For buds second birthday pary he went in a hot air baloon. He was only 2 years old so his parents did not want the baloon to leave the ground so the just let bud sit in the basket and crawl around telling him that he was flying, bud was believeing no of it but, he did his best to act like he thought he was in the air flying. And his parents had a birthday cake made that looked like a hot air baloon. Bud did not particularly show an interest in flying so who know why his parents went to all the trouble with the hot air balooned themed birthday party. Bud adored cake so he had a lot of that hot air baloon cake. And wow, it looked as good as it tasted. It had a red and yellow hot air baloon sponge cake suspended over a chocolate chip frosted pound cake for the basket.
His favorite present was a mimi basketball hoop, you know one of the ones that can be hooked to the back of a chair, or door. It had a spongy orange basket ball thatglowed in the dark. He was still to young to shoot but by his third birthday he would shoot forminutes at a time he was so mesmorized by that little orange ball swishing through the hoop when it was perfectly shot. By the age of three he was reguraly able to slam dunk when the basketball hoop was hooked to the back of a chair. He had vertical leep. Later in life he was a huge basket ball fan but, for now he did not like watching the game he just liked playing it.
Sids parents were worried that bud might get spoiled so that decide to buck the tradition of celebrating half birthdays when bud was 2 and a half years old. There had been a long tradition ofthe longIntergers celebrating their childrens half birthday from the age of 2 to 18 and a half.When the were believed to be to old for the traditon.
Buds second year was uneventful except for the arrival of Harriet 3, his sister. Harriet had a difficult pragnancy so she decided that Harriet 3 would ber her last child. Two was enough as she saw it but, sid wanted more to which she said find you can have more childer but, you will have to carry them for nine months and then give birth. To which sid said "you know, you are right harried 2 is the perfect amount of childer". He never mentioned about more children again. Harriet 3 was the opposite of bud. She was lould; crying all the time. She broke buds toys. She refused to sit still and by 7 months of age was outside playing in the grass watching the birds while bud and his mother watched hockey but, later she did join the for an hour of hockey watching before she went to bed at 9:00pm just like bud because she wanted to be like her older borther so bad.
The relation ship between siblings was great except for some jelousy on buds part when harriet 3 first came home from the hospital. She was taking away his mother attention and he mildly disliked her for tibut, those feeling ended quickly as he adored his new sister. Though they did have their disagreements. but those ocassion were rare. For instance over buds 220 star computer. She like bud liked computer but, she was a great computer user she knew the computers like the back of her own hand. So anyway the ofen would fight for time on the computer whith bud always pulling the itts my computer so I can use it and you can, which was true it was his computer but, harriet 3 rresented him for not letting him use it as much as she like but, she did get to use it. She wasa fenom she as I just said she was an above average computer user. Which made bud jelous. So ends year 2
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