Sunday, February 28, 2021

Adventures of bug page 110

At least if we get standed and can't go anywhere we can eat ice cream. bud said.

Ha ha Bud. What if the freezer er wreck and all the ice cream melts.

Way to rain on my parade. Now I am going to worry that if we get stranded we will not have anything to eat. Ah, what if its freezing outside and we get stranded and the freezer in the ice cream truck breaks. Then the ice cream will be kept cold by the cold temperature outside.

Good point BUd. The thing is its not freezing outsode There is a dust storm outside and what you need to do is stop the ice cream truck so we don't get in a wreck.

will you stop worrying that I am going to crash the ice cream truck. Nothing bad is going to happen to us today.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 109

p>Bud swerved the van as he saw a stopped car up ahead on the road.

You see bud. You see what I told you was true. A car was stopped in the middle of he road. You should have stopped the ice cream truck.

Its no big deal traci. Nothing happened. we are fine. I did not hit anything. Don't worry there will be no other cars on the road from here on out.

What if a car wrecked. What if its stuck in the middle of the road.

NO one is going to get into a wreck in the middel of a dust storm that never happens in computer city. Don't worry this dust storm will clear up in a minute or two. At that moment Bud swerved again.

Bud you have got to stop the ice cream truck and pull to the side of the road. This is dangerous what you are doing. you are going to get into a wreck and total the ice cream truck. Now stop this sillyness and pull the ice cream truck over.

No, Traci everything is going to be fine. The storm will clear up in a second you will see.

pengo arcade game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A video Game Episode 455

On this episod I played Pengo on internet archive. It was a blast. I have you are having a fun day. Thank you for reading this blog post.

Friday, February 26, 2021

mr do! arcade game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 454

ON this episode I played Mr Do! at internet archive. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a fun day.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 108

The dust storm was getting worse.I can't believe that there is a dust storm in computer city. There is never a dust storm in computer city. Have you ever seen a dust storm in computer city. I must get through to my customers.

I think you need to stop the ice cream truck so we can wait this out on the side of the road.

Why are you talking about that. I asked you about dust storms in computer city. I think that even if we stop o nthe side of the road we could be in danger because the visibility is so low. Maybe another person would have hte same idea. And they would pull off the road right where we have puzzled off the road. Then we would get the van smashed up. and I would not have an ice cream truck to drive around computer city.

I suppose I could get an ice cream cart. I have never enjoyed riding a bicycle so I would rather I keep the ice cream truck.

You son'r knoq that all that will happen if we puzzl of to the side of the road. For all you know if we keep driving we ould run into a car that is stopped in the middle of the road that we can't see because of the dust storm. Traci said.

root beer tapper arcade game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 453

Very fun game. I played Root Beer Tapper AT internet archive arcade. Thank you for reading this blog.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 107

There was silence. All of the sudden a gust of wind came up and blow sand in front of the windshild of the ice cream van.Bud swerved to try to see in front of him.

What are you doing Bud don't swerve. What you need to do is step on the breaks.

Don't tell me what to do Traci. I have driven this ice cream truck for years and years without you. Don't tell me what to do.

I will tell you what to do when you put my life in danger.

And you don't care if my life is in danger. I knew you did not care about me traci. I never felt loved by you our whole marriagle.

Can we talk about that later bud. We are kind of in a sticky situation right now.

I will talk about what I want to. I can talk about what I want to. Don't you tell me what to talk about traci.

Bud, this is a dangerous situation. YOu need to stop the truck not swerve the truck.

Again stop with the telling me how to drive. I have a lot of driving experience. I don't need you to tell me how to drive. Bud said.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 106

Why was I so desperate to marry you bud. If no other woman in computer city was interested then maybe they knew something that I didn ot.

It was not that no other woman was interested it was that I am picky.

I don't believe that Bud.

There you go calling me a liar again.

