Monday, April 30, 2012

What I want to use this blog for

My hope is that someday some I will be able to write my own programs and talk about them on my blog. I also hope that I will eventually be able to make short movies with blender and put them here. I don't know what I will write about my programs that will interest any. I am sure I will find something. Now I need to write those programs and make the movies.That should be easy, hehe.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

One day I hope to write an assembly language program

Now that I think about it I might have written about this before. So what, I will write about this subject any way. One programming language that I hope to be able to write a computer program in one day is assembly language. It does not matter what assembly language I just want to be able to say that I designed and wrote my own program using assembly language. Writing a program in machine language would be fun also but, I am not sure I would be able to accomplish that feat.

know about and using registers, the different parts of ram, things like that are exciting to me. I wish I could write a longer blog post to but, I can't think of anything else to write about assembly language. Oh, yes I can. I have installed, Nasm, Fasm, Masm, on my computer. I hope not written a program with any of those assemblers. Though I had the intention to when I installed them on computer. I would install them on my computer and then got to the website to look for tutorials. Open the IDE, or a text editor maybe write a hello world program; so I probably did write a program with one of the said assemblers I mentioned above; Then loose interest with the language after about a week. Its a familiar theme in my attempts to learn how to program.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

My boring week.

I need to write more and I want to update this blog everyday. So I need to start writing blog posts again even it the are boring. As I staid above I want to write more. So what have I been doing over the past week. The same thing I always to read books about programming and never make any programs. Hoping that one day I will wake up and be able to magically code a program that will make me fabulously wealthy. Yeah, I don't see that happening in he near future but, I do have hope. he he.

I have been reading the book pro git. Yesterday I read about branches in git. And I found branches exciting. Now I want to lean to program so I can use get and upload my local repository to a remote server. Git almost makes me wish I could write programs.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Don't know processor name anymore

I used to know about processors you know I was excited about the Pentium or Pentium 2 came out. Now I now that there are probably computers that I can get a 6 core processor but, I don't know the name of the processors. A computer has a processor and that's all I care about and the more cores the better.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I want to try ruby again

I read ruby article on rubysource and it talked about a book called learn ruby the hard way. Even though I said I wanted to only learn python I thought why not so I installed ruby and rails on my computer because I also want to see if I can make something with ruby rails. I hope I can get through learn ruby the hard way I will give it my best.

I will use notepad++ because in learn ruby the hard way it recommends using the program. I don't know why but, I got it into my head that I had to use an IDE to program but, using a text editor like notepad++ and the command prompt is fun so that's what I will use to program.

Of course the important thing is that I start making programs which I have not done yet but, I do have the tools to make programs.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Random thoughts

Since I am not sure what to write about today I will start writing. I may be repeating what I have already written on this blog. So here it goes. For about 2 years I did not want to program or even be on the internet but, I was on the internet everyday nonetheless. I was obsessed that maybe sitting in front of my computer was not living. Or that since maybe someone else did not like using a computer or surfing the web that I should not like the internet either.

Then late last year I decided I wanted give one learning how to program  one last try. So I decided to practice programming everyday and enjoy being on my computer and for the most part I don't feel so upset about using my computer. I still have never built my own program but, I am having fun programming.

What do I think about using a computer? It does not bother me sitting in front of my computer. I don't like to sit in front of it all day but, I don't like doing anything all day. My favorite things to do on the internet are program and make 3d models with blender.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I enjoy reading Upgrading & repairing PCs

Its been a few years since I have read an edition of  Up Grading And Repairing PCs. Its so exciting to read about computer hardware and how to fix it and chipsets, busses, processors, monitor technology, dvd drives.  Though none of my computer has had a problem bad enough where I have to fix it using the book. I enjoy reading about computer hardware more than I do using computer hardware. Fun, Fun.

Monday, April 16, 2012

I think it would be fun to get lost of college degrees

I read about a man who has a lot of  college degrees. And the story made me excited. A life devoted to learn sounds like great fun to me. Imagine all the things that I could learn. Then that got me thinking if I got any degrees what would they be. I like computer science, welding, cars, guitars, writing, physics, math, nanotechnology. So there is a lot I would want to know more about. Bring on the learning.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I want to learn c

C is another programming language I want to lean. I want to use it with Allegro to make games. I don't know if I will ever learn it but, its a something I want to do learn a compiled language and make something with it. Heck I want to make anything with any programming language.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Top gear is a tv show I enjoy

I have only seen the 15 series of the British version of top gear but, the show is one of my favorite television shows. The hosts seem like they are having so much fun. And I like cars. Laughter and cars what a great combination.

I know there is a american, Australian, and probably other countries have their own version of top gear. I am sure they are all interesting.  Someday maybe I will watch all the versions and episodes of top gear, who knows.

