Monday, November 26, 2012

Thoughts on loss

Times Square Fisheye

The ability to find the excitement in everyday life. I think when I was younger I enjoyed everything. And now it seems like I don't enjoy much of anything. One of the reasons I think is take myself much to seriously like the fate of the world is riding on what I think.

Yes, someday I will be on the news and I will be introduced as this is Nobody for nowhere and lets her what nobody has to say about the fiscal policy of the government. The fate of the world is riding on my opinions because I so important. But, then if I were not me I have to ask myself would i care about my opinions and my answer would have to be no.

Ok, I think it would be more accurate to say that I think its the ability to not take myself seriously that I have lost.

Thinking about it some more. probably the most precious think I ever lost was leaning in my youth. What I mean by that is that when I was in school I did not study much and now looking back on it I wish I would have studied. Or had a goal or reading the entire school library or just read as many books as I could but, I did not do that I was more interested in sports. Who was the starting running back for a football team or who should be in the national championship game. I feel like I wasted my youth on thinks I did not enjoy and on things that I did not like. Probably because that is what I always did. Thinking about sports. And I never asked myself do I like what I am doing or could I be doing something I like more. But, I cant go back.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Justifying the existence of my favorite thing.


At first i thought my favorite thing is the internet. Even though if you asked me and no one ever has. I would complain about the internet and how much time I have spent on it over the years that I have had a computer. Then thought what I really like is auto racing.

I think its existence can be justified because its fun to watch powerful cars go around a race track. I am not that into the competition part. I like the technology of the cars. There is nothing that makes me feel better than to watch auto racing though I have not watched a lot of racing ever but, I plan to.

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

First line of my autobiography

Computer screen garden (2)

For someone who spends so much time sitting in front of a computer you think my life would be incredibly dull, though its anything but dull, as you will find out in the words, sentences, paragraphs, and pages that follow.

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Probably not blogging for change.

I have never thought that my blog will make any kind of change on the world. Though I think it would be great if my blog made a positive change in the world. i blog because I enjoy writing. I don't think that anyone reads what I write or that I have anything to add to the world of great value.

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