Sunday, February 28, 2010

Another awful post

This will be a short and boring post. Today I read about ten pages of Dive into python 3. I am having a blast. And one cool thing I learned about today was closures. I have seen closures mentioned on hackers news and now I know what they are, OK I don't really understand closures but, someday I might. You know I might actually finish this book, that would be amazing.

Oh yes I almost forgot I also learned about generators. I found out that at least in python generators have nothing to do with making electricity or recharging a car battery. Just like closures I don't understand generators, but with practice I am sure I will.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another snoozer

You know yesterday how I said I liked the end of the month because of all the sweepstakes there are to enter. Well all those sweepstakes gave me a chance to read some more of dive into python 3 which I am enjoying. This whole leaning one programming language at a time thing is agreeing with me. I am having fun; I don't have anything interesting to write about in my blog, but, like I said I am having fun learning python and maybe one day I will write a program. Who knows it could happen.

Friday, February 26, 2010

What a great time of the month

It my favorite time of the month; the end of the month. I like the end of the month because there are so many sweepstakes ending and that mean more opportunities for me to win some cool prizes. It's a lot of work to enter all the sweepstakes but, I am up to it. That's all for this boring post.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

I still have not made anything yet

I am starting to get bored with my posts because I am not writing about anything interesting. When I get something made then I will have something interesting to write about. As I said yesterday at least I am not switching programming languages every week. That's all for today.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I promise you this will be a boring post

I finally got some time yesterday to read some more of dive into python 3 and work in blender. I had a very, very exciting day yesterday. I had fun. I can' think of anything else to add.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I have o nothing to write about

I have got nothing to write about so I will just write that I have not made anything with blender or python, if I do eventually make something I might get an interesting blog post out of it. On the plus side though I don't switch around programming languages anymore.

Monday, February 22, 2010

How exciting

More excitement yesterday. I read a little bit of blender3D: noob to pro and also read so of the gimp documentation on I know someday I will make something instead of just reading tutorials and documentation.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Another boring post #2

This is just another boring post to let myself know that I have not made any animations with blender yet this year. It is time for me to get going, you know making things instead of talking about making things.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Why am I wring this post

Yesterday I did not do much. I did not even get a chance to work in blender or do any computer programming. I hope I start making computer animations shortly, because I am running out of ideas for uninteresting blog posts.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Another boring post

I am still trying to learn only one programming language. This must be a record for me. I think I have written the preceding sentence before. If I keep this up I might and I mean might just someday eventually start making programs. But wait I can't have myself making programs because then I will not be able to complain on my blog that I can't program. Ah I will find something else to complain about.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

So exciting

Today I downloaded the newest version of Linux Multimedia Studio so I can make some music. I don't know how long it has been since I first heard of Linux multimedia studio but, it has been awhile. I also downloaded the program when I first heard about it and I tried to make one song but, nothing ever got finished and the program sat on my computer unused. That's the way it goes with most thing with me I start a project and nothing ever gets made. I hope I make some songs this time around.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I am excited about making blender animations

Last night I was re-reading some parts of blender basics. While reading the book I had blender running and decided to put in the path where my finished animations should go. Before when I made animations they would end up in the blender temp folder but, It took me a while to remember where the animations ended up though. Now that I know how to set blender up so that I can put my animations into the folder I want to I will be able to find them easier. Another thrilling post.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I probably will never accomplish this.

After I learn python well enough I want to learn how to use VIM for my python coding. I love the idea of using certain keys or key combination's to edit my source code. It makes me think I am back in the early days of computing. Takes me back to the past.

I have had VIM on my computer for years but, have only used it a few times; never enough to get good at using the program. I don't know how hard it will be to learn but, I will give it my all in trying to learn how to use the program. I am going to have great fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Nothing to say

What can I write about today. I am still reading dive into python 3. I am more determined than ever to finish the book. I know I can stick to one programming language long enough to be able start making programs. I am more determined than ever to become a programmer. I probably will not be a good programmer but, I will have achieved one of my dreams. Goodnight.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I finished reading the book blender basics, again

Yesterday I finished reading the book Blender Basics for the second time. Sure reading a book one time is what I usually do but, I had forgotten what I learned from reading blender basics so I had to read the book again. Now all I need to do is keep practicing the stuff I learned in the book so I won't end up having to read the book a third time.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

In the past few days I have

In the past few days I have written some of the best posts I have ever posted, OK I am joking. The past few days have been some of the worst posts I have ever written; there are a lot of candidates for that title. I am still slowly read dive into python 3. With that sentence I will end this post.

