Sunday, June 30, 2019

Review: The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us

The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us The Hive: The Story of the Honeybee and Us by Bee Wilson
My rating: 0 of 5 stars

This book was wroth the read. One thing I learned what that honey bees don't die all the time when they stings. Its only when they sting mammals with elastic skin like humans. i think I got that right. Before I read this book I was under the impression that whenever a bee stung anything it died because its stinger got stuck in whatever it stung.
And another thing that surprised me what the honey is not recommend for infants because they can get a type of botulism.
Another thing I never thought of was honey ice cream. I have to try honey ice cream. It sounds delicious.
There was so much in this book that I liked. It talked about Brother Adam. I had just read about him in sweetness & light. The bee keeping showman Thomas Wildman. Were two of my favorite people to read about in the book.
I enjoyed the discussion of why the popularity declined. It surprised me that German still eats as much honey now as in I think it was medieval times.
Why was I not interested in bees when I was younger. They are fascinating to read about. I am sure I don't know much about bees since I have only read about half a dozen books about bees but, I know more about bees than I used to.
Reading about Honey bees makes me wish I had a honey bee hive right now that I could go outside and sit by all day. I would never feel alone sitting by a honey be hive. I hope I would not get stung.
I could go on and on about the interesting things I learned in this book. I have written enough. Or maybe I will write more about it later.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

stokedSuperStoked Look its OatmealBreakfasts latest song. Why not listen, please

I came up with the idea for the song while reading a book recently. i wrote the words stoked super stoked in my notebook.I was fun to make. I hope someone ou there finds it fun to listen to. What else can I say about the song except that I hope its OK.

Review: Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World

Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World Power Play: How Video Games Can Save the World by Asi Burak
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Before read this book I had never heard about most of the video games in this book. I think. My favorite part of the book was part II. It talks about foldit, zooniverse. The idea that I could help science in some small way is exciting to me. I also enjoyed the the last chapter about virtual reality. I have never worn a VR headset but, the chapter made me want to try one.
I wish icivics were around when I was in school. It sounds fun. I remember some things from my civics class but, I am probably would have remembered more if I had been assigned to play this game.
I think I learned a lot of great information by reading this book. I enjoyed it. That's all I can think of to write about this book.

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Review: Becoming an Ethical Hacker

Becoming an Ethical Hacker Becoming an Ethical Hacker by Gary Rivlin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I had heard about Ethical Hacking but, did not know much about it. So I was excited when I saw this book. I was even more excited to see that the books is not a long read. My favorite interviews from the book are Angela Gunn. I used to watched digital duo when it was on PBS. Though I did not remember her name.
The other interview that I liked was Dave Weinstein. I thought he had a lot of useful advice. He worked in video games and then went to security. I thought all the interviews were good though.
And I also enjoyed reading the appendix. The books and websites he the author recommended seem interesting. I went to all the websites mentioned in the appendix. And am reading reverse engineering for beginners by Dennis yurichev which was mentioned in the appendix.
It did not take me long to read the book. And I think I learned something about ethical hacking by reading the book.

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Thursday, June 20, 2019

fishTankvideo: OatmealBreakfasts latest and hoped greatest

I don't own a fish or a fish tank so its a mystery to me why I wrote this song. Or is it. Maybe I heard or read about fish tanks and that is what inspired me to write about a fish tank. I enjoy listening to this song almost as much as I enjoyed making it. I hope that is a good sign. I hope that one day someone will read this blog post and listen to the song. And say to themselves I like that song and I can't wait for OatmealBreakfast's next song. Goodnight until next time OatmealBreakfast.

Review: Sweetness and Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee

Sweetness and Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee Sweetness and Light: The Mysterious History of the Honeybee by Hattie Ellis
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed reading this book. I know I have never said that about a book before. Right. There is so much that I found interesting in this book. It hard to remember it all. My favorite story was about Brother Adam who was a monk at Buckfast Abby who bread honeybees. After he was diagnosed with a heart problem he traveled over 120,000 miles in search of honeybee breeding stock over the next 26 years. Amazing.
I also enjoyed reading about how bees got from the east cost of American to the west coast. I had never thought about that before. I suppose I thought the bees migrated themselves. I never thought that the would have had to be shipped.
It was defiantly wroth the time it took to read the book. I thought there was a lot of great history about honeybees in this book. I am glad I read the it.

