This is my novel about a fictional character name bud "byte" longInteger. He lives alone with his poodle address bus in computer city. He is 25 years old and had decided to live the rest of his life as a batchler.
I want to write a page a day for over a year for a total of 365 pages for my novel. I don't know if I wll make that goal but, its worth a try. I hope to describe everything about buds life. Things he likes, where he lives, his past, his present, his future. Any thing I can think of about bud to write about that I find interesting. I can think of enough to write about. I want to get to the first chaper so that why the introduction is short.
I want to think one person in particular who is solely responsible for the publication of this book on his blog. Myself. I want to thank myself for the time and patience that I have had with myself that have allowed me to attempt to write this book. Thank you for everything you did, myself. Myself you rock. Thank you again.
The book is called Bud "bytes" longIntegers best years
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