Summer ended and now it was time for Bud to go to grade shool. The first grade to be exact. The first grade teachers name was Julia Thompson. A Comper city native who grew upnot far from Bud's father. She and the longIntegers were friends as a matter of fact. Sidand Julia had gone on several dates backin highschool. But, split up after they realizedthe had no common interests. Julia was not interested in computer or computing she was more into cars and history. She had a shop in the back of her house where she repaired classic cars to take to cars shows and compete. Sid on the other hand hated canrs. Compers were his joy in life. Anyway they spit on good terms.
Julia and sid had not seen each other in over 2 years. The last time they ahd met the chatted a bit in the grocery store. And now Sid's son bud would be in julia's firsst grade class. Sid knew Bud would be in good had since julia was a goodteacher. The courses at computer city grade school were similar to other schools around the country. They taught reading, writing, Math, science, computer science, phsical education. Reading, writing, Math and science were taught to the first graders by Juila Thompson. It was a huge course load for her toteach and she was up to the challenge. Most days she was up until 11:30pm working. Computer science was taught by cynthia file. physical education by wilma Times.Wilma was an interesting woman. Shegraduated from computer city college with a degree in computer sicence. After college she went to workfor a big web design firm in computer city writing code. She quickly tired of her chosen profession. Then one day she saw a bodybuilding documentary and fell in love with the sport of body building. She wanted to quit her job immediatly but, she had signed a contract for a year and a half. So she had a year left on her contract. She wanted to start working out right away so she decided that after work shewould go to the gym and start training to enter bodybuilding competitions. The workouts were grueling and she loved every minute of them. And soon she was in the best shape of her life and she felt even better than she looked. After her contract ended with the web design company she decided to stay on even though she did not particulary enjoy what she was doing. The job brought in decent money and she had time to workout so why mess with a good thing. She continued her bodybuilding career. The most prestigious event she participitated in was Mrs. computer city.
Which brought together the top female weighlifters Wilma was a tall woman at 5 feet 10 inches tall and 190 pounds which was good size for a woman bodybuilder. But, it was not good enough to win the competition. She was disappointed to finish 4th outof 150 of computer city's top bodybuilders. After the competition she decided to retired from competition and go back to school to earn a degree in physical education. She liked being around children and she like physical exercise so why not combine the two and teach PE. She graduated with honors and decided to teach at computer city elementary. She had been teaching there for 3 years before Bud arrived. She was considered a strict and good teacher. A teacher any kid would say they were proud to have been taught by. The kid's were in awe of the size of her muscles.
After julia Thompson gave Bud and Sid a tour of the class room. Sid left to go to work and Bud's elementary school career had begun.
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