On his 4th birtday he had no party because his parents thought they were spoiling him with all the attention and presents. Instead his parents gave the moneythey would have spent on presents to computer city hospital and they asked otherpeople to instead of sending gifts to send donations to computer city hospital
Bud took it all in stride, he did not mind not having a birthday. So on hisspcial day he decided he wanted to shoot hoops and play video games. The old hyperdrive video game console was in great shape and ready for a marathon playing seson of spaceship pilot.
But had beaten spaceship piolet many times and now he was on the extrasuper hard mode which was extrasuper hard. The rescuing of stranded crews of ships and the dodging of enemies never got old to bud. It was as exciting for him to play now as the day he got the games as a birthday gitf/p>
After the basketball and video game playing bud decided to watch a new movie that he thought he might like. Snail mailman 3. Snail mailman was the lastestsuper hero. A man dedicated to protectecting the public from the dangers of electronic email man and his evil minions.
Email man was a relatively new evilvillian. He threatened to overwhelm the citizens of computer city with unwantedand unneeded mail so the he could take over the city. He wore a blue shirt with orange pants and green shoes. So not only was he a bad man he was was an even badder dresser and I mean that in a bad way not good way. He had sever people who helped him in his evail plan.
It was snail mail mans job to keep the snail mail moving so that the people of computer city would not resort to using email and thus become swamped in work and primed for email man to take over computer city. It was a tough task for snail mailman he had to clear the road of roadblocks set up buy emailman and his minions, repair roads that were damaged, fix mailboxes, replace missing mailboxes, pumpgas for the mail trucks that he also had torepair. So it was a good thing that he could hop like a rabbit and wore a powderblue jump suit. He had to do all the work of 100 men because computer city did not wish to support snailmail anymore becuase some of email mans minions were on the city council and got the funding for snail mail revoked. But email main could not take over the city because of snail mailmans effort.
Snail mail man was a huge success at computer city cinema. It was the number one grossing fiim for six weeks from june to mid-july. And bud could tell why it was an action packed film from beginning to end. Bud favorite scene was when email man laster beamed a pot hole in the pavement and sail mailman arrived just in time to fill thepot hole just before the unsuspecting mail truck driver drove in it. And the daywas saved for a minute or two anyway.
It was not buds most memorable birthdays but, it was ok. Its was a special day and he had had fun. He could not waituntill next year and the resumption of his grand birthday parties and being the center of computer citys attention. Bud was at his best when he was the center of attention.
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