite band. And now she was living out her dream by singing in the symphony. "How interesting." Bud said. "I am so happy for you.""So Bud what do you think computer city high will be like." I don't know, but I do hope to spend sometime going to parties and enjoying my last for years of childhood. I also want. But, I don't want to have to much fun and forget to focus on my school work" Bud said. "I think high school will be some of the worst years of my life." Samantha said. "Why do you think that." Bud said. " "Oh, just because my sister said they were the worst years of her life. She said all the worrying about being popular and relationships and acne plus school work that was miserable for her. "Well put" Bud said. Just then an announcement came over the P.A. system "All graduating 8th graders please report to the hall for graduation." Bud and Samantha hurried to the hall with their caps and gowns on and got into the line of students. Now Mrs tower led the group of students to the gym entrance. The gym was the place where the graduation was going to be held. They could her the music and now the door to the gym was flung open and the students marched single file into the gym to a hearty applause for the crowd. Flash bulbs flickered as each student took his or her seat.
The principal made a speech about how proud she was of the class graduating and how everyone of the were going to make great 9th graders. Now it was time for each student to receive their diploma. When Buds name was called he beamed with joy and then promptly tripped on his gown and bloodied his nose when he fell on his face. He quickly got up embarrassed and with toilet paper held to his nose promptly went to the podium and received his diploma. And rushing to his seat receiving a thunderous applause. The rest of the graduation ceremony was a blur to bud because of the bloody nose.
Afterward everyone said a quick goodbye and see you soon. And that was it Bud was now a graduate of 8th grad and ready for high school to begin. First there was the graduation party.
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