I believe you are stretching the truth Bud. No, woman wanted you and you are trying to make it sound as if all the woman didn ot meet your standards.

Yes, none of the woman who were interested in me met my standars.

And why was that Bud?

They were to needy. As you know I an independent. I like my space.

I ruined my life by marrying you Bud.

BUd drove the ice cream truck in silence.

Maybe we messed up each others lives by marrying each other. Bud said.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Adventures of Bud pagee 105

Yes it does make it better. I did not see him after we got serious, I did not see him after we got married.

You did remain friends with him after we got married did you not?

I feel as if I am talking to a lawyer


Yes, Bud I did keep him as a friend after we got married. So what. I am sure you still kept in touch with old girlfriends.

No, actually I did not.


Yes, really Traci. You see you are the only woman I ever dated.

Really I never knew that Bud. How could I be the only woman you ever dated. I am sure you were very attactive wot women.


Then how did I get stuck with you. I thought you were the most elegiable batchlor in computer city. Hmm. Guess I was wrong.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Bud Longinteger page 104

Yes, you did call me a liar even it was not in so many words. My view point is valid. I see things differently than you do Traci. Your way of seeing things is not always the right way. I don't know if I will be able to finish the route. I don't want to be around you.

Come on Bud so what if I saw a man after we dated. I did not date him after wwe got serious.

I don't know if I can forgive that Traci.

And I don't know if I can forgive some of the things you have said in the last few minutes Bud. Shall we call it even.

I don't think the two things compare. I only said words. What you did was actions. Its about trust Traci.

It was a long time again. Its in the past. I am not seeig him now.

Oh, that makes it all better.

astro warrior sega master system Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 451

On this episode i playe Astro warrior. It was fun. I played Astro warrior at internet Archive. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 103

Bud and Traci finished with the customerss and got in the ice cream truck.

I don't like what you did back there. Traci said.

You don't own me Traci.

I am still your wife even if you don't like me. We took vows.

I wish you had taken a vow not to criticize everything I did.

I don't do that Bud. Don't make things up.

Are you calling me a liar. How dare you call me a liar Traci. I maybe be a lot of things but, a liar is not one of them. You take that back Traci.

I did not call you a liar

You implied it.

DId not.

Friday, February 19, 2021

world grand prix sega Master system Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game...

On episode 450 of the show I played world Grand prix. It was OK. I played world grand prix at internet archive.

Adventures of Bud page 102

you seem to be in a better mood now. Traci said.

Bud ignored her and kept helping customers. now what would you like to have today miss?

How about your phone number Bud. She game bud a wink.

Sure why not. Budd wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to the woman. He also handed her her order of an ice cream sandwich. She gave the money and he gaver her her change. traci glared at the woman as she left.

I can't believe you Gud. How could you give that woman your number. You are married to me. You are a married man. You are my man.

I am not going to be married much longer. I need to look at my options.

How dare you Gud. Traci said.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 101

Hello everyone how are you doing today. What can I get for you miss?

A ice cream sandwich with coffee ice cream in the middle.

Sure thing. You know miss that while I enjoy coffee ice cream I have never been able to tolerate a cup of coffee. Bud handed the woman the ice cream sandwich. Took her money and gave her her change.

Traci stood to buds side also helping customers.

Bud asked the next person in line what he wanted.

Let me think. I will have a ice cream sandwich, no I want some ice cream. No I want a popsicle.

How about all three. You know you can never eat enogh ice cream.

Slendid idea Bud. Give me all three.

BUd handeded him his treats. Bud took his money and gave him his change.

Bye bud the man said.

Have a great day sir. I hope to see you here tomorrow.

Sure, thing. The man said.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 100

Lets pas them up bud and get home. You are clearly out of sorts. You need rest. You have been pushing yourself to hard.

Pass up paying customers never. I can't belive I heard you say that Traci.

Bud work is not everything.

Yes work is everything and its the only thing. WOrk is all I have left after I divorce you traci.