Friday, February 12, 2010

After I get done reading dive into python

After I get done reading dive into python 3 I hope to start making simple games with python. I have an online book that I saw on hacker news that I will read on how to make games with python. I have always wanted to make my own games so why not start making them now. Sure I might need a lot more programming experience to be able to make computer games but, I will try reading the book anyway.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

So far, so good

So far I have kept to my goal of wanting to learn one programming language at a time. I have got nothing to write about today to be honest. I will stop writing now, goodnight.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I am repeating m;yself again

As everyone who has ever had the misfortune of reading this blog knows I want to become a computer programmer. And as you also know I am nowhere near my dream because I never stick to one language and try to master it; I keep switching languages more than I switch socks. Well that that is getting old.

I now hope I have learned my lesson. Trying to learn more than one programming language at one time does not work for me. There are many more things to learn about computer programming besides programming languages: Math, how to design programs, security. After five years I want to make something that is useful to me, or at least a computer game. I know I have written all this before but, why not write it again to keep reminding myself of what I want to become.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A short post

I am slowly making my way through dive into python 3. I hope I will finish reading the book. I know I can do it. That's all, goodnight.

Monday, February 8, 2010

I have stuck to learning one programming

I have stuck to leaning one programming language for a few days now. I figured that if I am ever going to lean how to program I am going to need to lean one programming language at a time and stop trying to learn some many languages at once. After all I do want to make programs and all I need to know is one programming language to make programs. I am such an exciting writer.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

This will be an exciting post, not

Yesterday for the first time in days I used blender for about half an hour, yay. Like I have said repeatedly I need to practice using blender some more because I forget how to use it very quickly, probably after just a couple days. Practice, practice, practice. See I told you it would be an exciting post, that's all.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I always make the same mistake

I keep making the same mistake when it comes to programming. I say that I will stick to one programming language then all of a sudden I will end up trying to learn two or three and then I end up not learning anything. The cycle keeps going over and over. I obsesses about which programming language I should learn all the time.

I want to write programs that do something, not just programs that write hello world to the screen. I believe I have learned my lesson now. I will not be able to learn two or more programming languages at one time. I simply don't have enough time. Also if I want to write programs I need to learn a programming languages first. Golly gee, I want to be a programmer, so I need to write programs.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Something to write about today

Something mildly interesting to write today. I wanted to take a screen shot so I opened up the gimp and noticed that there was no menu at the top of the tool box. I thought, great now I can't take a screen shot; which was not a big deal. Then I panicked. I though why is there no menu did I install it wrong, maybe gimp does not work on vista. I just know I messed something up.

So I went to the gimp website and to my relief there was nothing wrong with my instillation of gimp. The two menu items(File and xlns) are not at the top of the tool box anymore on gimp 2.6. I don't know where they went to but, they are where the were. I did not mess up, Yay.

Photo editing software is just like programming to me; I have wanted to master both but, have not even come close. You know instead of trying to learn photo editing and programming myself I could pay someone to learn how to do that stuff. Then after they became good I would force them to use my name and everyone would think I was an uber-computer geek.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Another exciting day

Yesterday I read some more beginner rebol tutorials. This most be some kind of record. Although I am upset because I have not had time to use blender for the past few days. I need to get back to using it. I need the practice. Its hard to believe no one reads this blog isn't it.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I am so stoked

I am stoked because yesterday I read a few rebol tutorials. I can feel it I have a new sense of commitment. I will follow through and learn my first programming language or maybe not. I got hello world to show up in an alert box. Yes!! Ok so I have done that a million time but, this time it is different I will learn the language. I will not give up and then forget everything I learn and then decide I want to learn the language and start over from hello world. I know I can make programs. To bad I have so much to learn.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thanking about programming

Thinking about programming is as good as programming for me these days :) ha ha. Maybe I will just have the idea that I want to be a programmer and I will never program. Because I never seem to make anything. I just keep writing that I want to make something. Maybe writing that I want to make something will help me get inspired to make something. It could work that way. Though I have been know to be wrong. Well this post makes a lot of sense, I need sleep. Goodnight.

Monday, February 1, 2010

This will only take a minute

I am excited about programming; I have not had much time to actually program though. Its the same with blender; I am excited about make animations 3d model but, I have not had time to make anything. At least I am feeling positive. I suppose if I never learn to program or make animations I will live but, not happily. No I am just kidding I would live happily. I need to get to making things so I have something to write about on my blog. That's all.