Sid and bud exited the car and headed to the administration office. And after the paper work was finised they were directed to the quansit huts, they were not far from the administration office; a five minute walk. After arriving at the main camp area they were greeted by Tommy teletype the camp cansoler and founderof software summer camp.
Tommy teletype was less interesting than his name would suggest. He was 35 years old, divorced three times, had a highschool education thoughhe had made numerous attemps at college. The camp was he last ditch effort to makesome impact on the world. For careers he had tried farming, programming, welding, truck driving. He had failed at every think he had ever tried except the computer programming. And that is what inspired him to open the camp because that was the only thing he was good at.
He borrowed money from his parents so that he could buy the land the camp was on. And had a friend who worked construction build thecamp sleeping area and the picnic benches; which were the eading area. The year was 1990 when he opened and now it was 1996 and he had payed off his parents and owned the camp outright. The camp was a modest success and Tommy was happy for the first time in his life because he owned something he was proud of. He had helped hundreds of campers become software programmers. Though he stil had not found someoneto spend the rest of his life with he was content. If he found a wife good if not he had the camp.
After sid and Bud had met tommy, sid took his leave and sidwas happy to be on his own. A four year old all grown up at summer camp. The firstthing tommy did was have the campers sit at the picnic benches and take roll call.As he called roll and as he called each name and he would as the camper to tell the other children all little about him/herself.
After roll call Tommy would lay out how each day of the month long camp would go. 7:00am wakeup, 7:30 breakfastat the picnic tables, 8:15am walk around the cammp grounds, 9:00am computer lab atat the picnic tables, 11:00am crafting, 12:15pm lunch, 1:00pm rock climbing course, 215 light snack and nap time, 3:00pm computer lab, 5:45 dinner, 6:30 free time until bed time, 9:00pm bed time. Once a week there was a creative writing class. Also once a week there was movie night. It was going to be a busy month for the campers full of learning and fun.
But that first day the campers would get to know each other and the next day the work stated. Bud was happy as ever. A new placeto explore and new friends to make, new computer programming techniques to learn. He was so excited he wore himself out and slept great that night. He was up brightand early read for the new day the next morning as the bugle made its sound signaling that the campers needed to rise and shine their day had begun and in a sense so much more had begun.
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