Friday, April 13, 2012

I have a account at

That I wanted to use when I created programs with squeak but, the only project I ever uploaded was a project from squeak by example. I had big dream but, I did not come through. One project is better than none I suppose even if I did not design the program myself, I did type in the code myself though. Now I see that is not allowing new project to be created and if I want to create new project I need to go to

So I figured why not and created an account at the new website. I hope to create some project at the website but, I probably will end up letting it sit empty for years like my squeaksource account. It nice to dream that I might create something. It would feel even better if I were able to design something.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Still working

I still have not made any games or anything like that but, I am programming everyday. There are times when I get frustrated and think that there is no way I will be able to understand anymore and I need to quit and find something else to do but, if I keep thinking about the problem I usually figure it out eventually. When I will start making games it will probably be awhile.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I fancy myself as a funny guy, but to be honest my humor can use some work. In Steve Allan's Make 'em laugh he talks about brainwashing yourself with all of the best comedy you can get your hands on.  So I dream about taking 6 month to a year or so to brainwash myself with the best comedy; movies, T.V. shows, Books, magazines anything I can get my hands on. I am sure my sense of humor will improve if I do something like that.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cool website codecademy

I signed up for an account at codecademy today because I thought why not and because I want to see if I can get though all o the tutorials. I learned about the website from  Yep, I am excited to see if I can make it. Am I up to the task. I will find out wont I.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Body Building

It was about 2 years ago that I read some articles in an issue of  flex magazine. I have never payed much attention to body building but, reading the magazine made bodybuilding seem so exciting. I thought wow, that seems so fun to work hard and build up your muscles.

In that issue of the magazine I first heard about a movie called pumping Iron. I could not wait to see the movie acquire the movie. Eventually I did get my hand on a dvd of the movie and a have watched it many, many times. Someday I hope to watch pumping iron 2 when it comes out on dvd. I think it will be interesting to see what women bodybuilders looked like in the early 1980's.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I used to be obsessed with sports. By that I mean I would listen to sports talk radio, watch sports on T.V., and read the sports section of the news paper almost everyday. I would get serious about player trades, and also get upset if my favorite team lost, get upset if the sports talk show hosts did not think my favorite player were as good as I thought they were.

Now when I listen to sports talk radio; which I don't that much because I don't like listening to the radio. I think how could I have been interested in that stuff. Wow, I wasted my youth when I could have been reading a book or sitting on the couch staring at a wall for hours on end. I feel like I wasted a lot of time on something I did not enjoy. How could I have been so serious, it not as if I had any influence on a team GM or anyone cared or cares about what I thought about  player trades. I boggles my mind. I don't have any interest in that stuff anymore.

I do enjoy watching vintage sports games but, I am happy to say I don't follow any particular sports team anymore, I don't care who played in the super or the world series last year. As I just wrote I do like vintage sports games, because I like to see the old player and seeing what people are wearing in the stands. Bring on the vintage sports games.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I have always had a fascination with Linux. I have tried puppy Linux, Ubuntu Linux, and Small Linux. And by tried I mean put the Live CD in my CD drive and fooled around with some programs in the operating systems for an hour or two. Thought I have never surfed the internet with Linux. Strictly offline. It was so exciting for me to use some of the programs and just to look around.

I suppose Linux sounds so interesting to me because of the name, the mascot, and because you can try a lot of the Linux distros for free. I don't know if I will ever use a computer that runs Linux for my everyday computer but, it would be cool.

Friday, April 6, 2012

My Writing

I write everyday and I hope all the writing has improved my writing. Now when I start writing my hands typing on the keyboard and I think wow, this feels good. Today bad I don't have anything to write about everyday, but like I said I do write everyday and its so fun.

I need to write everyday otherwise I would eventually stop writing. Its just like blogging if I did not blog everyday I believe I would stop blogging after a week or so. So I made writing a habit and now I am having a lot of fun doing it. I may never be a good writing but, that does not make any difference to me.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I decide to pick Chevy as the first model of 3d cars I want to make. The first Chevy I will make is a Baldwin Motion Chevelle. I cant wait to see how long it takes me to make the 3d model. A week, a month I don't know. What will it look like when I am done. I hope I can make it look good. So exciting.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I want to make 3d cars of one brand

Yesterday while looking at I thought it would be fun to make cars that are of one make and then when I am finished with that make of car I will move on to another make of car. The model of car would need to have blue prints with 4 sides; top, right, front, back. I don't think I would be able to make cars with only 1, 2, 3 sides as my reference yet.

My prediction. I might finish 1 or 2 models and then quit. Thought I hope I can make a lot more models. I will see.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

website with blender tutorials

I found a website that has blender tutorials. It has a yellow submarine tutorial. I completed that tutorial. It also had tutorials on making and texturing a castle. I completed the castle model but, have not read the castle texturing tutorial. Another tutorial that I started to read and have not finished is the train tutorial. You make a train in one tutorial and then you animate it. That sound fun. I will have to finish the train so I can animate it. I just thought I would write about the website here so I hopefully will remember it.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Vim as Python IDE

Eventually I want to use Vim as my IDE for development with python. I don't know when eventually will be but, it will be. I want to use vim for something and using it as a python IDE. That's why I downloaded git so that I could try's turning Vim into a python IDE. I found the link to that website at . I tried some of the turning python into an IDE but, did not finish it. I hope to get vim set up soon.

So that I can have the perfect programming IDE and still do no programming but, I will have a great IDE. Its better to have a great programming environment that to write code ):

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ac Cobra

The render is of a Ac Cobra I made. The picture is a bit small. It took me awhile to build the car but, I did finish it. I will have to make another Ac Cobra.