Zelda Thomas still a programmer. She unlike bob thought that computers, programming and the internet were a huge boon to society. She and bob had many heated discussions about their opinion on the computer and society.
Zelda had brown hair, brown eyes, she stood 6 feet tall, and had dark olive skin. She was beautiful as well as being a talented base player. She had done some modeling in her earlier days. She was 35 years old.
Zelda had had a few serious romantic relationships but, had decided to give up on relationships after her last boyfriend, fiancé left her saying he could not marry her. She was glad he left since they had a stormy on again off again relationship. She had trouble with relationship anyway. Released from the pressures of finding that special someone she was happier than ever.
Amy Files in addition to being Cynthia Files Niece was a programmer. She too believed like Zelda that the internet was a force for good and a great contribution to society, to the world really. She knew though that the internet was not for everyone. She was the opposite of Zelda in love. She had been married to the love of her life for over 3 years now. Sure she had to go through many bad relationships to find the right man but, find him she did.
After 6 months of practicing and writing songs in bob's garage the MotherBoards were ready to go out on the road and play some gigs. They played high schools and weddings for 2 years before they recorded their first and only studio album to date called MotherBoard.
MotherBoard was a hit. It sold in the Billions and still sells great in 1997 which is why the group has not made another album yet. The album had songs named: compiler I adore you, Flow chart you are my muse, Javascripts for the web, Transistor you complete me, Personal computer you rock, Don't know nothin about micro code, You like assembly I like C, Dear C++ your slow compile time makes me think, Computer are you a blessing or a curse, Aint seen daylight in 9 hours since I have been coding all day, Sometime I want to throw you the room - computer, Can't find a bug in my code and I just want to explode, Searching my hard drive for missin code, Someday I want to marry my computer, PC you are my best friend, What would my computer say if it could talk, Robots are the future, If I had a penny for every time I typed the word no I would be a millionaire, Power to the Personal Computer, Sometimes I don't understand your error messages, Technology is a bore, Why did I ever decide to become a programmer.
With tracks like those it was a sure hit. The album was recorded in bob's garage over a 2 year period and released on July 4, 1992 the year bud was born. It released on 4 vinyl records. The record company wanted the band to go on the road to promote the record but, they said no "We won't promote the record, what we will do is sell it at our concerts" they said. And sure enough the band did not need to promote the album as word of mouth spread the album sales picked up more and more momentum.
Bud first heard the Album motherBoard when he was 2 years old at a swim part at his next door neighbors birthday party. He simply adored the music when he heard it. He could not wait to get home and coerce his parents into buying the album so he could listen to it all the time, day night, day, night, night and day. Until he had memorized the songs by hard and could recite them without have to read the liner sheet. He persisted and his parents bought him the album for Christmas one year. And he did listen to the album over and over and he did memorize the lyrics.
So there is the story of why bud wanted the MotherBoards album played at his 5th birthday party.
The party ended late and everyone went home happy, ready for the surprises of next years birthday party.
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