Remember Bud I am not letthing you have that divorce. We are staying married to work this thing out. I am not letting you take the easy way out of this marriage.

Fine. I will move out anyway. I dno't care if we stay married for the rest of our lives. As long as we don't live together its fine with me. I can't stand to see you anymore.

Bud slow down and then stopped the ice cream truck. He put on the parking break. THen he exited the ice cream truck.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 99

The ice cream truck is filled up. The workan said.

Ok, Than you Traci said.

Traci gave bud a look as if he was supposed to say think you to the work man. He did not say a word. Bud started the ice cream truck. He took off the parking break and drove out of the loading area. I can't belive taht you want to tell me how to act. I am tired of you Traci. After we get this ice cream truck off loaded I am going to divorce you. I want out of this relationship.

I thinkyou are over reacting Bud. You do not want to divorce me. Take some time to cool down. Getting upset like you are happens to everyone.

It does not happen to everyone. And its not happening to me. I am not having a bad dad. I am seeing the light of day. I see now that marrying you was a mistakes. I would say the biggest mistake of my life.

There are never any mistakes in life.

You know traci I always get mad when you say something that I don't agree with. WHat do you know anyway. Oh, look its time to sell to customers.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 98

After some minutes passed bud got mad.I am tired of you Traci. I am tired of you telling me how to conduct myself. I am tired of you being so worried about what other people think. I am tried of you treating me like a child.

I am only trying to help. and even you must admit bud that you are rough around the edges when it comes to the social graces.

I am fine socially. I don't need you telling me how to act. I am an adult and I can do fine in social situations.

Sure Bud. But, you need a little help from time to time.

Help from time to time. You treat me as if I need help all of the time. And I am tired of it Traci. So stop it.

What has gotten into you Bud. You have never complained this much before.

Not in words. I would get angry with what you said and then mutter under my breath. Hold my anger in. Because I did not say anything did not mean I was not angry. Bud said.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 97

Fine Traci lets get the ice cream truck filled up and get this over with.

Traci and bud got into the ice cream truck.

Why are we getting in the ice cream truck We need to be telling the workers what to put in the truck.

Bud and Traci got out of the ice cream truck and walked to one of the workmen. The workman asked how can I help you fine people?

Can you fill us up with vanillia ice cream.

Are you sure we need to fill up the truck with vanillia ice cream? Bud.

NO, But, lets go with it. Vanilla ice cream is always populary.

Ok. So I will fill you up with vanilla ice cream and get you on your way. The workman said.

Thank you. Traci said.

Bud and Traci got back into the ice cream truck.

WHy didn't you tell the workman thank you?

Its his job.

So what if its his job thank you is always a polite thing to say.

Bud did not respond. He stared stright ahead out the drivers side window.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 96

Can we not talk about this anymore and at least get the ice cream truck filled up and then get back home. I think you need a nap Bud.

I am acting fine Traci.

This is not you Bud. This is not the man I married. This is somone else who only comes out when you have not had enough sleep.

You are not my mother Traci. I don't need you to tell me I need a nap.

Maybe you don't need me to tell you when you need a nap but, you do need someone to tell you when to have a nap. You are out of control bud.

I am in perfect control Traci. You are the woman who is a acting irrational.

Bud, lets get the ice cream truck route oever with. Then wwe can have this conversation later.

It is getting late. Sure lets get going.

But, we need to refil the truck first.

Right Traci. I forgot.

I don't see how you could have forgotten. I mentioned it many times.

I will ignore that Traci.

FIne. Lets get a move on.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 95

It does not matter Tracci I want you to break your friendships off with all your male friends. I should be your only male friend.

Bud now you are getting out there.

We are going to have to break this marriage off if you don't break up with your male friends.

I suppose that I should be glad that you are letting me keep any of my friends Bud.

I am not a total monster.

