Sunday, April 29, 2012

One day I hope to write an assembly language program

Now that I think about it I might have written about this before. So what, I will write about this subject any way. One programming language that I hope to be able to write a computer program in one day is assembly language. It does not matter what assembly language I just want to be able to say that I designed and wrote my own program using assembly language. Writing a program in machine language would be fun also but, I am not sure I would be able to accomplish that feat.

know about and using registers, the different parts of ram, things like that are exciting to me. I wish I could write a longer blog post to but, I can't think of anything else to write about assembly language. Oh, yes I can. I have installed, Nasm, Fasm, Masm, on my computer. I hope not written a program with any of those assemblers. Though I had the intention to when I installed them on computer. I would install them on my computer and then got to the website to look for tutorials. Open the IDE, or a text editor maybe write a hello world program; so I probably did write a program with one of the said assemblers I mentioned above; Then loose interest with the language after about a week. Its a familiar theme in my attempts to learn how to program.

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