The case of who stole Bud longIntegers confidence. One day BUd woke up and he had no confidence so he decided to contact a computer city private detective to see who had stolen it.
Detective Wild Thompson was contacted by bud to find his confidence. He stopped by the longIntergers residence to find out the detail of the situation. "Detective its nice to meet you Bud said. "When was the last time you saw your confidence oh yes and where was the last time you saw your confidence" asked the Wild. "Well it was 2 nights ago and at my house that I last saw my confidence Mr. Wild.
"Thank you for the detailed information son. That is so much for me to go on. So Mr. Wild was on the case for the search for Buds confidence. "It will probably take me a week or 2 to find you confidence the detective as that is the time period that these missing confidence cases take. "Good luck detective Bud said. "Thank you" Bud Mr. Wild said.
The detective went to the computer city museum to see if anyone who worked there might have seen Buds confidence. He did not have a picture or anyway to describe his confidence but, he had the utmost confidence in finding it for his top client.
Meanwhile Bud was sitting at home believing that he could do nothing as he had no confidence. He just sat and cried and cried about being a failure. He wondered if he would ever see his confidence again or if he would lack confidence for the rest of his life. He was sure he could live without his confidence but, he would need to adjust to not having any confidence.
Meanwhile Wild was searching the museum high and low asking anyone he met if they had seen confidence. For instance he asked a person who was a visitor at the museum if he had seen the confidence. The guy asked what the confidence looked like and Mr. Wilds response was he would know it when he saw and so the man said that he did not see it then.
Oh now Mr. wild was beginning to think this was a lost cause and that he would never find Buds confidence. So he decided on a plan since no one knew what confidence looked like or anything like that Mr Wild thought he would just tell Bud that he found his confidence on the beach and charge him thought the roof for finding it. He arrived at Buds house and was ushered into the Den where he told Bud that he had found his confidence. "Thank you Mr. Wild you have done an exception job and now I feel much better that I will not have to go through the rest of my life wondering what happened to my confidence.
And now Bud was a renewed man with all the confidence in to world no that he had the detective find it. And that was the case of how Mr. Wild found Buds confidence.
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