Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Budman superhero page 3

Bud had showered, dressed and now he was on his way to the garage where he took the elevator to the compartment where the Budman scooter was stored. The Budman scooter was as synonymous with Bud man as the Bat mobile is with Batman. When people say the Budman shooter coming they often wonder who was driving that weirdly colored scooter. It was a psychedelic explosion of colors; red, green, pink, blue. Whatever almost empty containers of pant Bud could find he put that color that was in those containers on the Budman scooter because he though he should use his money on more important things like better shoes or name brand socks.

He drove through the tunnel and onto the road and was off to downtown computer city which was two blocks away. And it seemed like forever to get there but, in reality it took all of two minutes but, those were fast driving to minutes. Let me tell you, and I will, and I just did. The day was calm and breezy and it was just before the sun went down and it was one of the most beautiful evenings Bud could remember except for when Bud went patrolling around the grocery store he heard shouting inside.

An older women in her mid-eighties was trying to cut in line in front of a gentlemen in his mid-20's who was built like a weightlifter and after seeing this miss match bud stepped in to protect the young man. The older woman was a menace and she had to be stopped as Bud saw it even though she could barely move without out the aid of her walker. After he got in between them he gave the woman a stern lecture about the improperness of her actions. She backed off and all was settled and he was glad that he did not have to heart anyone and could just use his words on this day.

He knew that on other days things would not be so easy. But today they were that easy. With order restored Budman rushed out into the street before the young man could issue a thank you. Bud did not want praise he want to help make the world a better place and that was it.

At a street corner he say a women struggling to push her food cart across the road she he jumped in to help. The women said nothing but, a think you after he helped her across road to the spot where she want to set up shop. And she also gave him a funny look when he walked away. Another good deed done Budman thought. And yes to the outside observer also it was a good deed but, not a great deed only good. The night was still you and he might accomplish that great deed tonight, who knows.

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