Wednesday, May 16, 2012

page 11, Buds best years

After compute lab there was crafting. Which was a misleading name. It would lead one to believe that the campers were to build picture frames with popscicle sticks or something of that nature. That was not what the class was about at all. The students were to build a desktop computer a month. The internet revolution was just begining and everyone wanted to own a dektop computer so why not have the kids learn how to build their own. AS witcomputer lap the campers were given a number whcih corrosponded to a number on a box. Thebox contained all the parts need to construct a state of the art desktop computer. The box had a motherbaord, sound card, video card, ISa cad, parallel port card, and computer case. The monitors were to be handed out after the computer were completed. So that they could be tested an the operatting systems and software could be installed.

The box was was a kit sold by star computer called student 1996 it made it easy for tommy to teach a class on crafts. So once all the campers were at their seats tommy said "Open the kit" and the campers were presented with electronics. Bud was astonished at what the insides of a computer contained. He knew building a compuer will be fun. So after all the campers had there kits open tommy teletype explained what all the parts were called and a little about what they did. And then he let the campers examine the contents of the box for the ramainder of crafting

Too some came the bell for lunch. Bud wanted to look at the computer parts some more but, theire would be other days. Lunch consisted of turkey sandwiches, baked potatoes, orange juice and a salad for desert. The next activity rock climbing was the most challenging camp activity. For this class Tommy teletype brought in a rockclimbing expet and she was familar to all the campers. Cynthia file in addition to being a computer expert was an expert rock climber. She show the campers the equipment that wasgoing to be used and show how to strap it on. Next she watched as everyone straped on their rock climbing equipment and helped anyone who needed it.

Thier was a indoor rockk climbing building on the camp grounds wherer the would spend time learning how to climbrock in complete safty. Which was where everone was now. Cynthia file demostated how to properly climb rock and then the sudents were asked if they had any questions. Snack time was here before anyone knew it.

For sncks there were carrot stciks and cheese, luchmeeet and halvs of watermellon. Then everone layed down for a short nap. The final class of the day was another computer lab. Which everyone was looking forward too. This time the studends were asked to write anouther hello program without asking for help. And they were also taught about variables and conditional statements, Logical operators, relationaloperators. Things were comming at bud fast and furius now. But it was no challenge she hewas familiar with programming. "I am proud of you campers" Tommy said at the way the absorbed the inforamtion so quickly. Soon the would be readin Ready source code and making their own programs. Dinner was a welcome reprieve from the learning of computer lab. It wasa long day and everyone was tired.

Dinner was served at 5:30 exactly. It was, chicken, potatoes, bread, butter, salad, for desert canned peaches. Free time was up next and everone ran and jumped. Some sat and read on their computer or wrote programs. Then bed time arrived and the lights went out. Most of the campers slept well. The camp had begun. The was a lot of fun to be had yet to come at camp software

page 11

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