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Friday, June 14, 2019

Review: Death by Video Game: Danger, Pleasure, and Obsession on the Virtual Frontline

Death by Video Game: Danger, Pleasure, and Obsession on the Virtual Frontline Death by Video Game: Danger, Pleasure, and Obsession on the Virtual Frontline by Simon Parkin
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I thought i knew a lot about video games before I started reading books about video games. Now I know I don't know much about video games. There is so much I have to learn. And I enjoy every minute of learning about video games. Probably not every minute but, its close.
There were so many stories in this book. Its hard for me to remember them all. I enjoyed reading about the plastic surgeon in New York who became a donkey Kong champion. I can't remember his name right now. I am a big Penn & tell fan and was surprised to learn that they had video games that came out on the sega CD; it was fun reading about desert bus.
It surprised me to learn about all the types of video games that people are making. I would never have thought about making any of those video games. It was also interesting to read about video game players in Iraq.
There is lot of information in this book that I did not know before I read it. I think if you like playing video games you will like this book.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2019

changeVideo: OatmealBreakfasts newest earplug music

I wrote the lyrics for this song awhile ago and this week got around to writing music for those lyrics. Its shares some of my feelings about change. I don't think I am able to make changes in my life. Does anyone? Maybe not. I enjoyed making this song. I enjoy listening to all m songs. I am surprised when I listen to songs I have made in the past. How could I have made that song? They sound better than I think they should since I don't know what I am doing. I hope if anyone listen to the song that they enjoy change. If they don't. I don't know what to say. Goodnight from OatmealBreakfast. Until next time.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Review: On the Trail of Stardust: The Guide to Finding Micrometeorites: Tools, Techniques, and Identification

On the Trail of Stardust: The Guide to Finding Micrometeorites: Tools, Techniques, and Identification On the Trail of Stardust: The Guide to Finding Micrometeorites: Tools, Techniques, and Identification by Jon Larsen
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Before reading this book I had no idea that micrometeorites existed. I thought that micrometeorites might be big and I would have to travel to a remote place in in the middle of nowhere to find them. It turns out they are small, and can be found on rooftops with a magnet.
Its amazing to me that I could find something from so little from outer space on a roof top. I have not searched for micrometeorites yet. I don't know if I ever will go searching for micrometeorites. But, I think by reading this book I could go searching for micrometeorites and find some.
I liked all the pictures of micrometeorites and the pictures of the things that might look like micrometeorites but, are not. Definitely an interesting read.

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Thursday, June 6, 2019

myWorld : OatmealBreakfast latest and hopefully greatest song.

I wrote the lyrics for this song some time ago in my notebook and this week got around to composing the music. I like the sound of this song. As long as I like my music that is all that matters, Right? I hope that one day that someone happens upon this blog post listens to this song and shares it with their friends. I hope my music is getting better. This is OatmealBreakfast saying goodnight. And see you next week.

Review: American Alligator: Ancient Predator in the Modern World

American Alligator: Ancient Predator in the Modern World American Alligator: Ancient Predator in the Modern World by Kelby Ouchley
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I had not thought about alligators much before I read this book. I liked reading about the different hunting regulations that are in place in states where alligators reside. i also liked reading about alligator farms. I never knew that alligators could be raised on farms. I surprised me that alligators are cannibals. I mean if they eat pretty much anything why would it surprise me that they eat other American alligators.
For a short book I thought American Alligator hat a lot of interesting information about the American Alligator. I enjoyed it.
After finishing books I often wish I could remember more of what i read but, I can't remember everything. To bad.

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Sunday, June 2, 2019

Review: The Bee: A Natural History

The Bee: A Natural History The Bee: A Natural History by Noah Wilson-Rich
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

After I finished reading this book I thought what do I write in my review about the book. Thinking about what to write in this review did not help me. I liked the bee guide. One fascinating fact I learned for this book is that ever four minutes the sun moves one degree to the west. Cool. I also liked reading about the waggle and the round dances. I know if I were a bee I would never find any food. Its amazing to me that they can find their way to pollinate any flowers at all.
I can't think of anything more to write except to say that if you like bees you will not be wasting your time if you read this book. In my opinion.

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