"Rise and shine" said Tommy Teletype. You have a half an hour to get ready for breakfas so get to it. So Bud got up and went to the shower area to take his moring show. Then he hurried back to his quansit hut to meet up with his roommates and head off to the picnic tables for breakfast.
The morinings meal consised to oatmean with orange juce or grape juice, ham, eggs, bacon and sausages, or vegan sausage. There was also soy milk available to drink.
Next came the exciting walk around the camp grounds. It was a beautiful sunny day with the birds chirping and some mist in amoung the trees. It was a day from a painting it was so gorgeous. Bud was in good shape. He always exercised at home anychance he got. So this was not a challenge for him. He walked the trail looking at all the wild flowers that were native to computer city. The big tall redwood try particulary fascinated him whith their huge branches and green leaves. Oh, the bark was beautiful. He wished his parents had a back yard big enough to plant redwood trees so he could sit underthen in the head and dream of far off galaxys. The was one incident on of the other campers slipped an scraped his knee. After tommy determined that the scape was not serious thehike continued. They stayed sitting at the lake for about 10 minutes watching the buirds bath themselves flapping their wings in the water. Bud had never seen anything like it. The arrived back at the camp area at 8:55am with plenty of time to get read for computer lab.
Computer lab is what every camper looked forward too. Afer all the camp was name camp software. Each camper was given a number which corrisponded to a number on a laptop that the were to use for the duration of the summer camp. The compuers were loaded withall the software and course material that were needed for computer lab. Bud was exstatic when he found his laptop and took his seat at the table.
The campers were not to turn on their computer until Mr. teletype gave the ok. So Bud waited patiently for the other campers to get their computers and get situated. Finally Tommy gave the ok and every one turned on their computers. The were greeted with what one normally sees when a computeris turned on. The found folders full of PDFs on their desktops; the course material. The computer programming langauge that they were using was called Sundial; an easy to learn programming language that let you focus on the design or your program without worring about about syntax. Ready was another star computer innovation. Cynthia file mission wast to get evey kid who wanted to program a chance at their dream. So compute stated and PDFs open the class was ready to begin.
"Ok campers lets write our first program" Mr. teletype said. "Type show "Hello world" just like I have here on the board" said tommy. "Nextopen your command prompt and change the directory to where you saved the code file". "Then type ready "name of file".rd into the command prompt and you sould see the greeting "Hello world", good job campers" Tommy said". "You made your first program. The read of thatfirst computer lab was taken up by tommy explaining what he was going to teach over the ffour week compute lab course.
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