I don't what you are saying Bud. You don't own me. You can't say who I can have as a friend and who I can't have as a firned. I can have as many male friends as I want to.

If you don't break it off with all your male friends Traci this marriage is over.>/p>

Well maybe I won't break it off with my male friends. Maybe being single is better than being married to someone as possesive as you Bud. I don't want to be married to someone who tells me what to do.

Well sometimes you need to be told what to do Traci.

You are acting weird Bud.

Wrong. I am perfectly fine.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 94

Traci I should be the only man you are firends with. I don't want you to have any other men in your life.

That sounds possesive Bud. I don't like what I am hearing.

I don't have any women friends so so I don't want you to have any male friends.

You don't have any female friends Bud. You should have said you don't have any friends.

I have friends Traci.

Oh, really Name one.

Put me on the spot Traci. How can I remember one of the names of my friends when you don't give me time to prepare for your question.

Ah, so you have so many friends but, that you can't remember any of their names.

YEs, that is right traci. I have so many friends that I can't remember any of their names. To many friends to remember.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 93

Tell me who he is Traci.

NO Bud I don't want to do that. There is no point in telling you who he was. I broke up with him months ago.

We have been married for over a year.

Sorry, sorry I misspoke bud. I meant to say that I broke up with him two years ago and I cut of contact with him months ago.

I can't belive I am hearing this. So even though you stopped seeing him you still stayed in contact with him. I cna't belive it. How could you. You should have broken up with him and cut out all contact.>/p>

He was one of my best friends Bud.

aha. Was it Bod.

I have never had a friend named Bod Bud.

Oh, I see.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 92

Finally you are seeing things my way.

Are you saying I was wrong to be angry about your affair.

What! I did not have an affair bud. I said I dated another man until we got serious then I cut that relationship off.

I bet you did not break it off. I bet he broke up with you because he was seeing another woman.

That is false Bud. I decided to take you over him.

Why would you do that? No one chooses me over anything.

You were always there for me. You made me alugh. I always felt great when ever I was around you.

That's funny I would say the same things about myself. I always make myself laugh,

Now lets get taht ice cream truck filled.

Can you tell me who the other man was.

I don't that would be a good thing to do. It would only cause you pain bud.

Was it my Brother. Wait I don't have a brother. So who was it Traci. I am not going to go fill up the ice cream truck until you tell me.

prehistorik 2 ms dos Oatmeal Brkeakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 441

On this episode I play Prehistorik. And I thought it was a wonderful ms dos game. Thank you for visiting my blog.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 91

Stop worrying so much Bud. Everything will turn out all right.

This is your flaw Traci you think everything will turn out all right. But, nothing ever turns out all right. Does anything, has anything ever tured out right in you life.

Of course bud. My life is great I love my life.

Who says they love their life Traci. I will tell you. A woman who hates her life is a woman who tells other people she loves her life.

YOu don't know how I feel about my life Bud,

I know you. And I know you are not telling the truth when you say you love your life.

Stop telling me how to think. You don't like it when I tell you how to feel or how to think so stop doing that to me.

I am not telling you how you feel. or how to feel. I am stating facts.

Can we talk about something else Bud?

Perhaps you are right. Lets go fill up the ice cream truck and get on our way.

lakers vs celtics and the nba playoffs ms dos Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A video game episode 440

I am pretty sure I had this game on the sega genesis. But, I don't remember kareems skyhook. That is so cool that a game this old has his sky hook. I played a game with 2 minute quarters. It was a blast. I played lakers vs, celtics and the nba playsoffs at internet archive.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 90

I am not sure I can make it through this Traci. I mean my marriage is falling apart. I hate my job at the company. I don't know what to do? I can't coun't on you. I feel so alone.

Bud you are man you can't admit weakness.

I can admit anything I want Traci. I am tired of being tough having a stiff upper lip. I am tired of not admittting weakness.

