Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What a great name, nimrod programming language

Hacker news had a link to a new programing language called nimrod. And if you guessed that after I saw the nimrod site I installed the compiler on my computer you would be right.

After I got the compiler installed on my computer I decided to fire it up. So I went to the documentation section of the nimrod web site and found some nimrod tutorials. I copied the hello world program into notepad and saved the file.

Then I typed nimrod compile --run greetings.nim into a command prompt and hit enter. Oh no the compiler says it can't open the file, what did I do wrong? I thought to myself. It took me a few minutes, but I finally figured out why the file could not be opened by the compiler.

I had forgotten that notepad adds a .txt extension if you do not change the save as type text box from text documents to all files in the save as dialog box.

After I figured out what the problem was I re-saved the program and went to the command prompt and compiled the program. Success!! Yay!!


  1. A little advice: if you plan to do serious programming, find a good text editor, like Notepad++ or such. There are plenty of good and free ones around there.

  2. Thank you for your comment and tip. I hope you did not find reading one of my blog posts to unpleasant. I have heard about notepad++ but, have not used it.

    I use crimson text editor the most and I also want to learn how to use VIM, I think I need to learn how to program first though :). Thank again.
