Sunday, May 31, 2009

I received the dove fresh burst beauty bars I won

A couple of days ago I received the Dove fresh burst beauty bars I won on april 28. The soap smells great. I cant wait to start using it.

I could not remember how many times I won this month so I had to check. I won two prizes this month: Saw V on DVD and a $10 dollar gift code. A pretty good month although not as good as last may when I won 8 prizes. Bring on june.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am back

About two weeks ago I decided to delete this blog, but today I changed my mind and decided to bring my blog back. I missed having a blog and blogging every day even thought I know what I write is probably not very good. Blogging gives me something to do, so I will keep doing it. I am back blogging every day. Here it goes.

As I have written before on this blog I want to learn how to program computers, but I am a terrible computer programmer. I think one of the reasons I am a terrible programmer is that I want to learn every programming language or think I need to know to programming language. I am sure some people know how to work with many many programming languages and maybe someday I will be one of those people, but I want to start learning how to write useful programs.

I want to concentrate on leaning a couple of programming languages and learn them although I'd like to learn every programming language. I have decided I want to lean python now so I can use it with blender and also write games with pygame.

Focusing on leaning a few programmings languages will allow me to learn other things like algorithms and design patterns. Because what good is knowing a bunch of programming languages if I cant design a program.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

what a post

I'll just write A quick post today. I practiced some nimrod and python programming today. That's all, I'll be back with another post tomorrow.

Friday, May 15, 2009

A very exciting post

Today I read some more of the book of ruby. And I also read some more of the nimrod tutorial. I am determined to read the nimrod tutorials. I don't know why I want to learn a little about nimrod, but I do.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Look at my wonderful creation

Today I read about boolean tools in the blender user manual and decided to make something using the difference boolean tool. I kept the default cube and and then added a UV sphere to the scene. After that I positioned the cube and sphere where I wanted them, then made the cube larger. Then I pressed w to bring up the boolean menu and selected difference then added some color, eyes, and text to finish the scene.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a great name, nimrod programming language

Hacker news had a link to a new programing language called nimrod. And if you guessed that after I saw the nimrod site I installed the compiler on my computer you would be right.

After I got the compiler installed on my computer I decided to fire it up. So I went to the documentation section of the nimrod web site and found some nimrod tutorials. I copied the hello world program into notepad and saved the file.

Then I typed nimrod compile --run greetings.nim into a command prompt and hit enter. Oh no the compiler says it can't open the file, what did I do wrong? I thought to myself. It took me a few minutes, but I finally figured out why the file could not be opened by the compiler.

I had forgotten that notepad adds a .txt extension if you do not change the save as type text box from text documents to all files in the save as dialog box.

After I figured out what the problem was I re-saved the program and went to the command prompt and compiled the program. Success!! Yay!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I won a discount code for 10 dollars off a

I won a discount code for 10 dollars off a purchase at Omaha from the taste of home get grilling instant win game. I am not sure if I should call it a sweepstakes win, but I will anyway. May the wins keep coming.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I won Saw v on DVD

I received saw v on DVD today. I had no idea I won the DVD it just showed up in the mail. Surprise wins are great. Yay for me. I got my first win in may. Yes!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Delusions of grandeur, I think

I have no idea what to write about today so I will start writing because I need to post something. I am now trying to learn to many programming languages again, but I want to fool around learning a bunch of different programing languages. It's fun.

I know I can't become an expert in every programming language I fool around with, but someday if I can ever figure out how to design programs I want to write a small game or useful program in every language I have ever tried to learn. I think doing something like that would be fun. I don't think that I will accomplish that feat, but I have fun dreaming.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Another boring post

I have got nothing exciting to write today. I'll just say that I programmed in pascal, read a few pages of the book of ruby. That's all, I will be back tomorrow.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My wonderful day

Today I practiced programming in php, read a few pages of The book of ruby, and decided I want to finish a pascal tutorial I have started, but never read through the entire tutorial. I found the pascal tutorial on the free pascal website.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

My horrible hand rail 3d model

Today I tired to make a hand rail, but it did not turn out to good. I used the pipe tutorial from blender noob to pro to make the curved part of the hand rail.

I scaled the model to the size I wanted then duplicated and mirrored it to create the other half of the hand rail. And for a finishing touch I added a wall with grass on it.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The excitement that is my day

Yesterday I decided I to read the Rebol Essentials tutorial PDF I downloaded a long time ago. Rebol essentials is not a long tutorial so I hope to finish reading it in a week or so and then move on to another rebol tutorial.

Also today I read the first lesson of's javascript popup windows tutorial. I had lots of fun writing javascipt popup windows and then testing them out. I made a few syntax errors in my scripts, but I did not get to frustrated.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Another exciting blender model

Today I made another type of pipe from the blender 3d noob to pro pipe tutorial. I also added grass and a cube covered with grass to my wonderful scene.

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm wild about javascipt

Yesterday I signed up for a few of javascript courses: animation, popup windows, and regular expressions. I have signed up for the animation and popup courses before, but I probably only got through the first lesson of each course. As for regular expressions. I know nothing about regular expresions, but I can't wait to learn how to use them.

Today I worked through the first lesson of the javascript animation class and after I finished writing my script I tested it and the script worked, which made me feel great. Yay for me!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I cant believe I made this pipe joint

This is another pipe joint from the blender noob to pro pipe joints tutorial. The first time I tried to make this pipe joint I could not figure out which vertices to select.

Then I quit using blender so I could enter instant win sweepstakes. After I got done entering the instant win sweepstakes I went back to the tutorial and figured out which vertices to select.

After selecting the correct vertices I was able to create the pipe joint. Yay for me, I did it. Also I added some grass because what render would be complete with out grass.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I am hooked on SQL

Today I was looking though starred items in my RSS feed reader and found databases SQL class. So I signed up for the class and received my first email, but I have not read the lesson yet. I am excited about learning SQL because I have focused on learning programming languages so I do not know much about databases.

I have tried to learn SQL before, but I always gave up before I learned much, well now I am going to learn about databases so I can use one on my website. I have no idea what I want to store in a database or how to use one with php, bu I am sure I will figure out something.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Here is a pipe I made with blender

This is the fist 3d model I have made with blender in a while. I followed a tutorial from blender 3d noob to pro to make the pipe joints.

When I do a tutorial I usually just make the object from the blender tutorial. But I want to combine the 3d model I make doing the tutorials with other objects I have leaned to create. I want to get more creative.

Say if I put the pipe I made today and combined it with a house or maybe I could cover hills with grass. Or make a glass house. I need to get more creative.

Also today I finished's javascript 101 tutorial. I think I have gone thought the tutorial before, but when I finished it I did not remember much javascipt. This time though the tutorials seemed much easier.

I took the final quiz and I knew most of the answers. Maybe someday I will become a decent javascript programmer. Who knows it could happen. I forgot to mention, after I finished the javascript 101 class I signed up for the form validation tutorial emails. Wish me luck :).