Stop whinning Bud. You can work at the company until you retire and then you can do what you want with your life.

What if I don't make it to retirement. Then what.

Stop worrying Bud. You will make it to retirement.

How do I know that. I don't know how long I will live.

You are in good shape, you take care of yourself. you eat right.

I don't think having a pizza for one meal a day is eating right.

Stip being so hard on yourself Bud.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 89

What is wrong with you job. It pays they bills.

I don't want a job that only pays the bills. I want to make the world a better place.

You are making the world a better place. You are making your life better by making a good living.

No, I am not making the world a better place. All I do at the company is try to avoid my work. Doing anything I can to get away from my desk. To avoid sitting at my desk all day staring at code I have no idea about.

Bud you are a great programming.

No, Bud I mean Traci I am not a good programming. I don't even know what html is. I think css is a food ground. And isn't javascript a new type of coffee.

Stop joking Budd. You are a great programmer.

I am not joking. I have no clue how to program.

invaders 1978 ms dos game Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video Game Episode 438

For this episode I played invaders. I played the game at internet archive. Thank you for coming to my blog.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

james bond 007 the duel 1993 domark Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A video Game episode 437

In this episode I get to play as james bond. I was horrible at this gmme. I played James bond 007 at internet archive.

Adventures of Bud page 88

No I want to deal with this now while its fresh in my mind. Now you are the one who is trying to avoide dealing with the tough issues. I want to deal with this now. I want to deal with your betrayal now.

I did not betray you. Its not like I dated a man after we were married or after we got serious.

Its a betrayal. Plain and simple.

Stop this bud. I did not betray you. I am not seeing anyone right now. I have not seen anyone else in years. You are the only man I want in my life.

I am nut sure you are the woman I want in my life. I don't know if I want to continue in this marriage. I want my freedom. I want to be free. I need to find myself. I need to get away from you Traci to be happy.

Happy is over rated Bud. You need to be productive. You don't need to be happy.

WOrk does not make me happy. I try to avoid work as much as possible. I detest my job at the company.

Thaen why do you keep working there.

Because it pays well that is why.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Adventures of bud page 87

You are over reacting bud. You need to let it go.

Don't discount my feelings Traci. I will say what is important to me. And what you did is imporant to me. You dated another man after we started Dating. I can't belive you. And you think its no big dea. You think I am over reacting. Well I think I am acting rational. I make perfect sense. I am fine. You are the one in the wrong traci.

Cant you thinnk about anything else. Can't we go deliver the ice cream. Can we talk about this later.

What is wrong with talking about all the stuff now. Lets get it out in the open. We need to do with this now.

We need to take a break and do something else. We need to finish the ice cream route.

back to the future part 2 sega master system Oatmeal Breakfast Plays A Video game episode 436

I think I like the back to the future part 3 video game better. I played back to the fture part 2 ms dos game at internet archive.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Adventures of Bud page 86

What are you saying bud?

I a saying I would not allow you to see anyone else.

Don't you think that is kind of possesive?

Ison't that expected in a marriage that both people would not see other people? DO I even know you Traci.

Do I know you Bud.

Maybe this marriage was a mistakes. Maybe we should have not gotten married so quickly.

I think we took the ralationship shlow.

Getting married two weeks after we met is not taking it slow to me. Taking it slow would have been at least a year after meeting each other we would have gotten married. We barely knew each other when we got married. I want a divorce Traci.

You already said that Bud. And I said I am not letting you have that divorce. This day was going so good what happened?

I found out about the truth of you Traci. YOu are not the woman I thought you were. You were seeing another man aftter we started Dating. That is a no no no in my book.

Lighten up bud. That was years ago. And as I have said I have not seen anyone after we got married. And bud we have got to get the ice cream delivered.

I am not sure my heart is in the ice cream truck anymore.

I thought you adored the ice cream truck Bud. What is going on with you?

OH, I don't know Traci maybe you life had been turned upside down.